Why the Hijab should be banned!

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I am just glad that we don't stone people to death in the west or throw gays off buildings, accept child brides and obey strict segregation laws, a dream for these ISIS or salafi nut jobs, their poisonous ideology is a toxic form of practice to any nation. Often Funded by oil money to intoxicate weak minded individuals, sad times we live in.
Are you dumb? Why do you keep mentioning that shit, you keep regurgitating the same shit said by cadaan people on that CBC facebook page :draketf:
Secular ideas led to the holocaust. I think it's dangerous to have extreme beliefs in any ideology. So called secular ideologies can become oppressive once we start forcing people to act, dress and think only a certain way. People should have the freedom to be who/what they want to be as long as it doesn't negatively impact someone else's human rights.
The freedom values of the west are based on secular ideals and not religious ones. So anyone who falls short of that should not receive special treatment mate.
Exactly. One can argue ography is oppressive to women. My theory is let women make the decisions regarding their life and give them agency by educating them and providing them the exact same opportunities that men have. It's time women decided what to do with their lives and bodies.
How come when somalis turn atheist, they immediately begin to attack the religion? I have also seen muslims who utter similar BS regarding the hijab. How many years has the west been screaming that women are oppressed and forced to wear it only to find out that in the west, where no one can force anyone to do anything many muslim women wear the hijab willingly.
Why should we allow women to dress in bekinis if we aren't going to give muslim women the same right to choose to dress modestly?
Secular ideas led to the holocaust. I think it's dangerous to have extreme beliefs in any ideology. So called secular ideologies can become oppressive once we start forcing people to act, dress and think only a certain way. People should have the freedom to be who/what they want to be as long as it doesn't negatively impact someone else's human rights.
The holocaust as of today is not Proven that it has happened besides Im not saying kill muslims just saying hijab is not western concept and shouldn't be one.
Exactly. One can argue ography is oppressive to women. My theory is let women make the decisions regarding their life and give them agency by educating them and providing them the exact same opportunities that men have. It's time women decided what to do with their lives and bodies.
I agree to an extent.


Pepe Trump
Secular ideas led to the holocaust. I think it's dangerous to have extreme beliefs in any ideology. So called secular ideologies can become oppressive once we start forcing people to act, dress and think only a certain way. People should have the freedom to be who/what they want to be as long as it doesn't negatively impact someone else's human rights.

:ileycry: Are you serious?!

This must be by far one of the craziest shit I have heard in a while. Please, elaborate?
It was a modern, scientific racism form of anti-semitism that led to the holocaust. It had no real religious motivations aside from scientific , biologically rooted racism. Furthermore, if you look at athiesm that was imposed on nations in the 20th century, you'll find that it resulted in millions of people being murdered. Look at regimes like Stalin's or Pol Pot's. Secularism isn't the same as humanism. People usually confuse the two, assuming that anything secular isn't cruel or brutal when evidence proves otherwise.
:ileycry: Are you serious?!

This must be by far one of the craziest shit I have heard in a while. Please, elaborate?
Take religion out of the equation.
The hijab is pretty, alot of people like it. It saves you time in the morning and can complete your outfit. The right hijab will complement your skin tone and add the final touch to your look.
If you have frizzy hair, hijab will cover that. If you have a fat forehead, no worries, hijabs got you sorted. Bad haircut? Same thing.
I'm being sarcastic my dear, modest women believe by covering themselves up like a ninja they will be free from rape, they do not understand the complexities or the nature behind why rapist exist. They believe it stems from wearing short skirts or walking the streets looking like a hooker that drive men to commit these atrocities. they make men out to be beasts which cannot control their urges. As a consequence labelling them as primates who are ready to hump any women which shows even a wrist to their insatiably lustful eyes. They degrade men as weak minded baboons who cannot control their urges like normal human beings.
I'm pretty sure that's not what modest women think. Clothes is just fabric to rapist that they can easily dispose of. And why's everyone coming for modest 'ninja' women.


