Why the Hijab should be banned!

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As we all know hijab banning is a topic in many countries nowadays. I as a secularist and a culturalist support the banning of hijab for two reasons:

* muslim countries dictate on how western women should be dressed while they are in muslim countries in most cases. Look for instance Somalia, saudia and Iran. So why should muslimahs be allowed to wear that towel on their head in the west? Intergrate or move to the desert simple!

* A secular society should be free from any religious symbols and the hijab serves as a symbol thus giving legitimacy to the radical muslims to further their dream of global islam.
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Queen of the light
My god though isn't the west all about freedom to express ones opinion and beliefs ? We're not the Chinese, let people wear whatever they want. What I mostly disagree with however is when these hijabi girls look down on those who don't wear it. Or think they're are hollier than thou just because they wear a garment over their heads. I'm glad here in the west you don't get stoned to death for Falling outside the religious equation we're not an Islamic state yet thankfully.
My god though isn't the west all about freedom to express ones opinion and beliefs ? We're not the Chinese, let people wear whatever they want. What I mostly disagree with however is when these hijabi girls look down on those who don't wear it. Or think they're are hollier than thou just because they wear a garment over their heads. I'm glad here in the west you don't get stoned to death for Falling outside the religious equation we're not an Islamic state yet thankfully.

Most Hijabi girls do not look down upon non-hijabis, if anything they are accepting and are of good nature..
My god though isn't the west all about freedom to express ones opinion and beliefs ? We're not the Chinese, let people wear whatever they want. What I mostly disagree with however is when these hijabi girls look down on those who don't wear it. Or think they're are hollier than thou just because they wear a garment over their heads. I'm glad here in the west you don't get stoned to death for Falling outside the religious equation we're not an Islamic state yet thankfully.

The freedom values of the west are based on secular ideals and not religious ones. So anyone who falls short of that should not receive special treatment mate.


Queen of the light
Most Hijabi girls do not look down upon non-hijabis, if anything they are accepting and are of good nature..
I am just glad that we don't stone people to death in the west or throw gays off buildings, accept child brides and obey strict segregation laws, a dream for these ISIS or salafi nut jobs, their poisonous ideology is a toxic form of practice to any nation. Often Funded by oil money to intoxicate weak minded individuals, sad times we live in.
Only ninja outfits should be banned. Banning hijabs is against human rights and morally wrong.

But they should be closely monitored by the authorities if they are not Shia or nondenominational


Queen of the light
Only ninja outfits should be banned. Banning hijabs is against human rights and morally wrong.

But they should be closely monitored by the authorities.
But, but Ninja outfits decrease rape because men can't control their urges and behave like silly little baboons ?


Queen of the light
They can also be worn by male rapists who can't control their urges and behave like silly little baboons
I'm being sarcastic my dear, modest women believe by covering themselves up like a ninja they will be free from rape, they do not understand the complexities or the nature behind why rapist exist. They believe it stems from wearing short skirts or walking the streets looking like a hooker that drive men to commit these atrocities. they make men out to be beasts which cannot control their urges. As a consequence labelling them as primates who are ready to hump any women which shows even a wrist to their insatiably lustful eyes. They degrade men as weak minded baboons who cannot control their urges like normal human beings.
1. Western countries that are based on democracy and all of that are not going to shift their policies based on what Muslim countries do. For ex. Canada has a charter of rights and freedoms - if a Muslim country stops women from not wearing hijab that doesn't change that. Also, you've only named a few countries but there are a ton of Muslim countries where non-Muslims are free to dress as they please.

2. I don't think that is inline with the definition of a secular country.
Why would i change it? Dont shove your radical islamic views on me!

Nothing is supposed to be funny.. i meant what i said and i said what i meant:dabcasar:
Warya, is that all you've got? So wearing the hijab is radical now? Yaab. Your trolling skills are basic, your whole premise is basic and honestly your existence is basic. Cool down now, little man.


Pepe Trump
Although I'm a staunch secularist myself, I must say that I absolutely disagree with any suggestion or even attempts to outlaw the hijab completely. One could make arguments for certain exceptions as in not allowing children until a certain age to wear the hijab in schools or the banning of all religious symbols in all government buildings, however I do not support a total ban. You must understand that secularism is the separation of church and state which means that religious beliefs are to be separate from state affairs, this doesn't mean that the people should be told what they can and cannot wear in the name of secularism. Secular democracy is built on secular values which are further strengthened by democratic ideas of freedom of speech, religion, privacy, expression and so on. Religion must be separate from the state but that says nothing about the people.
How come when somalis turn atheist, they immediately begin to attack the religion? I have also seen muslims who utter similar BS regarding the hijab. How many years has the west been screaming that women are oppressed and forced to wear it only to find out that in the west, where no one can force anyone to do anything many muslim women wear the hijab willingly.
Why should we allow women to dress in bekinis if we aren't going to give muslim women the same right to choose to dress modestly?
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