Would you allow your gabdho to live on their own after they finish University?

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I see a lot of Somali gabdho who are 23+ who moved out after graduating Uni, with full time jobs etc. Or would you keep your girls at home until they got married?

In other Muslim communities (Pakis/Arabs) the girls live at home until they get married, even if they are 30 years old and have full time jobs.

Any girls here live on their own?
How would you react to your girls embracing and exploring their sexuality at 16? Would it bother you or would you hand them the condoms?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
How would you react to your girls embracing and exploring their sexuality at 16? Would it bother you or would you hand them the condoms?

How would you react to your 24 year old daughter saying she wants to move out and live on her own?


Will you live at home til you get msrried?
I don't think it should be a problem if they are mature enough and can look after themselves. However I said this is the traditions of my people for over a thousand years and I support it because this way, we protect our women.


Citizen of Southwest State
I don't think it should be a problem if they are mature enough and can look after themselves. However I said this is the traditions of my people for over a thousand years and I support it because this way, we protect our women.
It's a lamagoodle issue, brother. Please, refrain from involving yourself with the affairs of their women. :ohlord:

Who cares if Ayaan or Fartuun want to have multiple sexual partners? It's none of our concern. :stopit:


It's a lamagoodle issue, brother. Please, refrain from involving yourself with the affairs of their women. :ohlord:

Who cares if Ayaan or Fartuun wants to have multiple sexual partners? It's none of our concern. :stopit:
By mature enough I also meant trustworthy. It also has to be within a certain distance because she can't live on her own over 40miles away from all muharams. Let them do as they wish with their women. We carry on doing what our forefathers done and what is islamically right.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@HalyeeyQaran you have no credibility after duchess wiped the floor with you. You change ethnicity and qabil more often than Arab women shave their chest hair.



HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I think it's a matter of trust. If you raised your daughter well, you should have no problem trusting her if she wants to move out after graduation.

Personally, I think it makes sense to stay at home if you live in the same city as your parents, but if she wants to move to another city and fend for herself, she should be allowed to do so. :kobeok:


Citizen of Southwest State
@HalyeeyQaran you have no credibility after duchess wiped the floor with you. You change ethnicity and qabil more often than Arab women shave their chest hair.

Doqonkii Ogaden, who gave you permission to address me? :ohlord:

I brought your ancestors Islam yet you've abandoned it and dare insult me. Ungrateful cretin. :ohlord:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Doqonkii Ogaden, who gave you permission to address me? :ohlord:

I brought your ancestors Islam but you've abandoned it and dare insult me. Ungrateful cretin. :ohlord:

Go braid your Madow hair. Your credibility is gone. At least the cad cad boy has been consistent since day one whereas you change your background like a pair of knickers.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The question is do you have a choice presuming that you're from the west, & the answer is no. The western system in general takes the responsibility of disciplining out of the parent hands & in to the states. Unlike Arabs, Asians, Turks we don't carry out honor killings.


Citizen of Southwest State
Go braid your Madow hair. Your credibility is gone. At least the cad cad boy has been consistent since day one whereas you change your background like a pair of knickers.

Look at you, you imbecile. :ohlord: You've forsaken Islam and now your countenance resembles that of Frankenstein, duliyahow inkaarta qaba. :ohlord:

I'm of Arab stock and a dual American and Kenyan citizen and I thank Allah for that. I have a right to the citizenship of the failed state due to my mother being born there but I will never claim it. :umad:

Dhoofaaryahow xun ee jooniska qaba, don't ever address me unless you want to see these hands. :ohlord:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The question is do you have a choice presuming that you're from the west, & the answer is no. The western system in general takes the responsibility of disciplining out of the parent hands & in to the states. Unlike Arabs, Asians, Turks we don't carry out honor killings.

Pakistan, Indian and Arabs will do honour killings over minor things. They will kill their daughter for misplacing the remote control.

Pakistani and indian culture is one of the worst in the world.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Look at you, you imbecile. :ohlord: You've forsaken Islam and now your countenance resembles that of Frankenstein, duliyahow inkaarta qaba. :ohlord:

I'm of Arab stock and a dual American and Kenyan citizen and I thank Allah for that. I have a right to the citizenship of the failed state due to my mother being born there but I will never claim it. :umad:

Dhoofaaryahow xun ee jooniska qaba, don't ever address me unless you want to see these hands. :ohlord:

NFD is my country so get the hell out, Madow boy. I don't even know how to address you cos you've been claiming Dhulbahante one day, and something else another day..

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