Pepe Trump
It was a modern, scientific racism form of anti-semitism that led to the holocaust. It had no real religious motivations aside from scientific , biologically rooted racism. Furthermore, if you look at athiesm that was imposed on nations in the 20th century, you'll find that it resulted in millions of people being murdered. Look at regimes like Stalin's or Pol Pot's. Secularism isn't the same as humanism. People usually confuse the two, assuming that anything secular isn't cruel or brutal when evidence proves otherwise.

This is highly confused, secularism and atheism are indifferent and thus cannot be held accountable for actions they neither condone or condemn. Secularism is the separation of church and state whilst atheism is the mere lack of belief in any deities, which means that no underlying doctrine or set of beliefs can be found which gives any justification for the actions of the perpetrators (neither have any doctrine at all). Moreover, I find this argument to be a highly hypocritical one considering that Muslims hate their religion to be held accountable for actions they claim has been condemned by it. Anyone can murder millions in the name of secularism or atheism, but in order for it to be valid their must be some form of doctrine that justifies the connection and none exist. Same points apply for science. Science is a method and thus can be used to justify anything but rather the method itself is indifferent.
The freedom values of the west are based on secular ideals and not religious ones. So anyone who falls short of that should not receive special treatment mate.

You must be the new drunkard looking for some fame. I assure you, it won't be too long before you lose face and see the reality of your ignorance.. This is a warning shot.
You must be the new drunkard looking for some fame. I assure you, it won't be too long before you lose face and see the reality of your ignorance.. This is a warning shot.

Horta to clarify things Im not a kaafir But a secular muslim/culturalist and maybe more of a culturalist than a secularist! I dont drink for good reasons and if i wanted fame i would be claiming gay like abdijohnson or atheist like the xalimos in here and go to the leftist media. Im only against hijab because it is more of an arab thing than it is islam... caspici?
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Horta to clarify things Im not a kaafir But a secular muslim/culturalist and maybe more of a culturalist than a secularist! I dont drink for good reasons and if i wanted fame i would be claiming gay like abdijohnson or atheist like the xalimos in here and go to the leftist media. Im only against hijab because it is more an arab thing than it is islam... caspici?

Still ignorant. It is non of your business what women choose to wear. Instead of a guy dictating the manner and method of clothing, it is simply their choice. Especially when women tell you its their choice. If you are secular, then stay out of women's dress issues dude. That is more manly.

To force a woman to dress is the same as to force her to not dress as she wants. That is why Hijab is purely female choice. To put on one, or NOT TO PUT ON ONE, it is no man's business.

If you ban it, you are similar to the Taliban or to any religious extreme group who force women to dress certain manners. You are only the opposite and doing it to humiliate a woman who wants to don the hijab. No difference. Calling yourself secular won't give you distinction of good.
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Still ignorant. It is non of your business what women chose to wear. Instead of a guy dictating the manner and method of clothing, it is simply their choice. Especially when women tell you its their choice. If you are secular, then stay out of women's dress issues dude. That is more manly.

To force a woman to dress is the same as to force her to not dress as she wants. That is why Hijab is purely female choice. To put on one, or NOT TO PUT ON ONE, it is no man's business.

Why is it not a choice for others when is they are in islamic countries then why do they have to look dress like the muslimahs??
Horta to clarify things Im not a kaafir But a secular muslim/culturalist and maybe more of a culturalist than a secularist! I dont drink for good reasons and if i wanted fame i would be claiming gay like abdijohnson or atheist like the xalimos in here and go to the leftist media. Im only against hijab because it is more of an arab thing than it is islam... caspici?
Culturally did somali women not cover their heads after marriage? (Shaash) are you against that too ?
Why is it not a choice for others when is they are in islamic countries then why do they have to look dress like the muslimahs??

Being in particular country does not negate a woman's right to dress as she sees fit for her comfort and beliefs etc. And you should not ask women to fit certain mold and expectations because they aren't your property. Find a woman you can dictate to actually who is willing to tow your line. See how far you get with women.

PS: Dressing modestly in any culture is universal. So no sane woman would attend to office work in a bikini anywhere.. There is standard even in the west.
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