🚨 Breaking News! The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was targeted in the southern suburb of Beirut. It's still unclear whether he is💀or not

Yusuf M

We are Muslims and view ourselves as part of an Ummah as per the teachings of our religion Islam, Muslims everywhere are also our people.

As a user mentioned, if you do not believe in the teachings of Islam then take your own advice, put it into action, and exit this thread. Spare us your drivel. The rest of us as Muslims do indeed care and will continue to.
Are you one of those people who thinks criticizing Arabs is the same as attacking Islam???
Anyway, peace out. This is my final post on this thread.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
Screenshot 2024-09-28 172544.png

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Forza Somalia!
The New York Times reported today, Saturday, September 28, 2017, quoting 3 Israeli officials, that Tel Aviv had known about the location of Hassan Nasrallah for months.

The officials said Israel decided to strike because it believed it had only a short window of opportunity before the Hezbollah leader disappeared to a different location.

Two officials said more than 80 bombs were dropped over several minutes to kill him, but they did not confirm the weight or type of bombs.

The journalist said, according to officials based on intelligence information they obtained from inside Lebanon, that Hezbollah elements found Nasrallah’s body and identified him early Saturday morning, along with Ali Karaki, one of the party’s senior leaders.

Two officials indicated that the operation had been planned since last week, when Israeli leaders spoke with their American counterparts about the possibility of a ceasefire in Lebanon, and before Netanyahu left to deliver a speech at the United Nations.

Officials said that Hashem Safieddine, Hassan Nasrallah’s cousin and a key player in the party’s political and social work, was one of the few remaining Hezbollah leaders who were not present at the strike site.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
F IDF and Netenyahu

They want WW3 so hard. f*ck the west for


One thing I realised is that majority of leftist non-Muslims care more about the genocide, murder and ethnic cleansing of Muslims, than Salafis who celebrate thousands of Muslims killed because of centuries old sectarianism. No wonder South Africa was the one that led the ICJ genocide case against Israel.
Another thing is when the European colonisers were defeating the Ottomans, Salafis sided with the European colonisers because they are ahl kitaab and Ottomans are “grave worshipping kaafir Sufis”, disgusting sectarianism.