160+ dead in Paris

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Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Ban the hijab ban the niqab ban the moslems
After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Sarkozy stated that if elected in 2017, he will ban hijab in universities.
Whether Sarkozy or his fellow fascist Marine Le Pen wins the next election, French Muslims are going to be oppressed.
did it really reach 160 or is someone fucking with my thread title :comeon:
if this happened in the u.s i bet there would be a large scale invasion into iraq/syria.
It reached 160 dead according to many international news sources.

Local French media has said 200 are now dead but we will wait for Reuters and Associated Press to confirm.

Queen Carawelo

3 of the attackers have been killed, the others are on the loose. #prayingforParis.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I'm telling you folks, as stated by our supreme maahmaah " ninka garaneen waxa hada jooga ma garto waxa soo socda". West's 200 years of liberalism is khalas. Gloves are coming off. I predict the rise of Hitler-like regimes that get rid of this liberalism and total annihilation of Muslims amongst them and the war that was unavoidable, the religious/civilization war. In no way they can balance liberalism in what's yet to come. Why am I even having kids ileen they are bound to be killed. Worse part is I don't even know some of my Illigitimate children :jcoleno::meleshame::meleshame:


@AbdiJohnson They're citing the injured as killed for tomorrow's news most likely.

@Gorgon That's pretty cynical - there are pictures of dead bodies on Paris's streets.


Suldaanka Gobyare
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