🚨 Breaking News! The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was targeted in the southern suburb of Beirut. It's still unclear whether he is💀or not

All of what you said is true and we all know it. But there's no one fighting a religios war, only a nationalistic one.

The arab world have been subdued long time ago. Everyone else is a friend of theirs. In my opinion we should establish normal diplomatic relations with them. We have it with the US, and those guys did everything possible in muslim countries. By not having diplomatic relations withe them, and being so weak and fragmented we'll have a needless target on our back.

Somalis have suffered enough in this world going unssafe and hungry to bed. Let those who're strong carry that responsibility. The Iranians, the pakistanis the saudis etc. They should try to stand up for the poor and weak, not us who are poor and weak.

What are you talking about? The Palestinians resistance groups are fighting a religious war and so are the radical zionist jews.

We will never have relations with enemies of Islam and Muslims and it is a matter of Deen and principle. Allah SWT is the ones who provides and withholds it is not in the hands of some transgessive gaalo who are at war with Islam worldwide and constantly burning down masjids and slaughtering Muslims. Fear Allah and not the jews.
only 80,00 Israelis are displaced. on the other hand, Hezbollah joined the war on their own accord after October 7th attack. they are now backpedaling as their leaders are picked off one after another. they are scared shitless because apart from Shiites no one in Lebanon wants them in the country :drakekidding:

Now that the news of Nasrallah death broke. I don't see how they can recover from that, he was literally the commander in Chief who they all rallied behind.

Imagine if all Islamic countries would impose an embargo on Israel (no fly zone, no access the maritime borders/suez channel)

They would suffer retaliation from the United States and other western Isreali allies.

They are the single biggest deterrent, for any action like that happening
Now that the news of Nasrallah death broke. I don't see how they can recover from that, he was literally the commander in Chief who they all rallied behind.

They would suffer retaliation from the United States and other western Isreali allies.

They are the single biggest deterrent, for any action like that happening

How long can they use the US support as an excuse when they are being killed and attacked regardless? The zionists are gearing up to carve out "greater israel". They are already talking about invading/annexing southern lebanon, which is the hezbollah/shia heartland. They shouldve fought long ago when they invaded Gaza, public support for a war for israel in the west is at historical lows.

They will be attacked by israel with western support as they have been doing in Gaza all the same.

The greater Israel project is simply a plan for Israel to formally annex as much land from its neighbors as possible - while implementing genocides of Muslim and Christian populations in these lands to make room for future Jewish settlement.

Although the project is one of conquest, Israeli conquerors are different from others in their heavy dependence on shameless forms of deception.

Thus, to give Israelis plausible deniability, their conquest is to be carried out in a gradual fashion.

Thus, when speaking in front of non-Jews, Israeli carefully avoid speaking about annexing vast amounts of land. Rather, Israelis talk about annexing one bit (e.g., Golan Heights), then a second bit (e.g., Gaza), then a third bit (e.g., West Bank), then a fourth bit (e.g., Southern Lebanon) - and so on.

Whenever anyone points out the broader pattern of conquest, Israelis pretend that they are content with the smaller amounts of land they have already annexed or are on the verge of annexing.

Even more bizarre, Israelis also pretend that their annexations are actually a form of "self-defense" against another "Holocaust."

Thus, Israelis claim that they must annex Gaza or Syria or even Saudi Arabia and Egypt because all Arabs or Muslims are taught that they have a religious obligation to carry out a Holocaust by "killing all Jews in the world" through jihad. Needless to say, this is an absurd lie about Islamic teachings. But to the Israeli mind it justifies preemptively genociding all Arabs and Muslims in self -defense.

Interestingly, this idea of preemptively killing others to prevent a potential threat comes from Talmud (i.e., the "rodef" doctrine). So here we have a situation where Israelis lie to themselves and brainwash their children about a non-existent Islamic jihad commandment to kill all Jews. They then rise to kill Muslims first based on Talmudic teachings as a matter of self-defense. In doing so, they employ a conquering army which they deceptively name the "Israeli Defense Force" - acting as if the aim of the army is simply "self-defense" rather than constant conquest and annexation.

The ideal of greater Israel is to annex everything between Nile and Euphrates.

But depending on what circumstances allow (e.g., US assistance, the strength of adversaries) Israel will annex less or more than this.

The greater Israel project has made enormous progress in the past two decades.

During this period, countries in the region opposed to Israel have had their leaders assassinated, and have been severely weakened by sanctions and carefully engineered civil wars (e.g., Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, Yemen).

