Yemeni Sultan gifts Somali Sultan Arabian horses

The Sunni Rasulids were overthrown by the Sunni Tahirids in 1454. In 1516 the Somali Governor of Luhayyah helped the mamluks conquer Yemen from the Tahirids
The ruler you are referring to, @awsaleban667, is Muqbil al-Zayla'i. His clansmen would be joined by a hundred Mamluk soilders and defeat the Tahrid army in Mawr, Yemen:

Further evidenced for the disaffection felt by the population of the Tihāmah towards the Tahirids comes from the action of Faqih Abū Bakr b . Muqbil al - Zayla'i , whose ancestors are said to have founded al - Luḥayyah . Al - Zayla'i visited the Egyptian commander on Kamaran and offered to open up the interior from al - Luḥayyah to the Egyptians . As a result a hundred Mamluks joined al - Zayla'ï's tribesmen and defeated a Tahirid army at Mawr .
(1985) Arabian Studies: Volume 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 42.
