Turkey is a gaal state they are competing with the gaalo trying to out do them in gaalinimo by banning hijabs from universities.
I bet you don't mind help from Gaal states.

Turkey is a gaal state they are competing with the gaalo trying to out do them in gaalinimo by banning hijabs from universities.
Shariah or bust
I know, I hope you got the gist.The Hijab ban was lifted by Erdogan's administration.
Are you talking about the colonialist west that plundered and pillaged the wealth of the rest of the world?I bet you don't mind help from Gaal states.
You don't know much about the shariah I'm not at all surprised since you're a shia go cut yourself for hassan and husseinYour bust is mine under Shariah, concubine.
It's interesting that you speak so contemptuously of the grandsons of our beloved prophet. I would happily give my life for his family. Find a new insult effendi.You don't know much about the shariah I'm not at all surprised since you're a shia go cut yourself for hassan and hussein
Are you talking about the colonialist west that plundered and pillaged the wealth of the rest of the world?
You would give your life to men? who were Hassan and hussein? Were they prophets? Or Allah?It's interesting that you speak so contemptuously of the grandsons of our beloved prophet. I would happily give my life for his family. Find a new insult effendi.
Al shabaab are anti shariah they are called khawrij the prophet may Allah be pleased with him has warned us about them they're zealots who made the blood of other Muslims permissible.Somalis are strange man. You don't want Al shabaab running the country but you want sharia, you accept help from secular states but don't want to be like them I'm confused wallahi
Al shabaab are anti shariah they are called khawrij the prophet may Allah be pleased with him has warned us about them they're zealots who made the blood of other Muslims permissible.
The west is secular Whereas as Muslims its incompent upon us to adhere to the shariah we are obliged to govern using divine law as opposed to manmade laws
I would give my life to protect the family of the greatest man who ever lived. If you think that's shameful, join our friends @ArchBishopofAtheism and @Shamis. Pretty sure they think it's a waste of time as well.You would give your life to men? who were Hassan and hussein? Were they prophets? Or Allah?
There's no country in the world today that implements the shariah in its totality.Then I agree. Can you name me a model country you'd emulate?
Hassan and hussein were men just like you and I why you elevate them as if they were prophet Muhammad himself is beyond me I think the Quran is clear that prophet Muhammad was the last messenger of Allah not Hassan and husseinI would give my life to protect the family of the greatest man who ever lived. If you think that's shameful, join our friends @ArchBishopofAtheism and @Shamis. Pretty sure they think it's a waste of time as well.
Yazid was a good man - I don't share the Shia hostility to him one bit - but what happened in Karbala was a low point in Islamic history. The fact you have made a joke out of it says something very profound about your iman. I doubt the prophet would be laughing at the killing of his family.
Allah doesn't need you to die for him. He can protect himself.
More to the point, the killing of the prophet's grandchildren, his cousin Ali, and of major sahaba such as Uthman ibn Affan is a proof that we need secularism: If the greatest Muslims ever to walk the earth, the very companions of the prophet who ate with him, prayed with him, and fought with him, could not agree on politics and religion without slaughtering each other, then the only way to protect Islam from bloodshed and fitna is to give everyone the freedom to think, say, believe, and act as they want so long as they harm nobody. This is the message of the Quran. Politics is more dangerous to religion than anything else, and they should be kept strictly apart.
Yes, it's a test, and it's a test that you have failed. Disease is a test as well, but there's a cure for it. It's called medicine. The cure for civil war and violence is for everyone to stay out of the business of everyone else, which is what Allah says in numerous verses, and what secularism is all about. Lakum deenakum wa liya deen. That's secularism in a nutshell.Hassan and hussein were men just like you and I why you elevate them as if they were prophet Muhammad himself is beyond me I think the Quran is clear that prophet Muhammad was the last messenger of Allah not Hassan and hussein
Regarding the trials and tribulations the Muslims face is a test from Allah surely Allah tests those he loves best.
Hassan and Hussein RA were Ahlul Bayt, leaders of the youth in Jannah and among the ten promised. They are the best of the Sahaba. They were far above us. Don't disrespect them.Hassan and hussein were men just like you and I why you elevate them as if they were prophet Muhammad himself is beyond me I think the Quran is clear that prophet Muhammad was the last messenger of Allah not Hassan and hussein
Regarding the trials and tribulations the Muslims face is a test from Allah surely Allah tests those he loves best.
How could Hassan and hussein be better than some of the companions of the prophet like cumar & abubakr who were promised paradise by Allah while they were still alive? How could you compare the companions of the prophet such as cumar ibn al khattab who spread Islamic caliphate and captured Persia Rome (Constantinople) & Jerusalem? What have Hassan and hussein do for Islam? Sure the messenger loved them but does that mean they're to be revered like as if they were prophets of Allah? Certainly not unlike shia we don't worship the prophets family we worship AllahHassan and Hussein RA were Ahlul Bayt, leaders of the youth in Jannah and among the ten promised. They are the best of the Sahaba. They were far above us. Don't disrespect them.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took Hasan and Husain by the hand and said: ‘Whoever loves me and loves these two, and their father and mother, he shall be with me in my level on the Day of Judgement.”