Why Somali nationalism is Haram

A big issue in the diaspora that leads to deviancy, freemixing and kufr is nationalism. Nationalism is the cause of the downfall of Somalia, as in 1977 we invaded Ethiopia for an ethno-nationalist cause instead of an Islamic cause and we have since suffered from its consequences. Promotion of Somali music, the flying of Somalia flags and discriminating against non Somali muslims is all jahiliyah and one of the reasons Somalis today are so backwards in the diaspora. So many self proclaimed Somali nationalists on the internet are kuffar who promote the abandonment of Islam for waaqism and other pre Islamic pagan practices. The extreme promotion of the Somali identity often leads diaspora kids to believe the post 91 Islamic enlightenment in Somalia is fitnah, wishing we return to our former ways of sufism which often included lots of bid'ah. It is a very slippery slope.

Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah said: "Everything which is outside the call of Islaam and the Qur'aan, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and ways, then it is from the calls of jaahiliyyah. Indeed, even when the Muhaajirs (those Companions who migrated from Makkah to Madeenah) and the Ansaars (those Companions who aided and supported those who migrated) argued, such that one of the Muhaajirs said:" O Muhaajirs! (implying; rally to my aid) " And one of the Ansaar said: "O Ansaar!" Upon hearing this, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Is it with the calls of Jaahiliyyah that you call, and l am still amongst you!" And he became very angry at that."

We must be careful in the promotion of Somalism as a lot of deviancy comes with it.

“Somali nationalism is Haram” this you saying “the SNM were victorious”, in another thread….the SNM were an Ethiopian funded rebel group who invaded Somalia with Ethiopian forces & killed innocent Somalis in refugee camps.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Salafis ruined Somalia. Clannism ruined Somalia. Nationalism is the least of our issues.
Nah, the Khawarjis devastated Somalia. Salafis would never have accepted cooperating with kafirs and revolting against the leader like those rebels did against Siad Barre on the pretext of sowing division and a 30-year civil war.
Nationalism is only bad when it causes divisions amongst Muslims. Since Somalia is surrounded by kaffir countries, there is nothing with using nationalism as a way of uniting the country against the encroachments of our neighbors. In this case, Somali nationalism actually aids the cause of Islam as it encourages us defend and strengthen Muslim lands.
Speak with knowledge not emotions, has any scholar said "nationalism is only bad when it causes division amongst Muslims?" What will you answer to Allah with when asked why you made up a baseless fatwa ?


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
A big issue in the diaspora that leads to deviancy, freemixing and kufr is nationalism. Nationalism is the cause of the downfall of Somalia, as in 1977 we invaded Ethiopia for an ethno-nationalist cause instead of an Islamic cause and we have since suffered from its consequences. Promotion of Somali music, the flying of Somalia flags and discriminating against non Somali muslims is all jahiliyah and one of the reasons Somalis today are so backwards in the diaspora. So many self proclaimed Somali nationalists on the internet are kuffar who promote the abandonment of Islam for waaqism and other pre Islamic pagan practices. The extreme promotion of the Somali identity often leads diaspora kids to believe the post 91 Islamic enlightenment in Somalia is fitnah, wishing we return to our former ways of sufism which often included lots of bid'ah. It is a very slippery slope.

Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah said: "Everything which is outside the call of Islaam and the Qur'aan, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and ways, then it is from the calls of jaahiliyyah. Indeed, even when the Muhaajirs (those Companions who migrated from Makkah to Madeenah) and the Ansaars (those Companions who aided and supported those who migrated) argued, such that one of the Muhaajirs said:" O Muhaajirs! (implying; rally to my aid) " And one of the Ansaar said: "O Ansaar!" Upon hearing this, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Is it with the calls of Jaahiliyyah that you call, and l am still amongst you!" And he became very angry at that."

We must be careful in the promotion of Somalism as a lot of deviancy comes with it.
Whats there to be nationalist about? How can one be nationalist for a country so far down a rabbit hole that even its people run from it. Shit needs to change, maybe then we can talk about nationalism
“Somali nationalism is Haram” this you saying “the SNM were victorious”, in another thread….the SNM were an Ethiopian funded rebel group who invaded Somalia with Ethiopian forces & killed innocent Somalis in refugee camps. View attachment 300389View attachment 300388
You tried drawing a connection and failed miserably. SNM winning is documented history and acknowledging it has nothing to do with the post I just made lol
Salafiyyah is Khawarij in disguise. The only difference is that one uses violence while the other hesitates to use violence.
Then you don't understand meaning of Salafiyyah, following the quran and sunnah upon understanding of the salaf isn't khurooj, Fear Allah and don't speak without knowledge you'll regret it
@Al Adnani How despicable of you to use the deen to push your personal beliefs/agenda :pacspit:

If you were sincere, your title would've said 'why nationalism is haram' instead of 'why Somali nationalism is haram'. But I guess it doesn't suit your profile since you spend 90% of your time promoting Arab nationalism and wish for the Somali identity to disappear. Nice try tho :mjlaugh:
@Al Adnani How despicable of you to use the deen to push your personal beliefs/agenda :pacspit:

If you were sincere, your title would've said 'why nationalism is haram' instead of 'why Somali nationalism is haram'. But I guess it doesn't suit your profile since you spend 90% of your time promoting Arab nationalism and wish for the Somali identity to disappear. Nice try tho :mjlaugh:
Nationalism is haram but this is a somali forum with majority somali users who believe somali nationalism is somehow tied to islam. This post was made in good faith as I was addressing them
Nationalism is haram but this is a somali forum with majority somali users who believe somali nationalism is somehow tied to islam. This post was made in good faith as I was addressing them

And I addressed you specifically since you spend a good amount of time on this site, pushing for us to adopt Arab identity/nationalism. Why not practice what you teach then?

While you're at it, do also denounce Arab nationalism just like you do with Somali nationalism?
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A big issue in the diaspora that leads to deviancy, freemixing and kufr is nationalism. Nationalism is the cause of the downfall of Somalia, as in 1977 we invaded Ethiopia for an ethno-nationalist cause instead of an Islamic cause and we have since suffered from its consequences. Promotion of Somali music, the flying of Somalia flags and discriminating against non Somali muslims is all jahiliyah and one of the reasons Somalis today are so backwards in the diaspora. So many self proclaimed Somali nationalists on the internet are kuffar who promote the abandonment of Islam for waaqism and other pre Islamic pagan practices. The extreme promotion of the Somali identity often leads diaspora kids to believe the post 91 Islamic enlightenment in Somalia is fitnah, wishing we return to our former ways of sufism which often included lots of bid'ah. It is a very slippery slope.

Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah said: "Everything which is outside the call of Islaam and the Qur'aan, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and ways, then it is from the calls of jaahiliyyah. Indeed, even when the Muhaajirs (those Companions who migrated from Makkah to Madeenah) and the Ansaars (those Companions who aided and supported those who migrated) argued, such that one of the Muhaajirs said:" O Muhaajirs! (implying; rally to my aid) " And one of the Ansaar said: "O Ansaar!" Upon hearing this, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Is it with the calls of Jaahiliyyah that you call, and l am still amongst you!" And he became very angry at that."

We must be careful in the promotion of Somalism as a lot of deviancy comes with it.
Somali nationalism was a reaction against Crusader ocupation over historic Islamic lands.even AS who reject nationalism, invoke Somalism because it goes hand and hand with Islam.


Somali nationalism was a reaction against Crusader ocupation over historic Islamic lands.even AS who reject nationalism, invoke Somalism because it goes hand and hand with Islam.
The Somali identity and Islam are intertwined. The near millennium struggle against the Gaal who grow closer to out lands defined the Somali people. The Europeans only aided the continued gaal incursions into Somalia until the infidels finally got a foothold on the Somali peninsula in the form of Galbeed and NFD.

To be a Somali Wadani is to fight for the continuation of Islam and the Somali identity which is tied to it in our lands. Somalis are a sovereign self governing people's trapped in a sea of Gaalos.

How can you be a Wadani and be against Islam? Religion is what Distinguished Somalis from the Gaal. You cannot be a Gaal and a Somali. The Somali Struggle is a Religious one.
And I addressed you specifically since you spend a good amount of time on this site, pushing for us to adopt Arab identity/nationalism. Why not practice what you teach then?

While you're at it, do also denounce Arab nationalism just like you do with Somali nationalism?
Somali nationalism is a form of Arab nationalism so of course I denounce it lol. You people think I hate anything Somali or smth
Somali nationalism is a form of Arab nationalism so of course I denounce it lol. You people think I hate anything Somali or smth

Not that you hate Somali, but since you’ve engaged in Arab related topics in which you’ve also made dubious remarks about Somali identity, I asked to see if held the same opinions. But good that you’re consistent 👍
Islamic republics are so annoying, because the "most virtues" becomes the leader but also the leader is the "most virtues". its kind of an oxymoron, no one can criticize him because of their virtue, but the very nature of leadership needs to be critiqued, its a total race to the bottom.

I'd rather take an ethno-state, rather than a Arabized society that glorifies skin bleaching and self-hate.
Course its haram. Its the most obvious haram. You can even read the comments and see people using nationalism to excuse massacres how low they are

