Will he survive?

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The gov will fail. Mark my words. Save this post for future reference.

Maxay kuu tartay hadhee dowladda dhacdo? Maxaa kaa helaysaa?

If you think you will continue with your previous moryaan ways and steal from starving women and children, think again. This isn't 1990s or early 00s anymore, world politics have changed and the world has turned it's eye onto Somalia, if you think we have a choice to be the failed state, whereby warlords were putting in isbaaro, then forget it. The world has taken the choice of mooryanism away from you. Either Somalis stop the qabyaalad and build a fair and free country or the vultures will take over our country and we will all be slaves, that includes your precious hiraab. You want the president to be from you tribe so much, you forget that If we Somalis don't get our act together soon, there won't ever be another Somali president at all, nevermind a "hiraab" one.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
CCC was the only PM who lasted more than a year (2 years, 3 months) since the establishment of the FGS, the rest got switched within a year.
Most of the MPs who are wailing about Kheyre are incompetent fools with no educational background, they're hiding under the shade of qabiil.

You and people like you have to make a choice. Either Xamar is the capital for all Somalis or it isn't
You're making it sound as though @Warsheekh who's a diasporan bathing in the fine luxuries of the west is a spokesman of Xamar.
Or as though there are gated checkpoints around Banaadir only letting in Hawiyes rofl, the people of Xamar put their qaran before their qabiil.
Qabyaalad is frowned upon back home, most of the people who spew this nonsense are those who fled to the west or those who were born there.

I say this as one of the most optimistic wadani, but if your people keep up with these qabyaalad antics, then you will lose even people like me.
Though I agree with your sentiments as a whole you're sort of making it seem like qabyaalad is exclusive to @Warsheekh / Hawiyes which
isn't really true, if the PM and the President were switched you'd find tons of Mareexaans who'd be unhappy. It's backward Somali mentality.

Bunch of qabiilists on an online forum shouldn't really be shaking your wadaninimo.
Optimism isn't bad but you'll need to be realistic too and realise that qabyaalad and it's forms will be around.
CCC was the only PM who lasted more than a year (2 years, 3 months) since the establishment of the FGS, the rest got switched within a year.
Most of the MPs who are wailing about Kheyre are incompetent fools with no educational background, they're hiding under the shade of qabiil.

You're making it sound as though @Warsheekh who's a diasporan bathing in the fine luxuries of the west is a spokesman of Xamar.
Or as though there are gated checkpoints around Banaadir only letting in Hawiyes rofl, the people of Xamar put their qaran before their qabiil.
Qabyaalad is frowned upon back home, most of the people who spew this nonsense are those who fled to the west or those who were born there.

Though I agree with your sentiments as a whole you're sort of making it seem like qabyaalad is exclusive to @Warsheekh / Hawiyes which
isn't really true, if the PM and the President were switched you'd find tons of Mareexaans who'd be unhappy. It's backward Somali mentality.

Bunch of qabiilists on an online forum shouldn't really be shaking your wadaninimo.
Optimism isn't bad but you'll need to be realistic too and realise that qabyaalad and it's forms will be around.

Firstly I've never said or implied that qabyaalad is exclusive to Hawiye. In fact I never even mentioned the word Hawiye at all.

It isn't the qabilist online that are "shaking" my wadanimo . What will destroy it for me and millions of Somalis is though if the incompetent fools; as you put it, succeed in destroying this administration. That will show that once again qabyalaad has won in Somalia, and that's the day I will support the breaking away of Somalia. It will be adios from there on.
Maxay kuu tartay hadhee dowladda dhacdo? Maxaa kaa helaysaa?

If you think you will continue with your previous moryaan ways and steal from starving women and children, think again. This isn't 1990s or early 00s anymore, world politics have changed and the world has turned it's eye onto Somalia, if you think we have a choice to be the failed state, whereby warlords were putting in isbaaro, then forget it. The world has taken the choice of mooryanism away from you. Either Somalis stop the qabyaalad and build a fair and free country or the vultures will take over our country and we will all be slaves, that includes your precious hiraab. You want the president to be from you tribe so much, you forget that If we Somalis don't get our act together soon, there won't ever be another Somali president at all, nevermind a "hiraab" one.
Maskiiin. This has little to do with me wanting presidency for My Clan. I was anti HSM too and he was Abgaal. So fock outta here. This gov is Damjadiid 2,0 and the nepotism going on atm is mindblowing.

