He sees it, but lust has blinded him. Poverty back home is rife and I’ve heard of enough fathers offering their daughters up for polygamous unions so that the fathers have one less mouth to feed and their daughter gets a steady paycheck from her Western husband, meanwhile it’s his children in the West who will pick up the pieces as their dad is away months at a time.What definently happens often are requests to marry a second wife (or first wife) if you're vacationing in Somalia and even in the west once you hit your late 20s or early 30s. Second wives come into the conversation at that age. They will decline the second wife offers though. Aunts and uncles provide the biggest (or only pressure) when it comes to second wives, never your parents or siblings. You should not visit Somalia without your wife or kids.
This guy is incredibly stupid though. Her father just wants to use him. How does he not see that?