The ul gaas thing sounds intresting Can you tell me where I can find the source ?I have quite a few Madhiban friends, and he told me they call Somalis in the north Aji, from my understanding, Aji had two sons, Dir and Digale, the latter had a daughter called Dombira who married Abdirahman bin Isma'il al-Jabarti around 10/11th centuries, he was a Somali who got educated across the red sea and returned, both Darod and Dir claim Aqil ibn Abi Talib, Walashma dynasty also claims this.
Another title that appeared after the fall of Adal was Ughaz, "ul" and "gaas," meaning "the stick of the warrior’s chief, shared amongst Dir(Gadabuursi, Isse), Darood(Ogaden), and Hawiye(Hawadle). This title seems to be connected to after the collapse of Adal and is usually carried by those who had a connection to Harar or inhabited the Sr around the 16th century.
This makes sense since tmcra of Dir Aji Irir is around 1000-800 years, linking T Isaaq, Gadabuursi and Cisse to one common ancestor, who split off from Surre around 1,600 ybp around Sanaag; some branches remained around the area.
There are many oral stories of Dir fighting Gallo(basically Somalis who didn't accept Islam) in northern Somalia and into the SR. Historically we have always inhabited the north, several historical towns across the region are named after Dir Saints, Awdal during the Adal sultanate were thriving, they found about fourteen sites in the vicinity of Borama alone be it the collapse of trade or raids those towns fell and never got revived.