Woman ignored by men as she drowns in a pool

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
This is sad. But I don't get it, it seems she wasn't calling for help as you would expect someone who is fighting for their life judging by how people are walking around her. People could assume she was just swimming and not paying attention.
I don't like this tiktok user's commentary on the incident. why would it be expected that random men will help a random woman? a woman can/should expect protection from... a husband, father, brother.... but irrespective of how things may work in some ideal fairy tale world... it would be crazy for a woman to expect that random men are going to help her... they might or might not...

if women want a lifestyle that doesn't involve being married.... I don't think they can also expect having a man to protect them... I'm not saying that's the case here, I don't know if she was a spinster- but I believe we will have many cases in the future where we will see spinsters in dangerous and vulnerable positions due to not having a husband... a woman 50-something... alone, no husband, kids... things could happen

the whole concept of men protecting women is patriarchal and traditionalist. if you eliminate patriarchy and traditionalism, that goes as well.
I don't think the point is about protection. Rather about David someone's life. In Islam it's encouraged to save people.

"And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32).

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't think the point is about protection. Rather about David someone's life. In Islam it's encouraged to save people.

"And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32).

I was responding to the tiktok user. you should listen to what the tiktok user was saying and then weigh in on my response. otherwise you're just seeing what I said out of context.


It is dangerously for man to even try saving her without accused of being perverted individual. Where was the women at? Why couldn’t they try to save her
There were no women in the swimming pool. The people around her just happened to be men. This issue isn't even about men vs women. It about how callous and cold bone chilling humans have become. Now, many have argued that it is possible that she was struggling silently, therefore the men around her didn't know. That's a valid point. However there was that guy that climbed down the stairs and walked right past her. What excuse does he have? We also need to take into consideration that the gym/location tried to hide the tape. Someone also needs to upload the audio, wallahi. The fact is all humans have become callous in the past several years, subxanallah.
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There were no women in the swimming pool. The people around her just happened to be men. This issue isn't even about men vs women. It about how callous and cold bone chilling humans have become. Now, many have argued that it is possible that she was struggling silently, therefore the men around her didn't know. That's a valid point. However there was that guy that climbed down the stairs and walked right past her. What excuse does he have? We also need to take into consideration that the gym/location tried to hide the tape. Someone also needs to upload the audio, wallahi. The fact is all humans have become callous in the past several years, subxanallah.
You’re assuming these random men were purposefully neglecting her which isn’t the case because even staff did not notice her which makes me think she didn’t make any noise at all (hard to tell since there’s no audio) and she didn’t make any drowning motions. Any normal person would have assisted her if they saw her drowning or heard her screaming for help (granted water hasn’t entered her lungs yet).

I said earlier it’s likely she suffered from some kind of medical issue and I found an article co-signing the coroners report, apparently she suffered from some kind of heart issue which could be what made her motionless and unable to talk, this is proven by the coroner after her death in this article
We also need to take into consideration that the gym/location tried to hide the tape
Usually in cases like this evidence isn’t made public until after sometime, the gym didn’t try to hide it, they were probably just under legal obligation not to do anything like spreading the video and what not until everything’s understood.
There were no women in the swimming pool. The people around her just happened to be men. This issue isn't even about men vs women. It about how callous and cold bone chilling humans have become. Now, many have argued that it is possible that she was struggling silently, therefore the men around her didn't know. That's a valid point. However there was that guy that climbed down the stairs and walked right past her. What excuse does he have? We also need to take into consideration that the gym/location tried to hide the tape. Someone also needs to upload the audio, wallahi. The fact is all humans have become callous in the past several years, subxanallah.

have you seen people texting or using their phone while crossing the street on a green light? People don't pay attention anymore; the guy at the stairs should have asked the lady what she was doing or maybe even tell management that this lady was blocking the entry to the pool.

Internet Nomad

I don't like this tiktok user's commentary on the incident. why would it be expected that random men will help a random woman? a woman can/should expect protection from... a husband, father, brother.... but irrespective of how things may work in some ideal fairy tale world... it would be crazy for a woman to expect that random men are going to help her... they might or might not...

if women want a lifestyle that doesn't involve being married.... I don't think they can also expect having a man to protect them... I'm not saying that's the case here, I don't know if she was a spinster- but I believe we will have many cases in the future where we will see spinsters in dangerous and vulnerable positions due to not having a husband... a woman 50-something... alone, no husband, kids... things could happen

the whole concept of men protecting women is patriarchal and traditionalist. if you eliminate patriarchy and traditionalism, that goes as well.
If the patriarchy is the only thing stopping you from saving a drowning woman then there is something clearly flawed in your morality.

Same way a nihilist doesn’t need objective morality to save a drowning woman you shouldn’t need a patriarchal system to tell you to save a woman from death. It should be innate goodness.
I don't like this tiktok user's commentary on the incident. why would it be expected that random men will help a random woman? a woman can/should expect protection from... a husband, father, brother.... but irrespective of how things may work in some ideal fairy tale world... it would be crazy for a woman to expect that random men are going to help her... they might or might not...

if women want a lifestyle that doesn't involve being married.... I don't think they can also expect having a man to protect them... I'm not saying that's the case here, I don't know if she was a spinster- but I believe we will have many cases in the future where we will see spinsters in dangerous and vulnerable positions due to not having a husband... a woman 50-something... alone, no husband, kids... things could happen

the whole concept of men protecting women is patriarchal and traditionalist. if you eliminate patriarchy and traditionalism, that goes as well.
Omar have a bit of shame.

Helping someone is based on humanity.

If I was to see a struggling woman, I a woman would help.

