Xaawo Taako: Somali Hero or Italian Servant


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Oh is that so?

Hawo Tako Somali Card REVOKED

Reminds me of Ilhan Omar in tight PJ's opening the door whilst a Jew was in her bed. Frankly, I am disgusted.
They bring shame to our great nation
severus snape my post GIF
She was a pro Italian protestor who was shot by pro freedom fighter Somalis, her history is known a certain group is known for foreign love making like that of a royal who shall not be named and Kismayu..:mjkkk:

Our Ogaden resident @SPMLegend is capping big time for the fiction the Kacaan made for this Ogaden lady. Why does his people on here act like they hate the Kacaan but continue to use the fake history kacaan made for them:damedamn:

Xaawo Taako died fighting hardened somali nationalists in support of the Italians and the whole story is on record in Italian archives



Link to the news article

The Somalis who died in this fight are remembered in Italian History but forgotten by Somalis who immortalized the traitor Xaawo Taako. This is a plaque in the Perenne Suffragio church in Piazza Salerno in Rome in memory of the battle

Capo Dhoore

Our Ogaden resident @SPMLegend is capping big time for the fiction the Kacaan made for this Ogaden lady. Why does his people on here act like they hate the Kacaan but continue to use the fake history kacaan made for them:damedamn:

Xaawo Taako died fighting hardened somali nationalists in support of the Italians and the whole story is on record in Italian archives

View attachment 209577
View attachment 209578

Link to the news article

The Somalis who died in this fight are remembered in Italian History but forgotten by Somalis who immortalized the traitor Xaawo Taako. This is a plaque in the Perenne Suffragio church in Piazza Salerno in Rome in memory of the battle
View attachment 209579
The news article you posted says
"rioting began when pro-Italian
Somalis armed with spears,
clubs and bows and arrows tried
to break a procession of the
Somali Youth League. " Wasn't Xawo Tako shot by an arrow? It was most likely the pro Italian Somalis who killed her


Our Ogaden resident @SPMLegend is capping big time for the fiction the Kacaan made for this Ogaden lady. Why does his people on here act like they hate the Kacaan but continue to use the fake history kacaan made for them:damedamn:

Xaawo Taako died fighting hardened somali nationalists in support of the Italians and the whole story is on record in Italian archives

View attachment 209577
View attachment 209578

Link to the news article

The Somalis who died in this fight are remembered in Italian History but forgotten by Somalis who immortalized the traitor Xaawo Taako. This is a plaque in the Perenne Suffragio church in Piazza Salerno in Rome in memory of the battle
[ATTACH = full] 209579 [/ ATTACH]
"recorded in Italian archives"


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Our Ogaden resident @SPMLegend is capping big time for the fiction the Kacaan made for this Ogaden lady. Why does his people on here act like they hate the Kacaan but continue to use the fake history kacaan made for them:damedamn:

Xaawo Taako died fighting hardened somali nationalists in support of the Italians and the whole story is on record in Italian archives

View attachment 209577
View attachment 209578

Link to the news article

The Somalis who died in this fight are remembered in Italian History but forgotten by Somalis who immortalized the traitor Xaawo Taako. This is a plaque in the Perenne Suffragio church in Piazza Salerno in Rome in memory of the battle
View attachment 209579
Kacaan invented many lies including Haawo Taako and Sayid Abdulle Hassan who was a terrorist murdurer who killed a Sufi Sheikh for going against him. Siad Barre was fed lies by his Rer Abti and they were his ultimate downfall :mjkkk:



Somali, is a race
Incredible how Ogaden male spspot memebers to constantly defend jidwaaq who despise Ogaden and would not hesitate to see nothing but our extermination. Embarrassing.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I pray to god I don’t become as sad, despicable and shameless as certain people on this thread.

Xaawo Tako is a dead woman and these people want to start speculating on her honour.

Absolutely disgusting.


