54th Anniversary of the Kacaan

How exactly would he do that with absolutely nothing? You are just being unrealistic.
Like Iraq? After Saddam was kicked out Iraqis started with nothing but a America installed government (just like Somalia!) but managed to both successfully defeat ISIS in their backyard and create a stable somewhat developed country.

And again, I'll bring up the ICU which not only took control of all of southern Somalia within just a few years, but also eliminated piracy, brought back law and order, reopened air ports, schools, hospitals and more.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Bingo! You have said everything I was going to say. Somalia 1960-1991 was build by the Italians. They did all the hard work.



We didn't even have a script for the love of God, literally unlettered barbarians.
Like Iraq? After Saddam was kicked out Iraqis started with nothing but a America installed government but managed to both successfully defeat ISIS in their backyard and create a stable somewhat developed country.
So he would be installed by America military might and then he would have the 5th largest proven oil reserves in the world to rebuild with? Is that your premise, lol?

Btw, ISIS was defeated by a coalition including America using its air superiority and American Abrams tanks costing millions of dollars on the ground. They literally sent in American special forces to kill the head of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi. You saying Siyad would have all of that? No Somali president has ever had that, just FYI lol. Gotta be realistic sxb, this is the real world, not fantasy land.
The problem is we always pick low iq uneducated people to lead us. It’s a bad habit Somalia has developed over the years. HSM, Hamza including the regional governors are all low iq.
Should be noted that Somalia doesn't even have proper democracy anyways but yes Somalis will choose to support leaders based off qabil over actual leadership quality. It plagues all of Somaliweyn.
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We didn't even have a script for the love of God, literally unlettered barbarians.
This is all besides the point sxb. We aren't talking about his accomplishments but whether he would be able to do any of that if there was NO GOV in the first place just like all 'presidents' post-'91 have had to do. The answer is clearly no unless you live in a fantasy world where you worship the guy like a god.
he would have the 5th largest proven oil reserves in the world to rebuild with?
Lmao Somalia also has large reserves of oil. In fact, Siad Barre was going to tap into it before he was overthrown.
No Somali president has ever had that
Yes no Somali president had that level of support but even then they still had American air and drone support and AMISOM. More importantly however, Somali presidents failed to (or just outright refuse) to built a proper SNA which would be more than capable of defeating Al-Shabab.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This is all besides the point sxb. We aren't talking about his accomplishments but whether he would be able to do any of that if there was NO GOV in the first place just like all 'presidents' post-'91 have had to do. The answer is clearly no unless you live in a fantasy world where you worship the guy like a god.

You are talking about that, not me buddy :icon lol:

Obviously a resurrected Barre in 2024 would not be able to accomplish much, anyone arguing otherwise is insane.

The rebels had the opportunity to inherit the government and all of its various organs and institutions in 1991. They chose isbaaros and anarchy instead.

Which is why every single piece of progress we eke out today is prefaced with "for the first time since 1991" or "since the fall of the government in 1991" :icon lol:
Lmao Somalia also has large reserves of oil. In fact, Siad Barre was going to tap into it before he was overthrown.

Yes no Somali president had that level of support but even then they still had American air and drone support and AMISOM. More importantly however, Somali presidents failed to (or just outright refuse) to built a proper SNA which would be more than capable of defeating Al-Shabab.
He had 21 years of rule to do that and still didn't do it, but besides the point. Somalia still doesn't have any proved reserves to work with today.

SNA today is made up mostly of Hawiye, and Daarood will not let what is esentially a Hawiye militia into their lands due to deep mistrust. Daarood will also not join Somalias armed forces in large numbers because they would then be deployed to free the Hawiye lands largely under terrorist control and they don't want to die for that. It's a vicious cycle and part of the point i'm making about having to start from scratch. Ask yourself why there wasn't a single Somali leader pre-colonial era in Somalia that ruled over all Somali lands or ever most of them as for example Genghis Khan did over the Mongols.
Somalia still doesn't have any proved reserves to work with today.

