🚨 Breaking News! The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was targeted in the southern suburb of Beirut. It's still unclear whether he is💀or not

One thing I realised is that majority of leftist non-Muslims care more about the genocide, murder and ethnic cleansing of Muslims, than Salafis who celebrate thousands of Muslims killed because of centuries old sectarianism. No wonder South Africa was the one that led the ICJ genocide case against Israel.
Another thing is when the European colonisers were defeating the Ottomans, Salafis sided with the European colonisers because they are ahl kitaab and Ottomans are “grave worshipping kaafir Sufis”, disgusting sectarianism.

Sunnis are not celebrating the death of Muslims nor do they support the Zionist war on Lebanon, but some are happy to see Nasrallah dead, especially the Syrians. Do you not remember what they did there and the footage that was coming out of Syria over the years? The ethnic cleansing and torture of Sunnis there?

It is not complicate, Sunnis masses are not helping the zionists and are rooting for anyone to defeat them but why would they mourn a person who helped slaughtered tens of thousands of Sunnis?

It has always been said, the shia have never in history fought an enemy of Islam, always just the Sunnis. It has always been the Sunnis fighting and dying for Islam throughout history. It is highly doubted that would change today though it would be a pleasant surprise. In this case, the zionists are coming for them directly so it would benefit them to actually do something, again we wait to see.

AUN to the innocent civillians and Muslims killed there may Allah swt protect them, but no one is sad about Nasrallah.

Also do not forget, the shias were helping the west fight and kill Muslims for the last few decades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria they were alligned in nearly all those wars and the massacres there. After they finished massacring sunnis they were turned out.

Do not mix up madkhalis who are indeed alligned with zionists as they are parroting their zionist occupied governments talking points with your average Sunni Muslims who has memory of recent history.

May Allah SWT protect the innocent and Muslims in Lebanon and thwart the zionists satanic plans of carving out "greater israel".

When they're done with Lebanon, Yemen is next. They're implementing their agenda by force. I hope they're not backing the xabashi MoU, otherwise the Israelis will get what they want. They always do get what they want in this world.

They are going forward with their plan to create greater israel and be the only power in the middle east, ruling over the entire Muslim world. They are indeed backing the mou, they have always been close with ethiopia and backed them in every war against us. As a rule, they always back any kuffar that can weaken Muslims.

Allah SWT controls this world, He SWT always gets what he wants and can change a situation at anytime and has given victory to the believers while they were a small force against all odds all throughout history, that is the Sunnah of Allah SWT. Muslims will win.


Sunnis are not celebrating the death of Muslims nor do they support the Zionist war on Lebanon, but some are happy to see Nasrallah dead, especially the Syrians. Do you not remember what they did there and the footage that was coming out of Syria over the years? The ethnic cleansing and torture of Sunnis there?

It is not complicate, Sunnis masses are not helping the zionists and are rooting for anyone to defeat them but why would they mourn a person who helped slaughtered tens of thousands of Sunnis?

It has always been said, the shia have never in history fought an enemy of Islam, always just the Sunnis. It has always been the Sunnis fighting and dying for Islam throughout history. It is highly doubted that would change today though it would be a pleasant surprise. In this case, the zionists are coming for them directly so it would benefit them to actually do something, again we wait to see.

AUN to the innocent civillians and Muslims killed there may Allah swt protect them, but no one is sad about Nasrallah.

Also do not forget, the shias were helping the west fight and kill Muslims for the last few decades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria they were alligned in nearly all those wars and the massacres there. After they finished massacring sunnis they were turned out.

Do not mix up madkhalis who are indeed alligned with zionists as they are parroting their zionist occupied governments talking points with your average Sunni Muslims who has memory of recent history.

May Allah SWT protect the innocent and Muslims in Lebanon and thwart the zionists satanic plans of carving out "greater israel".

The Syrian revolutionaries they have exposed themselves, i understand why the resistance made sure not to let Assad fall. They would have another zionist/ISIS neighbour that wants to destroy them.

Celebrating pager terrorist attacks in Lebanon, and an air strike that killed 500 innocent civilians because of 1 person they dislike. Never have i seen a non-Muslim that is not a zionist more happy than these syrian revolutionaries and salafis.

North Korea’s government may be awful people who are harming their people, doubt the Chinese like them that much. But they won’t support a US led coup against their government that brings trouble to their borders. Same thing for Iran in Syria. It’s simply geopolitics at the end of the day.

Saudi’s genocide and ethnic cleansing of Yemen is never spoken about because they are Salafis, unlike Iran being blamed for the crimes of Assad. The naval blockade starved hundreds of thousands of Yemenis AUN.