You say I habaar terribly but take a look at this. Can u blame me?

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Kuwait build a free schooling for the poorest of the poor and the orphans.

After they build it the authorities placed relatives of their to managerial position.

All other positions were also given to the kids of influential children.

Now that they took all responsibility for the place they started demanding poor parents pay $50



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Ilahay waxaa ka baryayaa in who undermined these salt of the earth people to come down with uncontrollable Parkinson's disease accompanied by incurable severe migraine headache with epilepsy


Wallahi you'll hear something new every day. How greedy do you have to be to steal from poor people and orphans. Iimaan la'aa:hova:

Queen Carawelo

I was actually thinking about this earlier this morning. When was the last time this so called Government donated anything to the poor? Muqdisho brags about new businesses everyday. When was the last time a school was built for the poor? How about housing?

@Warsheekh ask your uncle when he will build schools and housing for the people? Instead of using the money given by the U.N to travel and pay former moryaans to protect him.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I was actually thinking about this earlier this morning. When was the last time this so called Government donated anything to the poor? Muqdisho brags about new businesses everyday. When was the last time a school was built for the poor? How about housing?

@Warsheekh ask your uncle when he will build schools and housing for the people? Instead of using the money given by the U.N to travel and pay former moryaans to protect him.

:comeon::comeon::comeon:This is Hargeisa...this is the only one time I'm giving Xamar rulers a pass cause they do not control this part


@Idol Some of these Mogadishu businesses are owned by AU/AMISOM country politicians you know. They even serve pork, buy their ingredients from their own countries and won't allow Somalis to work there. They don't pay tax either. They are not interested in the poor, the poor are in the way.
Ilahay waxaa ka baryayaa in who undermined these salt of the earth people to come down with uncontrollable Parkinson's disease accompanied by incurable severe migraine headache with epilepsy
The place is a boarding school for female orphan children. What the f*ck do you expect the government to do? Let every poor family in hargeisa send their children there for free when it is not for them? Hargeisa has a population of 1.2 million people and the reason why a fee of 50$ is being charged is because the government is intentionally trying to exclude poor families in a subtle and nice manner, this boarding school
Will be used only for female child orphans not male child orphans or regular poor children who still have their parents. Also primary and secoundary schooling in every region of somaliland is free and these poor people are just being a and trying to take advantage of this new facility.
So the orphans are all taken care of already, to capacity?
The Kulmiye ruling party is very unpopular right now so they will be taking female child orphans and rewarding them with this new life at being raised In a boarding school till a certain age, Kulmiye which is the ruling party will starting picking orphans from different neighbourhoods, this is all a publicity stunt for the ruling party and they will pick female orphans slowly so it gets as much public attention. It will be a free education, food and housing though once a female orphan is chosen.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Wallahi @Idol is a dameerad, did a Abgaal nigga dump you or something. The post is about Hargeisa how can Hassan Sheekh do anything for them. He can't even step foot there. All Somali leaders are corrupt even that Abdi Weli Gaas does nothing for the poor. Stop pointing fingers like a bunch of baboons. Soomaliddu caqli xumaa.
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Wallahi @Idol is a dameerad, did a Abgaal nigga dump you or something. The post is about Hargeisa how can Hassan Sheekh do anything for them. He can't even step foor there. All Somali leaders are corrupt even that Abdi Weli Gaas does nothing for the poor. Stop pointing fingers like a bunch of baboons. Soomaliddu caqli xumaa.



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter

The place is a boarding school for female orphan children. What the f*ck do you expect the government to do? Let every poor family in hargeisa send their children there for free when it is not for them? Hargeisa has a population of 1.2 million people and the reason why a fee of 50$ is being charged is because the government is intentionally trying to exclude poor families in a subtle and nice manner, this boarding school
Will be used only for female child orphans not male child orphans or regular poor children who still have their parents. Also primary and secoundary schooling in every region of somaliland is free and these poor people are just being a and trying to take advantage of this new facility.

What if I can show you gov offical's childten attending this "orphan" school ...what then ?
Wallahi @Idol is a dameerad, did a Abgaal nigga dump you or something. The post is about Hargeisa how can Hassan Sheekh do anything for them. He can't even step foot there. All Somali leaders are corrupt even that Abdi Weli Gaas does nothing for the poor. Stop pointing fingers like a bunch of baboons. Soomaliddu caqli xumaa.

Idol can't be a dameerad she is not Hawiye.

and about the orphans, Isaaqs calaacal to much these days i don't like this trend.

Queen Carawelo

Wallahi @Idol is a dameerad, did a Abgaal nigga dump you or something. The post is about Hargeisa how can Hassan Sheekh do anything for them. He can't even step foot there. All Somali leaders are corrupt even that Abdi Weli Gaas does nothing for the poor. Stop pointing fingers like a bunch of baboons. Soomaliddu caqli xumaa.
Nacala adiga iyo sinjiigaka kuyaal. Dameer dameer dhalay.
Wtf do you know what gaas do for the poor, you're a troll and anyone who liked and agreed with you is a troll example menace and ciddarta. You need more people .

Welcome to my ignore list troll.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Nacala adiga iyo sinjiigaka kuyaal. Dameer dameer dhalay.

Welcome to my ignore list troll.
Idol we can work this out through dialogue, don't cut ties like Puntland State/Jubaland State does with the Federal Government of Somalia. I'm all ears.
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