54th Anniversary of the Kacaan

The argument for overthrowing the democratic government was corruption and clanism. Yet, the military regime that followed was even more clanist and corrupt than the previous government. Somalis, and all Africans, need to stop romanticizing military regimes. They always fail at growing the economy and stabilizing society.

Somali Saayid

Professional Amateur Troll
You can add Barre to that list. He refused to compromise till it was too late, got kicked out then started his own jabhad in Gedo to try to get the capital back. He ended up in Nigeria instead...
Mohamed Siyaad Barre actually sent 3 days of radio messages over the air to USC jabhad who were camped outside of xamar and said he would leave and they would form a transitional goverment and he would retire these people didn't want to form a new governent they wanted anarchy and chaos and he refused to give to them until the last second. They inherited all the trappings of the goverment, national reserve, functional ministry and goverment agencies and a full fledged national military despite being divide along clan lines could've easily been reformed.

The SNF was not considered a Jabhad until MSB went into exile in Nigeria because he was the legitimate president after that the SNF mainly became a MX political vehicle to maintain some semblance of control in Somali politics.
Mohamed Siyaad Barre actually sent 3 days of radio messages over the air to USC jabhad who were camped outside of xamar and said he would leave and they would form a transitional goverment and he would retire these people didn't want to form a new governent they wanted anarchy and chaos and he refused to give to them until the last second. They inherited all the trappings of the goverment, national reserve, functional ministry and goverment agencies and a full fledged national military despite being divide along clan lines could've easily been reformed.

The SNF was not considered a Jabhad until MSB went into exile in Nigeria because he was the legitimate president after that the SNF mainly became a MX political vehicle to maintain some semblance of control in Somali politics.
He had 21 years to do that and you are talking about 3 days 😂
The Blessed Zookeeper, history has truly vindicated you

Hindsight is a b*tch. Over 30 years later and no post-91 Somali government accomplished half of what he did. And yet the man is still hated and blamed entirely for the state of modern Somalia. No accountability among Somali clan leaders and former warlords it seems.
Hindsight is a b*tch. Over 30 years later and no post-91 Somali government accomplished half of what he did. And yet the man is still hated and blamed entirely for the state of modern Somalia. No accountability among Somali clan leaders and former warlords it seems.
Let me ask you a question - who founded the government in Somalia in the first place?


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Rer Muqdishu today say Siad Barre never taxed the public for “diiwangelin” in Xamar unlike the corrupt Culusow. Imagine 34 years later he is missed!

Mohamed Siyaad Barre actually sent 3 days of radio messages over the air to USC jabhad who were camped outside of xamar and said he would leave and they would form a transitional goverment and he would retire these people didn't want to form a new governent they wanted anarchy and chaos and he refused to give to them until the last second. They inherited all the trappings of the goverment, national reserve, functional ministry and goverment agencies and a full fledged national military despite being divide along clan lines could've easily been reformed.

The SNF was not considered a Jabhad until MSB went into exile in Nigeria because he was the legitimate president after that the SNF mainly became a MX political vehicle to maintain some semblance of control in Somali politics.

He was a brain damaged psycho, one day calling for reconciliation and the next day shelling the city. He was just after control of the situation and personal power. It was a manipulative strategy. Even the Marehan got schooled by him in the end but they live in denial.
The SYL did. Their government was far from perfect however since it was rife with corruption, kept colonial institutions intact and had stagnant economic development.
Then what were the colonial government and administrations? Did SYL bring north and south together?
Then what were the colonial government and administrations?
@Idilinaa had spoke at length about this. Its well known that the Italians still kept a grip over Somalia after independence prior to Barre's ascension.

Most of them were foreign owned and ran firms/industries when the Kacaan took over.

For example electricity before being nationalized was monopolized by 1 small italian company and served to give electricity a few Italian expadriates, after nationalization electricity was made available to all Somalis across Somalia.

Nationalization of all schools for example took away the british and italian elite taught monopolization of school system that alienated majority of Somalis. Prove to be instrumental in the spread of literacy in the end.

This only to mention of few positive changes nationalization brought.

The 1960-1969 government was corrupt, maladminstrated , had an economy run by colonialists, rife with violence, even led to the assassination of the President, and large funds was missing that would go to fund elections bribes etc that was intended to go to development , much of the intended slack and mobility was picked up by the Kacaan regime in the first 10 years.

Did SYL bring north and south together?
They did. SYL was lobbying hard for all Somali inhabited territories to be united but only managed to bring Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland together.
Warya the @TheLand it is true sxb.. Imagine Somalia had one of the strongest militaries at one point in Africa, today we are being baby sat by countries we used to be light years head of.. How the mighty have fallen :snoop:

