5 children murdered by clan militia in Doolo, Galaadi Qorof


Maxamed Zubeyr ismood baa tahay but the reality is the rest of OG leave you at the 2 waaq waaq junction and are themselves closer related, ma xuma inaa tahay prehistoric, laakin waxaa la yaabay laangaabnimada.

And what is worse is you are killing each other as well and about to go extinct, everything that happens to you is your own fault, yet you curse OG laandheere which is MZ, Habarti Celi ma habar sixiroole ayee aheyd horta.

This is Abrahin Makahil xasuuqin laangaab Habar Celi Makahil
Mohamed Zubeer waxbo ha ku qarwin. Su’aasha ka jawaab so all of this forum can know. Who is larger Gumucadle or Mareexaan?

Shaykh Moallim Abshir discusses how qabyaalad has evolved into killing women, children and disabled. He said back in the day, a person would go through a village and ignore women, children and find a man of equal strength. To kill children, women, old and the disabled is not our dhaqan. Its haraam and evil. Its the way of the gaalo and the Ethiopians.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty

Shaykh Moallim Abshir discusses how qabyaalad has evolved into killing women, children and disabled. He said back in the day, a person would go through a village and ignore women, children and find a man of equal strength. To kill children, women, old and the disabled is not our dhaqan. Its haraam and evil. Its the way of the gaalo and the Ethiopians.
qabil is a disease. how can someone justify killing kids