Everytime this gov gets criticized ppl are labelled mooryaan, nabad-diid lmao. Y'all accused hsm of corruption and bribes. Farmajo scoared a record in bribes in somali history when he won the election. I remember many here making excuses saying " it's for the greater good" :mjlol:

Remember Farmajo got only 10 votes in 2012 election. That itself says alot. :chrisfreshhah:
If true that is absolutely terrible news, ictisaam is a faux religious group made up of the greatest bunch of fitnah lovers with their head quarters based in Garowe, it's the same old toothless elitist group that corrupted barre which lead to his demise, they are being funded externally by the UAE.

That same shameless group went on a tour all over Europe in a religious facade pretending to represent darood as a clan the same way that fake boqor the other day did while in reality their entire hierarchy comes from the same elitist bermuda fitnah triangle.

They came asking the innocent Hawiye wadaads to offer a public apology using all kinds of emotional tactics for what occurred in the 90's most of it made up stories while totally ignoring the 60/70/80's atrocities that lead to this.

The entire Abgaal wadaads in our city including Xawaadle, Saleeban, Ceyr all fell for this until they got to your Abtiyaal's and they were re-soundly humiliated and my father spearheaded this, they even shamelessly used miskeenka Sheikh Shariif (crying to him about all kinds of made up stories what happened in Gaalkacayo which shariif wouldn't know) Their whole plan was for Miskeenka Sheikh Shariif to lead the apology but this required consensus which backfired.

Their goals here were very simple, it's the same old tactic they successfully achieved during the Kacaan after SSDF to use the Darood card for their own political ambitions which lead to the kacaan collapse, this was thwarted, but their prime goal here was for those wadaads to come public with this faux apology and they almost made that possible had it not been for the fight back from your reer abti's, had they succeeded it would have been game-over.

Kheyre is a million times better then any stooge candidate put forward by UAE sponsored Garowe produced chaos loving Ictisaam, at the moment they have a HG stooge and a Abgaal one on standby, if they succeed in this two things will happen.

1) Farmaajo will be toast unless he sides with Saudi/UAE and kicks Turkey out from Xamar, which is what the Ictisaam fitnah group always wanted (collapse Xamar/Koonfur like the old days so they could profit of it & possibly move the capital as a Plan B)

2) If Farmaajo goes with this plan the people will rise up against him backed by Turkey, if he sticks to his gun, they will use a motion against him to remove him, you will have the same President/PM bust up scenario, which ever way you look at this he is toast.

You could be looking at a civil war scenario here which is what this cancerous fitnah loving group had always been after, this time they are coming disguised as a faux religious group.

Sometimes you hate something which carries a lot of good for you sxb, because you have no idea whats on the other side of that door waiting to come down on you as a sledge hammer.
:chrisfreshhah: this nigga sees us everywhere
Waxaan waa caadi, what do you expect from people who had nothing to do with each other before 1960? plus a gap of 25 yrs without a goverment? Farmaajo/keyre look like a good team but its unfortunate the colonial project will always fail. :kanyeshrug:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Firstly I've never said or implied that qabyaalad is exclusive to Hawiye. In fact I never even mentioned the word Hawiye at all.

It isn't the qabilist online that are "shaking" my wadanimo . What will destroy it for me and millions of Somalis is though if the incompetent fools; as you put it, succeed in destroying this administration. That will show that once again qabyalaad has won in Somalia, and that's the day I will support the breaking away of Somalia. It will be adios from there on.
There wasn't much to follow up on, you kept throwing around you and you're and what not, if that wasn't the angle you were hooping from
then you have my apologies. From my point of view it's a bootleg administration until we have a fully functioning centralised government free
of nepotism, jaajuuso and dhabodhilifnimo since we have MPs who report back to Kenya/Ethiopia and regions who bypass Farmaajo.

