Xaawo Taako: Somali Hero or Italian Servant

Dahir Haji Osman, Dhagaweyne, one of the SYL founders witnessed the 2 day fight & gave his account of what happened in Mogadishu in January 11, 1948 between SYL and the Italian fascist (Local) supporters … 👉🏼

Alberto Alpozzi the Italian fascist who created the fake article on our noble Hero Mother Hawo Taako. Not surprised he’s followed by that Oromo Warmonger Harun Maruf 👇🏾👇🏾 View attachment 209853

warmonger Alberto Alpozzi ((the terrorist)) recruited local Adeers from the Fadhi ku dirir cafes to write up propaganda on the Somali Nation & its history ✍🏾
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Xaawo taako was one of many protesters that day. There is zero evidence to say she was pro Italian.
Italians make a lot of propaganda about how somalis loved them and wanted them to stay, they even falsely say that SYL protesters were northeners from SL hired by the British to attack Italians.
Don't believe everything you see online


You know I been asking myself same thing ? Italians were armed with guns so if she was struck by an arrow in the back it must have come from the Somalis. The story that she was shielding her Italian lover from hordes of Somalis armed with bow n arrow sounds plausible
Somalis on both sides had arrows. Italians had few weapons, most were civilians, it was the British authorities who had guns


One the things I hate the most about some somalis is that they make up fake stories and tell stupid shit to cadaans who then spread it.
I'm sure this Italian blog got this fake information from some pro Italian somali, most of the online sources in English say hawo tako was anti Italian. Only a few random Italian blogs say she was pro Italian without bringing any evidence


OK why don't you provide historical sources that say she was a "Freedom Fighter"??
Why don't you provide historical sources that says she was pro Italian? A random article online is not a historical source.
The protest was very chaotic, most somali oral sources says Hawo tako was on the SYL side against italians. The only sources which claim the opposite are all very recent and from pro colonialism Italian articles, not even one contemporary Italian sources from the 50s and 60s claim she was pro Italian.
Italy and Somalia had cordial relations after independence, Italians would have definitely celebrated hawo tako if she was in their side and yet i can't find a single source from those times that says she was on the Italian side.
It's likely hawo tako never even existed and is just a symbol of the resistance like Dhagaxtuur



Alberto Alpozzi writes

"La giornata si concluse con 54 italiani e 14 somali uccisi. Tra questi somali a Mogadiscio vi era Hawo Tako, sposata con un autotrasportatore italiano, che perse la vita nell’intento di fermare l’eccidio e proteggere gli italiani, così come gli altri somali che persero la vita."(The day ended with 54 Italians and 14 Somalis killed. Among these Somalis in Mogadishu was Hawo Tako , married to an Italian hauler, who lost her life in an attempt to stop the massacre and protect the Italians , as well as the other Somalis who lost their lives.)

This lady was immortalized during the Siad Barre regime who made a statue for her and revised her history as some sort of freedom fighter. Farmaajo rebuilt the statue :pachah1:
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Why do you give so much credit to this Italian dude? That's literally a random guy on the internet who wrote some stuff.
If an Italian said the sayyid was pro English you would post it here as a fact.
I'm tired of somalis using the words of foreigners to undermine other somalis.
I know you landers want to distort our history to push your cause but this is childish. If you want to argue for your country's use facts not random tweets and articles
If anyone knows history they know xaawo taako was in a bed with an Italian hours befor she got hit with that arrow , one just needs to use logic to determine what side she was on.
The somali and eritrean colonial soldiers all carried rifles while most anti colonial fighters in Somalia fought with spears ,arrows and swords .

Funny thing is the statue "xaawo taako"
In question reall name wasnt xaawo and her reall qabiil is not the one kacaan had us belive.


If anyone knows history they know xaawo taako was in a bed with an Italian hours befor she got hit with that arrow , one just needs to use logic to determine what side she was on.
The somali and eritrean colonial soldiers all carried rifles while most anti colonial fighters in Somalia fought with spears ,arrows and swords .

Funny thing is the statue "xaawo taako"
In question reall name wasnt xaawo and her reall qabiil is not the one kacaan had us belive.
Dude you just proved yourself wrong. At the time of the protesters Somalia was ruled by the British who won WWII. The troops were British not somali or Eritrean colonial soldiers.
You talking about logic and you didn't even know Britain ruled all of Somalia from 1941 till 1950 before handing it to the UN sponsored Italian administration


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