As noted by US general Wesley Clark, explicit plans for the destruction of these countries were adopted by the military after 9/11. This was achieved through the influence of the Israel lobby and its Jewish neocon operatives inside the US government.

In just the past decade, Israel has undertaken a genocide in Gaza. It has also initiated genocides in the West Bank and Lebanon, with the aim of annexing these lands.

Additionally, Israel has already annexed Syria's Golan heights, while high officials (like Bezalel Smotrich) have gone on record as saying they will soon take the rest of Syria including Damascus.

Anyone who mentions these basic facts is accused of spreading an "antisemitic" "conspiracy theory".

Any social media account which shares these facts is either immediately removed, or has its reach severely limited, so as to prevent the spread of "antisemitism" and "conspiracy theories."
How long can they use the US support as an excuse when they are being killed and attacked regardless? The zionists are gearing up to carve out "greater israel". They are already talking about invading/annexing southern lebanon, which is the hezbollah/shia heartland. They shouldve fought long ago when they invaded Gaza, public support for a war for israel in the west is at historical lows.

They will be attacked by israel with western support as they have been doing in Gaza all the same.

Greater Isreal wooow... if thats true then it's crazy how those regional countries don't see them as an extensial threat and how Lebanon and Palestine is just a springboard for future endeavors

If i was them i would create like an official organization to protect their interests and territorial integrity.
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He sacrificed his life for those facing genocide and ethnic cleansing but had the option to live comfortably like the rest of neighbouring Muslim states.

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Greater Isreal wooow... if thats true then it's crazy how those regional countries don't see them as an extensial threat and how Lebanon and Palestine is just a springboard for future endeavors

If i was them i would create like an official organization to protect their interests and territorial integrity.

Those leaders were placed there by the same zionist powers. Any leader that would have and had stood up to them in the past has been taken out. They are still taking out antagonistic forces to them right now.

Do not expect anything from the leadership in those countries, they do not care about Deen or even their tribe in a secular nationalistic sense. I think this goes beyond blackmail at this point, I doubt their lineage.

MBS in Saudi for example just recently put out a statement that he does not care about Palestinians, he invests in Israel companies and gives billions to Jard Kushner who then spend the money on the IDF. He has even given an israeli company control of the students textbooks in Saudi and they have removed Quran and Hadith, Islamic teachings.

MBZ is sometimes more zealous and bold then the zionists themselves, he has been at war with Islam and Muslims even going as far as funding islamophobic zionists groups in the west and in the east he starts wars in Muslim countries assassinating and fighting off religious Muslims. They are evil.

Somalis also need to wake up and realize Somalia is also included in the list of target nations for a reason.

Somalia is a huge nation of Sunni Muslims who has always historically support Islam and Muslims, since the times of Ahmed Gurey and beyond. It is part of their design to weaken and dismantle us like all other Muslim countries.

That is why they have been supporting Ethiopia and Kenya against us to dismantle us and put us under the control of those small and historically powerless kuffar nations. It is why they have strengthened them against us the last century, they have done the same in other Muslim countries. Those neighbours have no power on their own, it is the global zionist powers supprting them, they are very close to them only to crush us.

They are the ones pushing Ethiopia to the Red Sea, so they have their ally there. UAE also brought them to Socotra already, they have a spy base there. Wherever you see UAE, Israel is right behind them.

It is important to stop being petty and realize what is actually happening in the world.
He has even given an israeli company control of the students textbooks in Saudi and they have removed Quran and Hadith, Islamic teachings.

I watched it thinking it was going to be some conspiracy craze but it is legit, that's baffling

They are letting a isreal aligned outside entity edit and moderate their text books. Every country should have control over their own educational system, it shouldn't be something administrated from outside.

Are there Arabs or Muslim orgs moderating Isreali or western textbooks and drafting an educational curriculum for them is there?
I watched it thinking it was going to be some conspiracy craze but it is legit, that's baffling

They are letting a isreal aligned outside entity edit and moderate their text books. Every country should have control over their own educational system, it shouldn't be something administrated from outside.

Are there Arabs or Muslim orgs moderating Isreali or western textbooks and drafting an educational curriculum for them is there?

Of course not, not even western secular or christian ones, the zionists control the textbooks in the west too.

Israel teaches its children to kill Muslims and that we are all terrorists, including infants. They are what an actual radical extreme society looks like. No one takes an issue, they are protected and get crazier with time.

While they continue their war on Islam and Muslims in all forms. It is only the Muslims and Islam being attacked.

Everything looks really bad right now.