Would you leave your Wife after Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain?

Would you leave your Wife after Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain?

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Of course women file for divorce more, how often do men dump wives? Not often, it's almost always the wife who leaves after suffering from adultery etc. Men who don't want a woman anymore, like to neglect/abuse a woman, until she leaves. How often do men even tell a woman they're not interested and instead use her or string her along?
The main reason for divorce is due to a lack of commitment, not infidelity. Meaning that it's vague and can span from the partner not wanting to lose weight, to the partner being too depressed to put effort in the relationship.

It's crazy because there was an exact Reddit post on r/Somalia. Of a sister wanting to divorce her husband because he showed a 'lack of commitment'. Shortly after we found out that this dude was working night and day as an accountant to provide for his wife. And on the times he would be able to settle down he locks himself in the room to avoid looking soft in front of his wife. He clearly suffers from depression, but instead of making things work and being thankful that she doesn't have to work, she instead asks Reddit if she could divorce her husband. I know for a fact that if the genders were swapped the man would be shamed for even thinking about divorce.
I’m not a feminist by any stretch but any man who leaves his off springs deserves to rot in jail IMO.

Even if the wife is miserable to be around with, you owe it to you ancestors to pass on what you been taught to your descendants. Get a 2nd wife but don’t leave the first family.

Most of issues in society can be traced down to fatherless homes.
I’m not a feminist by any stretch but any man who leaves his off springs deserves to rot in jail IMO.

Even if the wife is miserable to be around with, you owe it to you ancestors to pass on what you been taught to your descendants. Get a 2nd wife but don’t leave the first family.

Most of issues in society can be traced down to fatherless homes.
Just take your kids and force your wife to enroll into a weight loss program, problem solved!


Living well is the best revenge Duke of guacamole
That’s why you should get a second wife who is fit and will give you better food .

I wonder if ajnabi polygamy is a thing :hmm:


@Chase have European taste in women he likes them starving and bone build not like real geeljire who like them chubby with some futo.
Denzel Washington Movie GIF
It’s so gross that this nigga goes on a podcast to sneak diss his wife instead of taking the real initiative at home. Am I insane but this is why I need a controlling assertive man. I also don’t EVER want to be fat, so I need a real man who’s gonna help me stay disciplined and make me eat healthy even if I’m not. My worst nightmare is to have a pussy ass husband who’d rather talk to a random podcaster instead of MEE :camby:gtfo I think p*rn seriously ruined Mens brains. Niggas these days want the perfect slim tiny petite p-rnstar wife without being a real actual MAN, I guarantee you this dude has a beer belly himself I can tell by his voice that he’s out of shape loser himself:comeon:definitly p-rn addicted too because obviously his only concern regarding his marriage is whether or not his wife makes his dick hard
I don’t know why the women on here are so pressed and worried. Even the most “incel” types have made comments about how heartless it would be to leave your wife for such a reason. :umwhat:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:kanyeshrug:Men like this are meant to be avoided like the plague. They see women as extensions of themselves intended to make them look good at all times, not as separate, real people who will invariably change. It gives off narc vibes.
:kanyeshrug:Men like this are meant to be avoided like the plague. They see women as extensions of themselves intended to make them look good at all times, not as separate, real people who will invariably change. It gives off narc vibes.
The thing about men is that eventually they realize there’s much more important things to look for in a women other than beauty, like character and maturity (obviously for us Muslims it’s deen that’s number one). The ones who figure this out don’t mind losing physical attraction towards their partner cause they have something much better, love for someone who stuck with you and provided for you, potentially bore your children and meet your needs etc.

I understand younger men who fall for nothing but physical attraction but some men never grow out of this phase unfortunately. Truly good men aren’t running after the most physically attractive women, they’re looking for something much better than that, like character, compatibility, similarity etc. same thing happens to women, their tastes mature and change as they get older.
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The retard moaning about his fat wife didn't say anything about back to back pregnancies, there's a lot of contexting missing.

Hormones do play a role in weight gain, but a lot of women manage to keep it under control. Do these women have special fat-loss hormones that prevent them from eating an entire tube of Pringles and a packet of Oreos at 3am or something? :draketf:

I don't have a dog in this fight, but "Pregnancy = gaining 40lbs" seems like a cop out and a little disrespectful to the efforts of women who manage to say active and eat healthy. Other complications aside.
Hey, not everyone has the same body type and you’d be surprised about how some women hardly eat but still end looking bulky due to hormonal issues connected to higher cortisol levels and many women have conditions like PCOS. it isn’t as clear cut for women especially when they have children or are nearing menopause or are actually in menopause. That opens up a whole host of other issues.

Yes, you’re right. There is no excuses for people not to try, but my whole point is that men in marriages that span decades and kids in the mix need to be patient and work with their partners. Also losing weight for women especially when they’re over 35+ with kids in the mix isn’t as easy as men losing weight. Hence, the best thing is for a couple to encourage and motivate each other and not to be selfish.
The main reason for divorce is due to a lack of commitment, not infidelity. Meaning that it's vague and can span from the partner not wanting to lose weight, to the partner being too depressed to put effort in the relationship.

It's crazy because there was an exact Reddit post on r/Somalia. Of a sister wanting to divorce her husband because he showed a 'lack of commitment'. Shortly after we found out that this dude was working night and day as an accountant to provide for his wife. And on the times he would be able to settle down he locks himself in the room to avoid looking soft in front of his wife. He clearly suffers from depression, but instead of making things work and being thankful that she doesn't have to work, she instead asks Reddit if she could divorce her husband. I know for a fact that if the genders were swapped the man would be shamed for even thinking about divorce.
No he wouldn’t since if she hardly interacted with her husband after cooking and cleaning the house and running after the kids all day, she’d be called a bad wife that ain’t attending to this needs if she didn’t talk to him and sleep with him. In fact, women are told they’d be cursed if they didn’t attend to their husband. Sometimes I feel like some of you lot are in alternative universes.

It’s like saying a man should be thankful that his wife works in the house and looks after his kids, hence he should be okay with no interaction and intimacy which is clearly what is happening if he locks himself in a room upon coming home.
What?? That’s the woman you promised to be with for the rest of your life, why would anyone leave her just because of some weight gain that’s not even her fault?
Pregnancy is not the only thing that can cause a change in looks. At some point your wife will experience; peri-menopause and menopause, which also causes a change in appearance and mood. During peri-menopause, women gain on average 1.5 KG in weight per year, most of this accumulates around the abdomen and upper body. During menopause some women experience hormonal acne, slight sagging of skin. Menopause causes a 30% loss in collagen.

You want your wife to stay looking good or as good as possible? Well, try to be the best husband possible, and give her all the time and support she needs to maintain it. Some of these men want to saddle a woman with a truck-load of kids, and are too broke or greedy, to fork out for help at home/gym etc.
It’s reasons like this as to why women need to be selfish when it comes to the dating stage. Being saddled with a broke man that also has staunch beliefs in gender roles will have you looking 60 at 45. One of the biggest killers of women’s looks is stress coupled with motherhood. If you’re out here doing everything at home with hardly any help and you’re living in reduced financial circumstances, sometimes no amount of diets will help you shift the weight since the high cortisol levels will increase abdominal fat. A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about food, it starts with mental and emotional health.
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