No 3D seismic testing yet but that is being worked on right now.

about having to start from scratch.
Well they started from scratch in 2012, guess I'll have to wait another 12 years to see if anything truly changes. Sad to see other countries in Somalia's position were able to develop faster.

No 3D seismic testing yet but that is being worked on right now.

Well they started from scratch in 2012, guess I'll have to wait another 12 years to see if anything truly changes. Sad to see other countries in Somalia's position were able to develop faster.
Your best bet is probably oil, because Somalia doesn't really have anything else to finance large scale development unfortunately. Don't get your hopes up, kid :mjdontkno:
The rebels had the opportunity to inherit the government
Exactly. USC had the choice to make a proper government and instead chose chimp outs. FGS had the choice of developing the country, they chose corruption.

I hate to bring up the comparison but just look at Ethiopia. The Derg collapsed the same year as Somalia did yet TPLF quickly took charge and made a government and new constitution. Why? Because they had an actual vision and drive for the country unlike mooryans. Siad Barre was the last Somali leader who cared for Somalia.
You are talking about that, not me buddy :icon lol:

Obviously a resurrected Barre in 2024 would not be able to accomplish much, anyone arguing otherwise is insane.

The rebels had the opportunity to inherit the government and all of its various organs and institutions in 1991. They chose isbaaros and anarchy instead.

Which is why every single piece of progress we eke out today is prefaced with "for the first time since 1991" or "since the fall of the government in 1991" :icon lol:
You responded to @Step a side 's post about Italians building everything and you proceeded to post unsourced and out of context screen-grabs that referred to credits from the world bank, european defense fund and Italian and Russian engineers lol. Its the exact same thing that is happening today, completely reliant on shisheeye money and expertise so what exactly did Barre achieve that we should give him credit for other than usurping power?


@Idilinaa had spoke at length about this. Its well known that the Italians still kept a grip over Somalia after independence prior to Barre's ascension.
Well yeah that was the point of the UN trustee but when Somalia started out we were left with practically little. No industries, barely any infrastructure, nothing. A country needs more than just a government (which was corrupt to begin with) to succeed. Outside of Mogadishu the rest of Somalia was barren. Even then, certain institutions were built by Adde's administration an example being the police force which was the reason Somalia was one of the safest countries in Africa.

And Barre went further ahead and industrilize Somalia properly in just 8 years. Tell me, Somali governments after him accomplished anything like this?
Italians/UN trustee basically kept Somalia underdeveloped and barred us from employment opportunities , it was soo bad that Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse lodged a complaint to the UN highlighting them.
The United nation also made their own report highlighting the lack of Somali political representation and voice during the Italian trusteeship. Italians continued to control and monopolize much of the economy.

Modern Mogadishu was pretty much built and expanded by the Kacaan government, same with Hargeisa . The British and Italians didn't build anything significant at all

The top is how Mogadishu looked under the UN trustee/Adde Aden , the bottom is after it was expanded and built by the Kacaan government. Zoom in and you will see how small the two districts(Hamarweyn and Shingani) are incomparison to the many more created he also expanded on the existing two and they only had one road for banana export during the UN/Adde Aden government, but many during the Kacaan


This is the only two side by side outlined maps u need to show if they start their hyper rabies infused slander campaigns and false accusations about the revolutionary regime.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You responded to @Step a side 's post about Italians building everything and you proceeded to post unsourced and out of context screen-grabs that referred to credits from the world bank, european defense fund and Italian and Russian engineers lol. Its the exact same thing that is happening today, completely reliant on shisheeye money and expertise so what exactly did Barre achieve that we should give him credit for other than usurping power?