People back home benefit or gain f*ck all from belonging to the same qabiil as a PM/MP or the President himself, Somali kuraas Olympics make
no sense whatsoever especially if you've set your whole life up in the west. I could care less of how many of the seats is held by HG or what qabiil the PM/President is from. The swamp has to be drained, positions have to be given out to those who have the aqoon deemed necessary.

I want nothing but peace, prosperity, equity, security and good fortune for my people and my country, even if a Jinn is spearheading it I'll be there to back it. Somalis under one nation, one flag, one force to be reckoned with oo is garab istaagan against their cadows is something I'd like to witness before peacing out of this world.
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Maskiiin. This has little to do with me wanting presidency for My Clan. I was anti HSM too and he was Abgaal. So fock outta here. This gov is Damjadiid 2,0 and the nepotism going on atm is mindblowing.

Everytime this gov gets criticized ppl are labelled mooryaan, nabad-diid lmao. Y'all accused hsm of corruption and bribes. Farmajo scoared a record in bribes in somali history when he won the election. I remember many here making excuses saying " it's for the greater good" :mjlol:

Remember Farmajo got only 10 votes in 2012 election. That itself says alot. :chrisfreshhah:

If this has nothing to do with your clan, then why did you spend 10+ pages crying about how you clan was "only" given the foreign minister position. That all the other ministerial positions went to people from another clan?
There wasn't much to follow up on, you kept throwing around you and you're and what not, if that wasn't the angle you were hooping from
then you have my apologies. From my point of view it's a bootleg administration until we have a fully functioning centralised government free
of nepotism, jaajuuso and dhabodhilifnimo since we have MPs who report back to Kenya/Ethiopia and regions who bypass Farmaajo.

People back home benefit or gain f*ck all from belonging to the same qabiil as a PM/MP or the President himself, Somali kuraas Olympics make
no sense whatsoever especially if you've set your whole life up in the west. I could care less of how many of the seats is held by HG or what qabiil the PM/President is from. The swamp has to be drained, positions have to be given out to those who have the aqoon deemed necessary.

I want nothing but peace, prosperity, equity, security and good fortune for my people and my country, even if a Jinn is spearheading it I'll be there to back it. Somalis under one nation, one flag, one force to be reckoned with oo is garab istaagan against their cadows is something I'd like to witness before peacing out of this world.

When I said you, I was talking about warsheekh and people with his mindset.

I agree with everything you said, however Rome wasn't built in one day. Despite my disaproval of HSM I would take him 100% over the mooryans who held us hostage from 1990s till the ICU. I still see HSM an improvement to those years, and this administration needs to be given a chance. Gradually you will see Somalia become glorious, but this will only happen through dialogue and true democracy.
If this has nothing to do with your clan, then why did you spend 10+ pages crying about how you clan was "only" given the foreign minister position. That all the other ministerial positions went to people from another clan?
you are mixing oil with water here. You accused me of wanting presidency for my clan. When i explained you are trying something else. In case you didn't know Somalia power sharing is through 4,5. I believe my clan got underrepresented. We have hundreds of ppl if not thousands who are educated and fit for the job. When puntland cut the contact with SFG for being underrepresented they weren't called Qabilists, mooryaan, nabad-diid and what not. the gov reached them and asked them what they wanted and they got it to make them happy. Thats how a real gov acts. As a muwaadin somaliyeed i have the right to talk about things i feel is not fair. It's my constitional right.

NOW what should the SFG do? They should talk to every qabiil create cordial relations. Invite the odayaal listen to what they have to say. Not scream ''dowlad-diid'' and ''Mooryaan'' and what not. Why do the most subjugated clans( rahanwein,bantu, duduble) in somalia have the most suicide bombers? It's because the level of xaqdaro coming from dowladda. And Al shabab are smart for using that.

