Why do you insist on making excuses for Islam?Why can't you see it for it is? For once OPEN YOUR EYES! We are not going to get into a debate about aisha's age as most Sunni Muslims already know she was 6 when she got marrked, stop the excuses and roundabouts. 90% of sunni imams know that for a fact.Nice try, it isn't. Plus, it's not a dividing point where if you believe that aisha was 6 you're a Muslim and if you don't you're not. I believe she was 18-20 because there are evidences for that, the Hadith saying she was 6 was narrated by Urwa when he was old and frail in Iraq, Imam Malik, whom hundreds of millions follow today in the maliki school, said, that he doesn't trust the hadiths narrated from Iraq.
Aishas older sister Asma was 10 years older than her, she died at 100 years of age in 694 C.E, 694-100=594, Aisha was born in 604 and was married to the prophet at 623, she was 19.
When you realise islam isn't a straight one way street where everyone agrees.