160+ dead in Paris

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I feel you


After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Sarkozy stated that if elected in 2017, he will ban hijab in universities.
Whether Sarkozy or his fellow fascist Marine Le Pen wins the next election, French Muslims are going to be oppressed.

You forgot about the similar terrorist attacks that happened at the beginning of this year that had 17 people. GG to any muslim refugees trying to seek asylum in France.
Remember folks this event today is going to be very 'historical' just like '9/11', and may have caused a Butterfly-effect in the process!

Also its going to have a larger effect on how the world views Muslims and Islam in general, in a new very negative manner that's very hostile!


These countries in Europe don't make their immigrants integrate.

That's the problem.

I don't think that's the problem tbh. If the immigrants, especially the Muslim ones, assimilated more into French culture then things wouldn't be so hostile between normal Muslims and French people. Part of the problem is these terrorists taking advantage of the mass immigration and refugee crisis to get into any country they want. It's hard to differentiate between a terrorist and a normal refugee and very easy for terrorists to exploit this. They can basically get into any country they want if they have enough money. Why the f*ck do they even do this, shit is just going to continually get harder for any refugee looking for a new home in Europe.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Ex-Prime Minister of Canada tweets " its time we call a space a space. Islam and our Western ways are incompatible"


ISIS in Libya probably profited greatly from tahriibis coming to think of it.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
France deploys it's foreign legion which includes Djiboutian Ciise tribesmen


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Breaking NEWS: I've turned into this guy tonight. Waar nimanyahoow wht don't the Somaliland lunatics hire me.


John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I don't think that's the problem tbh. If the immigrants, especially the Muslim ones, assimilated more into French culture then things wouldn't be so hostile between normal Muslims and French people. Part of the problem is these terrorists taking advantage of the mass immigration and refugee crisis to get into any country they want. It's hard to differentiate between a terrorist and a normal refugee and very easy for terrorists to exploit this. They can basically get into any country they want if they have enough money. Why the f*ck do they even do this, shit is just going to continually get harder for any refugee looking for a new home in Europe.

French Algerians have done their best to integrate. Many if not most of them barely practice their religion. They even have french names. You can't force yourself to be part of a society that wants nothing to do with you.
French Algerians have done their best to integrate. Many if not most of them barely practice their religion. They even have french names. You can't force yourself to be part of a society that wants nothing to do with you.

Plus the metal to build Eiffel Tower and Uranium for the Nuclear bombs came from Algeria too!


So its OK to execute innocent people because of colonial policies they had no part in?
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