You realize that's what the World Bank is for... right? I'm confused, did you think Somalia was a rich country or something? Was it not the same arid Somalia of 7-8 million of which 80% were literal goatherders with literally 0 resources outside of bananas and livestock? :icon lol:

We give him credit for, you know, actually delivering on major infrastructure and modernization projects despite inheriting a country that, again, literally did not even have a written language :icon lol:

And of course, you know, actually governing the country. Can you do the same in 2024?
You realize that's what the World Bank is for... right? I'm confused, did you think Somalia was a rich country or something? Was it not the same arid Somalia of 7-8 million of which 80% were literal goatherders with literally 0 resources outside of bananas and livestock? :icon lol:

We give him credit for, you know, actually delivering on major infrastructure and modernization projects despite inheriting a country that, again, literally did not even have a written language :icon lol:

And of course, you know, actually governing the country. Can you do the same in 2024?
You are acting like non of those things would have happened if he wasn’t in power at the time. So, please clarify. Are you really arguing that if someone else, let’s call him ‘hebel’, was in charge at that time none of these things would have been ‘achieved’? As if Barre was the only one who could have asked for a handout for his destitute country?

Also, to your point about arid this, and bananas that. Are you really arguing we couldn’t have done anything without the WB? In other words, just handouts like we have today and not developing any industries and internal expertise? If so, why not have the WB administer us directly ? Why do we need Barre or anyone else? Why not just keep the Italians in power? These are incredibly low expectations you have.
Barre only looks good becuase we somehow became the unluckiest country ever and replaced a madman with someone even crazier (Caydiid). We probably wouldn’t even be having these discussions if Caydiid hadn’t fought Ali Mahdi or if Barre had read the writing on the wall and stepped down or if Abdullahi Yusuf didn’t invade the South on the back of Meles. There’s a lot of places where our fate could’ve changed but no use in debating the past when we have HSM pilfering in front of our eyes.

That being said saying Barre and the Kacaan didn’t do anything, especially prior to the war in Galbeed, is disingenuous.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You are acting like non of those things would have happened if he wasn’t in power at the time. So, please clarify. Are you really arguing that if someone else, let’s call him ‘hebel’, was in charge at that time none of these things would have been ‘achieved’? As if Barre was the only one who could have asked for a handout for his destitute country?

Also, to your point about arid this, and bananas that. Are you really arguing we couldn’t have done anything without the WB? In other words, just handouts like we have today and not developing any industries and internal expertise? If so, why not have the WB administer us directly ? Why do we need Barre or anyone else? Why not just keep the Italians in power? These are incredibly low expectations you have.

A lot of strawmans, but not really. Ironically Aided/Ali Mahdi were in charge by 1991, have you seen any new gleaming highways? Yes, none of these things happened before his government and certainly not after. I simply don't like the hypocrisy and abaal-la'aan. The same folks who will cry about MSB literally live off and survive on the ports he constructed :icon lol: MSB was far from perfect but anyone would rather live in pre-91 Somalia than post-91.

No, Somalia could not and still cannot accomplish much because we are simply a dirt poor, nearly resource less, fourth world nation. I don't know if you live in the same world we do, but Somalia is not going to become Singapore by any stretch of the imagination. Our only hope is a combination of spectacular oil finds and a government that's tolerably corrupt and keeps us from killing each other.
A lot of strawmans, but not really. Ironically Aided/Ali Mahdi were in charge by 1991, have you seen any new gleaming highways? Yes, none of these things happened before his government and certainly not after. I simply don't like the hypocrisy and abaal-la'aan. The same folks who will cry about MSB literally live off and survive on the ports he constructed :icon lol: MSB was far from perfect but anyone would rather live in pre-91 Somalia than post-91.

No, Somalia could not and still cannot accomplish much because we are simply a dirt poor, nearly resource less, fourth world nation. I don't know if you live in the same world we do, but Somalia is not going to become Singapore by any stretch of the imagination. Our only hope is a combination of spectacular oil finds and a government that's tolerably corrupt and keeps us from killing each other.
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