If I was to see a struggling child, I a woman would help.

Question: If you saw a man drowning, would you not help?

What you’re peddling is individualism a Western concept and you’re doing it under the guise of fighting ‘feminism’ but all you’re doing is showing how illogical you are. Stuff like this would never happen in a traditional society. Back home, if someone saw a woman drown both men and women would help. If a man saw another man drown, other men would help. This is common humanity that is becoming devoid in Western social due to extreme individualism and the fact that you’re okay with his betrays your Westernization

Husbands might be the protectors of wives, but husbands are human so can’t be everywhere at the same time. There are times when your wife will be alone or not with you. I wonder how you’d feel if your wife is taking the kids to school and an Islamaphobic man tried to beat her and the kids up whilst you’re at work and Muslim men watched it all happen.

You might hate feminism, but your attitude pushes women to it if this is the type of mentality that we have floating around.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Omar have a bit of shame.

Helping someone is based in humanity.

If I was to see a struggling woman, I a woman would help.

If I was to see a struggling child, I a woman would help.

honestly, did you even listen to what I was responding to before you paint me as a shameless monster? I am not saying don't help some random woman. But I am saying that the benevolence of random strangers should not be counted on. if you read my post and made a judgement without listening to the tiktok commentary I was responding to, then you were reading my post out of context.

What you’re peddling is individualism and you’re doing it under the guise of fighting ‘feminism’ but all you’re doing is showing how illogical you are.

no I'm not. not any of that.

Husbands might be the protectors of wives, but husbands are human so can’t be everywhere at the same time. There are times when your wife will be alone or not with you. I wonder how you’d feel if your wife is taking the kids to school and an Islamaphobic man tried to beat her and the kids up whilst you’re at work and Muslim men watched it all happen.

what I'm saying is not that I'd be ok with strangers not helping the random woman- but that I have low expectations of strangers. I've known since I was a kid that I don't live in a Disney movie and I don't think that makes me a bad person or is anything immoral.

You might hate feminism, but your attitude pushes women to it.

they're responsible for their own deeds.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
btw @Angelina you're a talented writer and I don't necessarily mind going back and forth with you but I would try not to make things personal against you and I would hope you would do the same with me. we can attack each other's arguments without making it a personal thing.
honestly, did you even listen to what I was responding to before you paint me as a shameless monster? I am not saying don't help some random woman. But I am saying that the benevolence of random strangers should not be counted on. if you read my post and made a judgement without listening to the tiktok commentary I was responding to, then you were reading my post out of context.

no I'm not. not any of that.

what I'm saying is not that I'd be ok with strangers not helping the random woman- but that I have low expectations of strangers. I've known since I was a kid that I don't live in a Disney movie and I don't think that makes me a bad person or is anything immoral.

they're responsible for their own deeds.
That’s due to individualism. A collective society isn’t like this and it’s a by-product of living in the West. It truly is. You wouldn’t reason like this if you were raised in a more trad society or lived in the past.

Back home, if someone was to see a drowning person, male or female and there are many people around, 90% would try to help regardless of gender. Why? Because of people’s value system.

The West is increasingly becoming an egomaniacal society in which people are becoming devoid of Humanity. There is now no sense of community, no sense of society, it is a bleak robotic world in which it’s every man for themselves. That is the antithesis of what it means to be human.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
This is despicable. For context I used to swim regularly so I know which parts of pools are shallow & which ends are deep. This woman made her way down to the shallow end where anyone who can use 2 arms could’ve easily helped her but instead she’s left for dead and by anyone I mean even children aged 11 and above. It would’ve been that easy.

How do you see someone struggling in such a easy part of the pool to navigate & not assume something was up? And where was the lifeguard? :mjlol: Ridiculous. Individualist society summed up in 1 video
@Omar del Sur

When my parents talk about growing up in Somalia in the 60s and 70s and even 80s, what struck me the most is the sense of community.

The area would be so safe and that people wouldn’t even close their doors during the day and you’d have neighbors, relatives and the like coming in and out. Everyone would be outside sitting in their patio and my grandmother would cook outside with all the other mothers who were her neighbors. If a family didn’t have food, the people in the area would give them food. If someone ran out of food items like sugar and they need it quickly they’d come to your house and ask for a bit of sugar. Kids as young as 3 would play outside by themselves with no issue since the whole community will help you watch that child. My parents talk of random kids of neighbors eating with them if they were in the house and they’ll all eat together eating from one massive plate. People didn’t care, they’d feed a random kid who’s tagged along with their kids with no questions asked.

If you were up to no good, you’d have a random person in the area scolding you and snitching to your parents. If someone was in danger, the whole community would try and intervene and help. That is how traditional and collective societies are. I’m not saying it’s perfect since that level of collectivism does have its negatives, like extreme judgement and an inability to accept people’s differences, but the positives is that growing up in such an environment feels truly liberating, a place of true human connections as you have a robust support system and a feeling of belonging. That’s why my parents generation are stronger mentally, have better social skills and confidence for days.

It’s kinda still like that at back home now but more toned down.
To sum it up the drowning woman didn't make a shout for help and nobody knew she was struggling but the salty misandrist op @Yaraye makes it into a gender war 🤦
The crazy greedy entitlement of modern feminist females is astonishing.

In general because of feminism no man should help a random woman that might cause any slightest of risk to his safety and life, he should only help if there absolutely zero risk to his life and safety. Before feminism you had traditionalism and chivalry where the man should be the protector of not only women that he's close to but women in society at large and should take a risk trying to protect if they're in danger, those were the values back then in The West but not anymore thanks to feminism and big government. .

