I was there over one summer and I felt the same cause I have friends and school and a lot of other things here. It never felt like home but in the future it might.I already lived in Somalia for over a year. It is only fun for a few months, afterwards you will miss the West.
Honestly I would do this, probably not Muqdisho but maybe in the outskirts of the city. I’d go back after having some savings or spend like half the year there. Would any of you consider moving permanently or have you already moved?
That’s what I’m saying. If we all stay in the west permanently without visiting Somalia our culture will eventually die out over here.If healthcare gets better I'd spend half the year there and the other half in the West.
Our generation's already losing the plot, 1/3 of our children will probably be full-blown gaals.
MashaAllah that sounds like a good planYes. When i reach 65 Inshalaaah i am moving to Hargeisa. Buy a house, and then commute back and forth to the US
MashaAllah that sounds like a good plan
no, might go there for a business, or just 1 month for fun.
what do you mean?whats up with your profile
Bro exacly. Who are they fooling going back kulahaI dont know, the white mans land is pretty comfortable.
This is the Realest shit I heard in awhile. I plan on staying in the land I grew up in. If things become nice back home then I’ll cut my ticket the same day.No , I do not consider repatriating there , there is nothing for me , no relatives , all our lands were forcibly taken, still illegally inhabited , we have been displaced for a long time and
the people you know are either scattered across abroad or dead , so there is nothing , I believe returning would result in my death , like the many pioneers who tried to live there , sacrificed their money and everything
inspite for their love of repatriating they became casualties on the headlines , look we are homesick but we need to stop living in our delusions , we need to adapt and adjust to whatever hosting society we are in , yes and also
life in Somalia is very unpleasant unless you come from a family of the elite , corrupt and crooked politicians , land grabbers , warmongers or have tribal connections then yes they live lavishly from the xaaraam money they have stolen from the public.
I tied up a loose end and Somalia is a perfect example.