The Daacish leader in Puntland Abdulqadir Muumin got his son killed wrongfully by puntland militia and when he couldn't get his justice he joined Al shabab and eventually Daacish. There are hundreds cases like this in somalia. The gov should take care of it's citizens not antagonize them
you are mixing oil with water here. You accused me of wanting presidency for my clan. When i explained you are trying something else. In case you didn't know Somalia power sharing is through 4,5. I believe my clan got underrepresented. We have hundreds of ppl if not thousands who are educated and fit for the job. When puntland cut the contact with SFG for being underrepresented they weren't called Qabilists, mooryaan, nabad-diid and what not. the gov reached them and asked them what they wanted and they got it to make them happy. Thats how a real gov acts. As a muwaadin somaliyeed i have the right to talk about things i feel is not fair. It's my constitional right.

NOW what should the SFG do? They should talk to every qabiil create cordial relations. Invite the odayaal listen to what they have to say. Not scream ''dowlad-diid'' and ''Mooryaan'' and what not. Why do the most subjugated clans( rahanwein,bantu, duduble) in somalia have the most suicide bombings??

There is a fundamental difference between you and I. This is the difference between a qabilist and non-qabilist. I don't care about the tribe the person comes from as long as they are wadani and competent. When you say there are thousands of your people who are fit for the job, do you think you guys are the only ones. When you cite the previous issue with puntland and HSM, have you not noticed that this a new administration? Maybe this administration is trying to give jobs based on merit and not on tribes and won't succumb to certain factions crying about how they weren't given lots of cabinet positions. Give this new government your support, give them time and a fair short at things before you start complaining. I did this for both Sheikh Sharif and HSM. Come back in 4 years time, then we can talk. However to try to undermine a new government is wrong.
Farmaajo angered a certain community after kicking their shemales out of the army and saying their nasty food isn't needed in Villa Somalia any longer. :chrisfreshhah:
When I said you, I was talking about warsheekh and people with his mindset.

I agree with everything you said, however Rome wasn't built in one day. Despite my disaproval of HSM I would take him 100% over the mooryans who held us hostage from 1990s till the ICU. I still see HSM an improvement to those years, and this administration needs to be given a chance. Gradually you will see Somalia become glorious, but this will only happen through dialogue and true democracy.

His uncle lost the presidency race and was corrupted ambassador of Kenya in 2011. His name was Americo.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Somalia general editor said that sharmarke 'S signature was in the approval pappers. You can find the thread in politic section (date last February)
The boqor of dhulbhante can say cc signed the papers but that don't mean nothing without evidence.

I have actually seen the paper and ccc signature is nowhere to be found so I'll reiterate bring forward your evidence or remain quite hearsay is not classed as evidence :comeon:

Just because your leader Cali Khalif is a somalidiid a somalilander now and despises people from Puntland state of Somalia you shouldn't follow suit:camby:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
He's gone by the end of summer like I said.
CCC was the only PM who lasted more than a year (2 years, 3 months) since the establishment of the FGS, the rest got switched within a year.
Most of the MPs who are wailing about Kheyre are incompetent fools with no educational background, they're hiding under the shade of qabiil.

You're making it sound as though @Warsheekh who's a diasporan bathing in the fine luxuries of the west is a spokesman of Xamar.
Or as though there are gated checkpoints around Banaadir only letting in Hawiyes rofl, the people of Xamar put their qaran before their qabiil.
Qabyaalad is frowned upon back home, most of the people who spew this nonsense are those who fled to the west or those who were born there.

Though I agree with your sentiments as a whole you're sort of making it seem like qabyaalad is exclusive to @Warsheekh / Hawiyes which
isn't really true, if the PM and the President were switched you'd find tons of Mareexaans who'd be unhappy. It's backward Somali mentality.

Bunch of qabiilists on an online forum shouldn't really be shaking your wadaninimo.
Optimism isn't bad but you'll need to be realistic too and realise that qabyaalad and it's forms will be around.
Does Mogadishu belong to all Somalis as their capital city or does it belong to one clan hiraab:stopit:

No mareexan wasn't up in arms when their prime ministers got changed nor was Majeerteen and even if they did it wouldn't change anything since the government resides in Mogadishu the capital city, the problem at hand now is the tribe who's claiming Mogadishu as theirs weliba dawlada u cagaa juglayniyo saying our way or the high way. See, what many fail to realise is the significance of a capital city it's the mirror of the rest of the country like asma said the country isn't called hiraab:snoop:
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