He was Somalihe was not Somali, he was a Hashemite Arab, and his descendants live to this day in Saudi Arabia and Some parts of Yemen
He was Somalihe was not Somali, he was a Hashemite Arab, and his descendants live to this day in Saudi Arabia and Some parts of Yemen
Is Walashma a clan or somethingHe was the Sultan of Adal so he was Walashma
Extinct dynasty, nobody today claims to descend from themIs Walashma a clan or something
The ruler you are referring to, @awsaleban667, is Muqbil al-Zayla'i. His clansmen would be joined by a hundred Mamluk soilders and defeat the Tahrid army in Mawr, Yemen:The Sunni Rasulids were overthrown by the Sunni Tahirids in 1454. In 1516 the Somali Governor of Luhayyah helped the mamluks conquer Yemen from the Tahirids
(1985) Arabian Studies: Volume 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 42.Further evidenced for the disaffection felt by the population of the Tihāmah towards the Tahirids comes from the action of Faqih Abū Bakr b . Muqbil al - Zayla'i , whose ancestors are said to have founded al - Luḥayyah . Al - Zayla'i visited the Egyptian commander on Kamaran and offered to open up the interior from al - Luḥayyah to the Egyptians . As a result a hundred Mamluks joined al - Zayla'ï's tribesmen and defeated a Tahirid army at Mawr .