Will your kids resent you for moving them from the West later on?

Are Somali parents moving from the west doing it for their own selfish needs?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • no

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
Majority of these people running away from the west can't afford that. They mostly end up in shitty third world countries like the UAE or Africa.
First of all, Africa isn't a country and second of all, the UAE is far from third world. Living conditions there are superior to that of Western countries. And what led you to that assumption? It seems to me as if you're only saying that because you disagree with their decision to leave. They don't care for your opinion and neither do I. Why do you care so much?
I could never live in an Arab country where the working class is treated like slaves. At least here in the West they have dignity and laws that protect the worker. I feel sorry for all the individuals facing slave like conditions in those barren sandpits.

I would rather live in Jubaland or Mogadishu than Mecca.
There is a reason workers keep migrating to the UAE despite the abuse, and that's because of money, they get paid a lot more than in their homelands, and this allows them to provide for their families.

They weren't kidnapped or enslaved, they chose to come willingly.
Somalia will be a middle class income country in the next 30 years. Those diaspora who don't invest their resources and skill will miss out. I will be exporting to Canada as a medium business owner while you will still be struggling to pay off the mortgage every month. You might even lose your home with any slight hiccup.
There is a reason workers keep migrating to the UAE despite the abuse, and that's because of money, they get paid a lot more than in their homelands, and this allows them to provide for their families.

They weren't kidnapped or enslaved, they chose to come willingly.
Some pay with their life apparently. More than 2000 poor unskilled workers died getting ready for the next world cup.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Many people talk about moving away to raise their kids in Islamic countries but only do it for their own selfish reasons. They don't think about the impact it will have on their kids. The parents thinks they have the best interest for their kids but they will later resent them for making them miss out on all the opportunities here in the West. I for one will chase my political and business aspiration in the horn of Africa but I will not bring kids and partner in tow. Let's say these people who decide to move change their mind and decide to move back after a decade or two then they will find it harder to adapt to the fast paced and continuously changing Western world.

I just hope you all think clearly and not just make life changing decisions like this rushed or for your own selfish needs. Don't put your needs before your kids.

i think that will be the best thing parents can do. My kids were taken to kenya for five years. It made them appreciate their western passport more. lol

I want to take the younger ones to Somalia now. Kenya is like uk london nowadays.
Somalia will be a middle class income country in the next 30 years. Those diaspora who don't invest their resources and skill will miss out. I will be exporting to Canada as a medium business owner while you will still be struggling to pay off the mortgage every month. You might even lose your home with any slight hiccup.
BS, Most Muslims don't even take out mortgages in the first place, even as an atheist it's inherent immorality should be recognizable. And I highly doubt within 30 years that will happen. Overly optimistic.

Samaalic Era

Many people talk about moving away to raise their kids in Islamic countries but only do it for their own selfish reasons. They don't think about the impact it will have on their kids. The parents thinks they have the best interest for their kids but they will later resent them for making them miss out on all the opportunities here in the West. I for one will chase my political and business aspiration in the horn of Africa but I will not bring kids and partner in tow. Let's say these people who decide to move change their mind and decide to move back after a decade or two then they will find it harder to adapt to the fast paced and continuously changing Western world.

I just hope you all think clearly and not just make life changing decisions like this rushed or for your own selfish needs. Don't put your needs before your kids.
West will collaspe anyway soon. Somali Diaspora will be making tahrib to Somalia sooner ,rather than later:wow: