Xamar Cadcads enslaved Ethiopians too LOL (no troll)

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This was before the mass enslavement of Bantus (which is wrong) @Amun check this out:

@Canuck Say thank you.


Probably Nilotics or semi-Nilotics from Southwestern Ethiopia. Ethiopians raided them for a long time and sold them to other countries. To this day they are still known as 'Baria' (slave in Amharic).

Unlikely that they are the common Ethiopians you are thinking of.



Cadcad were enslaved minority

A slave with a slave
Kkkkkkkk. Middle Eastern and slave is an oxymoron. We were a very intelligent people with high literacy rates you retard. Even @Amun can tell you that.

Your ancestors were probably one of these Abysinnian slaves you fucking cabeed. It's well known some landers are the low caste Ethiopians. Don't get lippy to people who know their fathers aabahaa wasee


Your superior
Kkkkkkkk. Middle Eastern and slave is an oxymoron. We were a very intelligent people with high literacy rates you retard. Even @Amun can tell you that.

Your ancestors were probably one of these Abysinnian slaves you fucking cabeed. It's well known some landers are the low caste Ethiopians. Don't get lippy to people who know their fathers aabahaa wasee

My ancestors were slave sellers. They also brought arab women for the safe stay of arabs in our lands.

Forgive me but I don't think a slave owning somebody would be an abused minority few hundred years later.

My great-grandfathers were hitting that arab siil like there was no tomorrow


My ancestors were slave sellers. They also brought arab women for the safe stay of arabs in our lands.

Forgive me but I don't think a slave owning somebody would be an abused minority few hundred years later.

My great-grandfathers were hitting that arab siil like there was no tomorrow
you don't even know the history of Banadir stfu sxb. It was due to the incredibly large numbers of Somalis that settled amongst us in the later years that the foreigners (us) were suppressed. We lived with the Ajuuran in harmony for centuries.

Lol @ Arab slaves. That's why you have no Arab DNA right? Loool. There were no Arab slaves stop dreaming you hyena looking Abysinnian. We took over all of North Africa kkkkkk and most of East Africa.
Btw, what's your sub-clan? I'll show you your origins.
The current cadcad are low caste gypsies who escaped their ancestral land only god knows what were they running from maybe they were slaves there.
The Arab omani slave trader that partnered with Somalis are gone long time ago.


The current cadcad are low caste gybsies who escaped their ancestral land only god knows what were they running from maybe they were slaves there.
The Arab omani slave trader that partnered with Somalis are gone long time ago.
Wallahi they're not gone lmao. We were not slaves, we brought them to your country. The Omanis still live with us and they're cadcad too. I know their tribes, Al-Bakri, branches of Reer Wali, etc. some of them went back to Oman and have the surname Al-Barawani or Al-Barwani or Al-Baraawi, like this fella:

Even the Omanis that went back still associate with the blessed people. I know it must hurt to not know your father sxb, but our origins are clear. Every source will tell you we are (paternally) Arabs & Persians.

PS. We came to your lands to do business.
Probably Nilotics or semi-Nilotics from Southwestern Ethiopia. Ethiopians raided them for a long time and sold them to other countries. To this day they are still known as 'Baria' (slave in Amharic).

Unlikely that they are the common Ethiopians you are thinking of.

No they were oromo slaves, the galkayo city was the slave market. One of reasons of lack the intermarriage between Somalis and Ethiopians throughout they were neighbors countries. It is social stigmata where marry ethopian
Wallahi they're not gone lmao. We were not slaves, we brought them to your country. The Omanis still live with us and they're cadcad too. I know their tribes, Al-Bakri, branches of Reer Wali, etc. some of them went back to Oman and have the surname Al-Barawani or Al-Barwani or Al-Baraawi, like this fella:

Even the Omanis that went back still associate with the blessed people. I know it must hurt to not know your father sxb, but our origins are clear. Every source will tell you we are (paternally) Arabs & Persians.

PS. We came to your lands to do business.
There are no cadcad gypsies in my land even the few that came had to assimilate to the bigger clan to survive and when we traded animal and human capital we traded with real Arabs Indians and Persians no gybsies business
It is very old news the word gaal/ galla( Oromo) means in Somali the savage and name of of city galkayo drived from Oromo slave market.


Still, you are an abused minority today
Not really, we don't really live in Xamar anymore. Only around 3,000 cadcads remain in Xamar. Some of the few cadcads that live in Xamar own big businesses. One Asharaaf cadcad even owns Universal TV. Why have you not told me your sub-clan yet lol? You're afraid you might be an ex-Abyssinian slave miyaa
Do not worry this ugly law will change soon, no more of 0.5 Somalis are Somalis and even the Bantu and Arab would not be any more 0.5. We all are equal individual that's what our religion Islam says we are equal as long as they leave al shabab thing.
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