🚨 Breaking News! The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was targeted in the southern suburb of Beirut. It's still unclear whether he is💀or not

Why are you silent about Sunni atrocities?The vast majority of killings in Iraq and Syria were done by Salafi Sunni extremist groups like ISIS and Jabhad Al Nusra an affiliate of Al Qaeda. They would torture, mass murdered people in brutal barbaric ways, and took young girls mainly non Muslim girls like the Yazidis as sex slaves. War nin yahow, you're a brainless Ayrab wannabe bakhti.
Listen you prick. .....go googlr the massacres of hama, houla, baniyas, bayda, ghouta, aleppo

Don't ever mention sunnis. Sunnis have been driven out of Syria by scum alawite militias and their shia allies from pakistan all the way to lebanon.

There are no yazidis in Syria you dumb moron. Don't confuse iraq with syria.

Now go cry to your lord khamenai
Why the Hezbulshaytan will not retaliate or does he only show force on defenseless syrian civilians.

They were recently bombing Sunni towns in Syria.

It seems all those who were saying the shia would never take action unless it is against Sunnis were correct.

We will wait to see them proven wrong but I doubt it.
Why aren't Ayrabs fighting back?

All the arabs who fight (Sunnis) have been attacked and for decades now and their countries dismantled, they continue to fight in occupied Palestine. Shia never fight kuffar, throughout all of history. They only attack Sunnis. We will wait to see what they do next.
only 80,00 Israelis are displaced. on the other hand, Hezbollah joined the war on their own accord after October 7th attack. they are now backpedaling as their leaders are picked off one after another. they are scared shitless because apart from Shiites no one in Lebanon wants them in the country :drakekidding:

Why is this Zionist Jew still on this forum cosplaying as a Somali?
I do not support Shia nor agree with their religious belief. It is just that Shia haven't attacked Somalia nor are they actively trying to spread their religious doctrine in our country unlike the gulf wahhabi salafi demons that you worship. I bet you would be fully in favor of Arabizing Somalia to the point where we lose our Identity and language. I know bootlicks like you.

What is with you on this topic? There is no salafi/wahhabi Saudi spread to us? That is kuffar liberal talking points. The Deen is Islam, the only thing Saudi has been trying to spread is madkhalism and that ideology has not taken root in Somalia in any significant way. The shia have been killing Sunnis for decades including Syria, as Muslims those are our people.

The leadership in all the Sunnis countries are treacherous zionist allies, but the shia have never fought in all of known history against enemies of Islam and Muslims. They only kill Sunnis. I would of course hope they fight back against the zionists and beat them but dont hold your breath.

What Muslim Sunni views the shia well after all they have done? Stop this wahhabi nonsense some kuffar spread as a guise for their hating Islam.
They waited too long and lost the initiative, now they have been decapitated due to infiltration.

Their best chance was to strike when hamas did, the second best time was the weeks after when much of the Zionist army was focused on Gaza, a full out preemptive strike to take out their airbases, power stations etc.

This is as humiliating as the 6 days war, the karma for participating in the Syrian civil war.

If you don't use it, you will loose it, they are now being dismantled systematically, all their weapon depots being destroyed, now even their anti ship missiles they intended to use to close the Mediterranean going up in flames.

The only hope now is that the killing of the entire leadership would bring about either better ones that show less restraint, or the lack of leadership itself would make the fighters throw caution to the wind and go all out.

They did not care when Sunnis were being killed, but they foolishly forgot that the Zionists were coming for them anyway. They should have fought as you mentioned when they first started attacking Gaza, that may have made a difference. But as they say, shia do not fight kuffar.
We probably lost more land to Black African Zionists than the Palestinians did to Israel, and Israel is a staunch ally of Kenya/Ethiopia.

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The zionists that control the west have always done this to strategically weaken Muslims everywhere. They are indeed behind most of the designs on Somalis/Somalia to divide and weaken it. They are huge backers of both Ethiopia and Kenya.