5 children murdered by clan militia in Doolo, Galaadi Qorof



Suldaan mowliid. Anyway guy says if sligations is true they will bring those responsible to Justice and they will not stand for kids being killled. Trying to justify this as revenge is insane
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HG has a bright future. Brightest in Somalia. A state where the competition is 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th place is HG sub clans, plus Xamar plus Shabellaha Hoose and soon inshallah we’ll be exporting ourselves to Jubbada again.

We have the highest TFR in Somalia too, our baadiyo population will be multiplying and raising strong fighters :lawd: alx allah made me HG.

I believe in our HG mafia politicians to continue their onslaught. Inshallah I’ll be joining the fun later in my years. If there’s any land to rob from some of our resident laangaabs here, I’ll be there no matter what :mjlaugh:
According to 1931 census Maxamud Saleban is larger than HG.

HG 45k
MS 46.5k

You're apart of the resident laangaab club.
The Office Lol GIF
South central is Mudug, Galgadud, Hiiraan not just Galmudug though.
south central Somalia is Hirshabelle + Galmudug including all of mudug. The context here of central south I think means central + south so includes KGS and JL. basically anything south of Nugaal in the country has tfr of 7.1 which is understandable. This was 2006 though so things may have changed


South central is Mudug, Galgadud, Hiiraan not just Galmudug though.
Galgaduud is the highest. We’ve been over this before. They broke it down by gobol and it’s actually above 8.

Secondly HG is populated across Somalia. Comparing Galmudug to PL is ridiculous but yes HG defo outpopulate MJ by now I’d bet

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
south central Somalia is Hirshabelle + Galmudug including all of mudug. The context here of central south I think means central + south so includes KGS and JL. basically anything south of Nugaal in the country has tfr of 7.1 which is understandable. This was 2006 though so things may have changed
mudug + galmudug,hiraan 8 and sool alone is 7'9, we practice polygamy no qabil does that more than us, the gap between us and isaaq is crazy, waqooyi galbeed is like 4'3 something, it's like the gap between congolese and korean
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Galgaduud is the highest. We’ve been over this before. They broke it down by gobol and it’s actually above 8.

Secondly HG is populated across Somalia. Comparing Galmudug to PL is ridiculous but yes HG defo outpopulate MJ by now I’d bet
Bro, we were double the size of HG in 1931, how do you out-populate us now? Make it make sense, you sound delusional.

I remember people saying MS is 90% of MJ, when in fact we're only half. 😂

Edit: We're less than half kkkk


Bro, we were double the size of HG in 1931, how do you out-populate us now? Make it make sense, you sound delusional.

I remember people saying MS is 90% of MJ, when in fact we're only half. 😂
Census’ vary from since then. I doubt they were accurate.

Regardless it’s not me who did a registration and could barely register 400,000 of which half were IDPs.


No one can take you serious with your dishonest arguments. If you don't recognise that farmaajo created this galnus. Who was nothing before him. Then you are being obtuse. The only reason why you are defending farmaajo is because he is reer dalal that's all.

Critiquing MJ who have nothing to do with this. While farmaajo literally build galnus. If he left it alone. Galnus would only be in baxarley. But continue with your bullshit

"Farmaajo created Galnus" :ftw9nwa:

We all know Galnus origin was in Baraxley and existed during Sh Sharif time, we know when it got recognized by the FGS and became a real FMS, it was during HSM previous term when Abdiwali Gaas was PM.

"Farmaajo strengthened Galnus" one of the biggest propaganda tools HAG used against Farmaajo and still use to this day is, "why are you arming Gedo and not Galnus" they now replaced it with "See we are defeating Alshabab now that we have arms"
There is also evidence of PL arming Galnus during Farmaajo's term.

Boqortooyada Al Majerteniya waa tolkeen, critiquing them is not a big deal, they are not made out of glass :dwill:
mudug + galmudug,hiraan 8 and sool alone is 7'9, we practice polygamy no qabil does that more than us, the gap between us and isaaq is crazy, waqooyi galbeed is like 4'3 something, it's like the gap between congolese and korean
Where did you get this data? Know the tfr they gave for Middle and Lower Shabelle?


SXB Abdillahi Yusuf yelled and stamped into the South that they need a large army 20,000 was his number, now it's 66000 and following in his spirit, where-as Puntland has shifted from that policy with Deni govt and we want lean/slim fighting machine of quality over quantity. We want to model our Darawish along the lines of PSF/PMPF. We want them to be like IDF/Mossad not Iraq million man army rag-tags.

We saw how PSF since 2003 is now patrolling hobyo-harardheere and all puntland shabab becomes 'naago hiding their faces' when they see them, where-as with amisom/somali 66000 forces they mock, humiliate, infilitrate, weekly explosions and attacks and do not fear them.

This policy once completed in PL, it will replace that 66000 soldier quantity nonsense approach in the south but it will take a decade or two as that is the general rule where anything new or good starts in PL before it's exported to the South.
Don't get me wrong, I am for PL security forces operating in Galnus Hobyo, security forces from Caabudwaaq was securing Dhusomareb from Alshabab right up until Parliament election.

What I am against is arming Iljeex, by 2023 if Somalis have not learned from the past, that arming Iljeex is detriment to Somalia as a whole, I don't know when they will learn, Iljeex will sell weapons in the black market wholesale, they will also behave like savages setup roadblocks to plunder traders, kill innocent civilians including children, on top of their moriyaan savagry the biggest threat they pose is joining the terrorist organisation, which today they are well represented in.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Wagardhac should apply what Omar Mahmoud and RB have done in the past which is to enter their villages and shoot everyone on sight. Mooryaan only understands mooryaan behavior.

Wagardhac is the last MX standing in Mudug/Galgaduud, the rest have been uprooted from Dhuusomareeb and confined in the border city of Caabudwaaq. HG wants to do the same to Wagardhac and confine them at the Ethiopian border, but Wagardhac retook lots of land and they were fighting Sacad and Saleebaan deep in Gelinsoor district. Keep up the good fight, victory is near.
I wouldn’t be able to show my face on this thread if I was the clan that was responsible. Let me put it this way, if a man rapes your sister? Will you rape his sister? We have retardad bafuuns like bidenkulaha over here using this to give “talo” to the tribesman that were killed. This means you condone it. May Allah guide you.