Xaliimo speaking facts

I had an indian coworker once, she told me her husband makes her sleep on the floor in the same room when she's having her period.:ftw9nwa:

I am glad it is not so taboo in Somali culture.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Thanks for your honesty. Your problem is with women and their natural functioning bodily functions sxb.

I have no such problem with function itself but lack of shame regarding behavior

I am not surprised in an era of shamelessness that modesty is strange. Live your life however you want but dont force your feminazi doctrine down our throats.


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
I am just giving my opinion no one is policing "random women" you sick feminazi
Yes you are. What a xoolo. If a woman wants to eat in public she can cause she’s not choosing to not fast. Ignorant men like you are scary :fredo:


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
I have no such problem with function itself but lack of shame regarding behavior

I am not surprised in an era of shamelessness that modesty is strange. Live your life however you want but dont force your feminazi doctrine down our throats.

No, you had no issue with the other groups as you stated yourself. Your problem is clearly with women because you like to police women and their behavior.

There isn’t anything shameless about a menstruating woman having a bite to eat to keep up her blood sugar levels through a working day or while she is just out and about minding her business. She is protecting her health nothing feminazi about it.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
No, you had no issue with the other groups as you stated yourself. Your problem is clearly with women because you like to police women and their behavior.

There isn’t anything shameless about a menstruating woman having a bite to eat to keep up her blood sugar levels through a working day or while she is just out and about minding her business. She is protecting her health nothing feminazi about it.
Ok go ahead do it yaa kugu haysto I was just stating my personal opinion:manny:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I wasn’t asking for your permission sxb. I hope you work through your issues with women, because it’s not healthy.
I have 0 issues with women, you frame it that way, infact I am promoting protecting the honour and cirid of women. I love women.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
I have 0 issues with women, you frame it that way, infact I am promoting protecting the honour and cirid of women. I love women.

Haye, so why would you describe a random menstruating woman eating in public as vomit-inducing? Could you talk me through that logic?


Adeer macaane ii waran
I had an indian coworker once, she told me her husband makes her sleep on the floor in the same room when she's having her period.:ftw9nwa:

I am glad it is not so taboo in Somali culture.

What an absolute legend, thanks for sharing. Will deff do that
She is doing the polite thing but I don’t think it’s that deep. You don’t see a stranger eating and automatically make that connection


Inaba Caadi Maaha
It seems like many of you don't understand why you fast in Ramadan. Ramadan is a month where we fast to practice and strengthen our self-control and discipline. We learn how to sacrifice our worldly desires and try to empathize more with those in our communities that are less fortunate. It is a time we strengthen our iman and repent for our sins. If a person who Allah (swt) has allowed to eat in their weak state is bothering you or offending you, then your iman must not be very strong.


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