Hawiye and Italians should share Mogadishu once again. I'm tired of seeing so many shisheeye rampaging across my city. Come back Antonio


i thank your people for putting this Italian th0t down.
the British disagreed and tried to boycott pro-Italian demonstrations. In January 1948 England organized and orchestrated what is remembered as the massacre of Mogadishu by importing from Somaliland and Kenya groups of Somalis of the Syl "Somali Youth League" (League of Somali Youth, a club born in Mogadishu in 1943 with the support and support from the British authorities), as well as New Zealanders and Indians. They were infiltrated into a demonstration scheduled for January 11, with the clear intention of proving that the Italians were not welcome.
yet again Landers saving Somalia from further colonisation.
You’re telling me that New Zealanders were in the streets of Mogadishu fighting for Somali independence.

Unless @piracy has a time machine, I’m gonna call that cap.

There were Kiwi officers alongside aussies in Xamar in late 40s and yeah the British supported Somaliwayen project.

Btw Afweyne was part of a group that advocated that Somalia should be returned to Italian rule.

In 1946, Barre supported the Somali Conference (Italian: Conferenza Somala), a political group of parties and clan associations that were hostile to the Somali Youth League and were supported by the local Italian farmers. The group presented a petition to the "Four Powers" Investigation Commission in order to allow that the administration of the United Nations Trust Territory could be entrusted for thirty years to Italy.
The news article you posted says
"rioting began when pro-Italian
Somalis armed with spears,
clubs and bows and arrows tried
to break a procession of the
Somali Youth League. " Wasn't Xawo Tako shot by an arrow? It was most likely the pro Italian Somalis who killed her

the residents of Mogadishu were pro Italian at the time hence why the SYL tried to liberate them.
Kacaan invented many lies including Haawo Taako and Sayid Abdulle Hassan who was a terrorist murdurer who killed a Sufi Sheikh for going against him. Siad Barre was fed lies by his Rer Abti and they were his ultimate downfall :mjkkk:

Afweyne saw himself as a reincarnation of the Sayid don’t disrespect your fathers hero :silanyolaugh:
Gabayaagii SYL, Cali Xuseen Xirsi - 1962kii iyo Halgamaad Xaawo Taako.

- Talyaaniga ximaarkaa kuwii inagu xeeraayey
- Xaashida madaw wiilashii lagu xarriiqaayey
- Ee toogashada loo xukumay yaa xafiisyo lehe
- Xalwaddii waxaa cunay kuwii Xaawo gawracaye
-Xisbigii kifaaxoow dadkiinnii ha xoorina’e
-Xaashiin la’arag shalay waxaad uxusul-duubteene
-Idinkaa xornimadii dhashey oo suray xiddiglihiiye
- Hayeeshee dadkii lama xurmayn soo xafiiltamaye
- Talyaaniga ximaarkaa kuwii innagu xeeraayey
- Xaashida madaw wiilashii lagu xarriiqaayey
- Ee toogashada loo xukumay yaa xafiisyo lehe
- Xalwaddii waxaa cunay kuwii Xaawo gawracaye
- Raggii kalana way xaaratey ee xaqa ku taagnaaye
- Xamaasada dadkii kala gashay iyo xiixda damiweydey
- Xaynwaliba dirisyoon waxay ugu xifaalootay
- Xigaalnimo laduugiyo waxaa xididkii nooleeyey
- Xumaantaa waxay nagu jirrabay waa xaqiridiiye
- Ina-xamaye oo boobalihi inaga xayraanye
- Xabiibnimada waagii hore iyo xarafki aad sheegtay
- Leegooy xisaab dib ugu noqo lays xasaradeeye
- Haddii kale xagaayey ahayd waxaad ku xiiqdeene

The Gabay Above ^^ was written by Cali Xuseen Xirsi a member of the SYL from Burco. He made this poem in 1962 praising Mamo Hawo Taako for standing against Italian colonizers although many Jawaasiis local spies in Mogadishu were against her Somali Nationalism advocacy and plotted to get rid of her and the SYL movement.
Alberto Alpozzi the Italian fascist who created the fake article on our noble Hero Mother Hawo Taako. Not surprised he’s followed by that Oromo Warmonger Harun Maruf 👇🏾👇🏾


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