Would you allow your gabdho to live on their own after they finish University?

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>,,< certified creep >,,<
You can't force anyone to stay once they make up their mind tbh... I moved out few times (same city) and it was certainly healthy experience for me. But now I decided to move back to my mums place just to put her mind at ease. Apparently is ceeb for a girl to move out before marriage.

Would I let my daughter move out. Yes. But inshaAllah ill make sure I maintain healthy relationship with my children. I also want them to have self respect, healthy dose of confidence and taqwa Allah. How many girls are living under their parent's roof and yet still get up to the very same thing their parents fear for if they move out. At the end of the day Allah is the one who guides. We can't even guide ourselves, let alone guide our children. But that doesn't we shouldn't make an effort to help our children and support them however we can and possible... make dua for em >,,<
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What's wrong with girls living on their own? Sometimes it's a necessity.

I speak to my family everyday. It's just the way it worked out for me. My hooyo moved to whole nother country at a younger age than I, I guess maybe my family is not very conservative.

Also most of my edos and habayars have lived on their own at one point in their lives. I prefer living with my family though.

Theres nothing wrong with a girl moving out, as long as her mind is sane.
I believe in prevention rather than cure. Marka no and never would I agree. Purely from a safety perspective. If we still live in england then I would cut her off completely since you cant force her. Laakin let her come and go as she pleases, meesha ma hotel baa?

Forget my daughter I would never even date a girl that has lived on her own.

My sons can live anywhere they please from south pole to north pole to australia to alaska.


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I believe in prevention rather than cure. Marka no and never would I agree. Purely from a safety perspective. If we still live in england then I would cut her off completely since you cant force her. Laakin let her come and go as she pleases, meesha ma hotel baa?

Forget my daughter I would never even date a girl that has lived on her own.

My sons can live anywhere they please from south pole to north pole to australia to alaska.

Cutting her off completely is a bit drastic bro.
It's actually not. Its my daughter and I am responsible till she gets married! So if she cant allow me to play that role, she can piss off


It's actually not. Its my daughter and I am responsible till she gets married! So if she cant allow me to play that role, she can piss off

Then she surely will piss of.

Anyway to the OP yeh why not if she can take care of her self that is.


sure, lakin everything wan la soconaya dee

Queen Carawelo

It all comes to trusting your daughters. I've lived on my own for 3+ years, I recently moved back because my family bought a bigger house. I could have saved so much money .


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I will raise my children the same way I was raised. If my daughter or son entertain the thought of moving out before marriage I would probably go crazy like my mum would have.
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