5 children murdered by clan militia in Doolo, Galaadi Qorof


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I wouldn’t be able to show my face on this thread if I was the clan that was responsible. Let me put it this way, if a man rapes your sister? Will you rape his sister? We have retardad bafuuns like bidenkulaha over here using this to give “talo” to the tribesman that were killed. This means you condone it. May Allah guide you.

Of course he condones it. He is enjoying this, but he’ll get his due.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
AUN. What kind of heartless savage kills children? People like this should be purged out of all qabils.

Saleebaan must be the ones to find and execute the culprits


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All mx in mudug is responsible including Wagardhac. Dhabad is part of galnus.

Why have saaxo in puntland and Dhabad in galnus?

Mx in mudug need to have a long look at themselves. Mx invited an enemy to their front garden we also had the clown farmaajo who strengthen galnus. Before him galnus was a xaafid in gaalkacyo.
True farmajo and yeey in power hawiye 😡


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
It has gone super viral

Congrats HG, you will forever be known as the sadist cawaan of Somalia. MX only will gain the duco and good will of the Somali people while you are cursed into oblivion.


Marehan killed a pregnant lady and also cut open her stomach and took out her baby, they also killed children on November we told them to bring those culprits they refused and now when they kill their children they complain to the world that hg are killing them. do i condone their action, no, but the way u guys are blaming everything on hg is hella wrong, when Marehan literally started this whole mess, bunch of hypocrites u guys r


Raggay hadu raggu isgabto which the saleban isim did, let it be and don't re-hash it. Wa kuwa aan is gaban ayaa uu bahan karbash


Mx and Hg, a perfect match made in hell
  1. Amudan "Muqabul"
  2. Son of Barwaq
  3. Son of Tagalwaq
  4. Son of Ogadein "Abdirahman"
  5. Son of Absame
  6. Son of Kumade "Abdi"
  7. Son of Kablalah "Mahamed"
  8. Son of Darod "Abdirahman"

after 2 waaqwaaq and you straight into Ogaden, allah maxaa laangaab tahay


Marehan killed a pregnant lady and also cut open her stomach and took out her baby, they also killed children on November we told them to bring those culprits they refused and now when they kill their children they complain to the world that hg are killing them. do i condone their action, no, but the way u guys are blaming everything on hg is hella wrong, when Marehan literally started this whole mess, bunch of hypocrites u guys r

I made a thread about what they did to that pregnant sacad woman.
When something happens to a certain community worlds turn upside down but we are on somalispot after all lol. This is has been ongoing in that region. This same 'wagardhac' killed 3 waceysle boys recently part of a sufi xer assuming they were salebaan. Hawiye waxa lee ahay af daboolan waa dahab beer jileec ha liska daayo. As a whole all the qabils should stop this tit for tat killing of children which only seems to happen in that part of Somalia.


Mareexaan iyo Gumucadle yaa badan? Taas markaad ka jawaabto ayuu hadalku kuu furan yahay
Mareexaan is qaran, and not same age as your jifo, you are same age as Mohamed Warwajecle in MX
  1. Mahamed
  2. Son of Warwajele
  3. Son of Radimir
  4. Son of Amanreir
  5. Son of Isaq
  6. Son of Galshiredle
  7. Son of Hodenbari
  8. Son of Balyiri
  9. Son of Awsame
  10. Son of Mareihan "Mahamed"
  11. Son of Sade "Ahmed"
  12. Son of Darod "Abdirahman"
Subclans of Mohamed Warwajecle
- Celi
- Fiqi Yacquub
- Habar Ciise
- Maamasame
- Soonfure
- Cali Dheere
- Ree Yuusuf
- Ree Cusmaan
- Rer Garaad
- Rer Siyaad Xuseen
- Rer Ahmed
- Rer Cali Xuseen
- Rer Yabar Xuseen
- Rer Ina Nuur
- Rer Farah Ugaas - which breaks into many subclans including mine Rer Dalal Ugas

Now your turn
  1. Mahamed "Habar Ali"
  2. Son of Hatti
  3. Son of Abdirahman
  4. Son of Makahil
  5. Son of Amudan "Muqabul"
  6. Son of Barwaq
  7. Son of Tagalwaq
  8. Son of Ogadein "Abdirahman"
  9. Son of Absame
  10. Son of Kumade "Abdi"
  11. Son of Kablalah "Mahamed"
  12. Son of Darod "Abdirahman"

Habar Celi
- Ismail Gumcadle
- Muse Gumcadle
- Gacanweyne

You are old as f*ck, and I mean really old ! but your prehistoric jifo is laangaab


Mareexaan is qaran, and not same age as your jifo, you are same age as Mohamed Warwajecle in MX
  1. Mahamed
  2. Son of Warwajele
  3. Son of Radimir
  4. Son of Amanreir
  5. Son of Isaq
  6. Son of Galshiredle
  7. Son of Hodenbari
  8. Son of Balyiri
  9. Son of Awsame
  10. Son of Mareihan "Mahamed"
  11. Son of Sade "Ahmed"
  12. Son of Darod "Abdirahman"
Subclans of Mohamed Warwajecle
- Celi
- Fiqi Yacquub
- Habar Ciise
- Maamasame
- Soonfure
- Cali Dheere
- Ree Yuusuf
- Ree Cusmaan
- Rer Garaad
- Rer Siyaad Xuseen
- Rer Ahmed
- Rer Cali Xuseen
- Rer Yabar Xuseen
- Rer Ina Nuur
- Rer Farah Ugaas - which breaks into many subclans including mine Rer Dalal Ugas

Now your turn
  1. Mahamed "Habar Ali"
  2. Son of Hatti
  3. Son of Abdirahman
  4. Son of Makahil
  5. Son of Amudan "Muqabul"
  6. Son of Barwaq
  7. Son of Tagalwaq
  8. Son of Ogadein "Abdirahman"
  9. Son of Absame
  10. Son of Kumade "Abdi"
  11. Son of Kablalah "Mahamed"
  12. Son of Darod "Abdirahman"

Habar Celi
- Ismail Gumcadle
- Muse Gumcadle
- Gacanweyne

You are old as f*ck, and I mean really old ! but your prehistoric jifo is laangaab
I repeat:
Mareexaan iyo Gumucadle yaa badan? Taas markaad ka jawaabto ayuu hadalku kuu furan yahay


I repeat:
Maxamed Zubeyr ismood baa tahay but the reality is the rest of OG leave you at the 2 waaq waaq junction and are themselves closer related, ma xuma inaa tahay prehistoric, laakin waxaa la yaabay laangaabnimada.

And what is worse is you are killing each other as well and about to go extinct, everything that happens to you is your own fault, yet you curse OG laandheere which is MZ, Habarti Celi ma habar sixiroole ayee aheyd horta.

This is Abrahin Makahil xasuuqin laangaab Habar Celi Makahil
Maxamed Zubeyr ismood baa tahay but the reality is the rest of OG leave you at the 2 waaq waaq junction and are themselves closer related, ma xuma inaa tahay prehistoric, laakin waxaa la yaabay laangaabnimada.

And what is worse is you are killing each other as well and about to go extinct, everything that happens to you is your own fault, yet you curse OG laandheere which is MZ, Habarti Celi ma habar sixiroole ayee aheyd horta.

This is Abrahin Makahil xasuuqin laangaab Habar Celi Makahil
Makahil iyo MZ wa walaalo
Adhiga horta ya aheed even reer diini disowned you in somnet.
If voltage disowned you as reer diini then Indont think you have any legs to stand on.

