A beautiful Catholic church in Mogadishu


Coping through the 1st world
“Right” according to who? In Islam you do not have the right to publicly apostize and our law is Islam not liberal rights.

listen man, I don’t think she wants your acceptance but rather she wanted to be acknowledge for her religious difference.

I can’t believe in the 21st century we’re arguing against each other over religious differences.

Instead of acknowledging each other for our religious differences we’re dehumanising against
them. Not a good look.

besides, I doubt calmone is Somali or ever was Muslim, her post history consists of trolling Somalis. Also coming up with strange stories of abuse.

She’s probably Ethiopian tbh.

See what I mean. Why are you assuming she’s not Somali?

Have you never seen a Somali convert to a different religion before? Sure they’re maybe the minority in a majority Muslim community but they’re there.

Also lol, you lot gotta stop bringing Ethiopians in every discussion.

You guys need to accept Somalis are humans: not programmed robots that follow the herds.

Instead of disowning her why not disown qablist who bring nothing but damage to our community? Or al-shabab (that don’t represent the majority Somalis) not disown them?


Bantu Liberation Movement
But Somali Christians had somewhere to worship. We are not safe in our own lands.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

Yes I recently became christian last month
Keanu Reeves Reaction GIF


Coping through the 1st world
We live in a society, everything you do has consequences. Don't bring that liberal bs that "everyone can do whatever they want it's not hurting you" that's what they said about transgenderism and now look at it being pushed to kids in school.

Are you seriously comparing a person who’s choosing a different faith to transgenderism??

You’re nuts.

-And also “liberalism”? most Somali diasporas wouldn’t be in the west with out liberalism. so you may want to check your contradictory there mate.

Somalia is an Islamic society first and foremost. Islam is one of the pillars that holds up the Somali Identity. If you leave Islam you cannot be considered a proper
somali by those in somalia.

This type of mindset is bizarre.

There’s two ways to be considered Somali:

If your parents (especially father) is Somali

2. If you were born in Somalia.

Being a Somali is an ethnical and national requirement not religious. But you believe what ever.

Christianity, whether it be Ethiopian or Catholicism, has been an enemy of the Somalis through history. We will not tolerate those who leave the most essential parts of being a Somali.

We’re in the 21st century: most Somalis are living in gaalo countries because of civil wars.

if Somalis weren’t tribalistic against one another; you and me wouldn’t be in the west.

The enemies isn’t even Christians :dead: they’re miskeen.

They even allowed you in their country as a guest; and allowed you to practice your faiths.

If the west weren’t secular you lot wouldn’t be practicing your faiths. So you gotta humble your self there buddy.

She has the right to do what she wants but somalis have the right to tell her to kick rocks. Life goes both ways. You cannot freely act and then get surprised when people react.

Practice your gaalnimo but not near me

Agreed, she can practice her faith with out disturbing the other counterparts but you lot shouldn’t be judging her either.

you guys would be the first one to cry islamophobia if this thread was the other way round.

You could've converted to waaqism at least it's monotheistic and it was your ancestors religion but you joined a polytheistic religion which doesn't take itself seriously
Steve Harvey Wow GIF by NBC

These Somali gaals and their logic, how does ur maskax shaqee wit this mindset naya :kodaksmiley:
who u calling gaal , i saw the absolute horrors and inhumanity of qabiil during qaxii in early 90s thats why men like me despise clan more than anything. It is a fundamentally weak institution any good it does is outweighed by all the bad under its name aslong as we honor clans we will be prostitutes at the whim of foreign nations.
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who u calling gaal ya axmaq, i saw the absolute horrors and inhumanity of qabiil during qaxii in early 90s thats why men like me despise clan more than anything. It is a fundamentally weak institution any good it does is outweighed by all the bad under its name aslong as we honor clans we will be prostitutes at the whim of foreign nations.
I’m a proud qabilist not a Moryaan tho :mjpls:
I’m a proud qabilist not a Moryaan tho :mjpls:
think on it sxb

clan provides a safety net for people to come towards in place of government but why do they need a safety net?

why are we one single race yet so utterly divided we need a safety net from each other why?

clan.... there are 3 roads for the somali people , 1 is guaranteed failure, 2 is so so chance of successful nation and 3 will lift our race to the stars if it succeeds.

1 - clan confederations (weak pathetic corrupt states). Literally i dont see how this wuill bring propsertiy to somaliweyn all a country like burundi or lets say fiji even lol .. all they have to do is pay one clan off the other. It may succedd with high levels of education but high levels of education tends to lead to option 3 as people will start abandoning clan.

2 - islamic emirate type country which is 70% chance of just perpertual war , sectarian conflicts , invasions and sanctions and only 30% chance of success. It is however far better than option 1

3 - savy educated young men and women that know how to sweet talk these axmaq elders and their moryaan militias and uneducated somalis (even in diaspora) to slowly set in place the inevitable war of clannists vs non clannists by pretending to side with them, yet belong to a secret cult think (freemason or the zionist order) they slowly setup the steps needed to achieve atleast 20 - 30% somalis abandoning their clan affiliations for the organisations they found. European clans (there were millions) were broken by feudal lords and roman larping kings vying for papal and church favor. As i said time and time again it is very easy to subdue all somalis once you have just 30% of them thinking more than clan.

it doesnt make sense but if u spend some time to think about it youll see what i mean
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think on it sxb

clan provides a safety net for people to come towards in place of government but why do they need a safety net?

why are we one single race yet so utterly divided we need a safety net from each other why?

clan.... there are 3 roads for the somali people only 2 bring unity 1 - clan confederations (weak pathetic corrupt states)

2 - islamic emirate type country which is 70% chance of just perpertual war , sectarian conflicts , invasions and sanctions and only 30% chance of success. It is however far better than option 1

3 - savy educated young men and women that know how to sweet talk these axmaq elders and their moryaan militias and uneducated somalis (even in diaspora) to slowly set in place the inevitable war of clannists vs non clannists by pretending to side with them, yet belong to a secret cult think (freemason or the zionist order) they slowly setup the steps needed to achieve atleast 20 - 30% somalis abandoning their clan affiliations for the organisations they found. European clans (there were millions) were broken by feudal lords and roman larping kings vying for papal and church favor. As i said time and time again it is very easy to subdue all somalis once you have just 30% of them thinking more than clan.

it doesnt make sense but if u spend some time to think about it youll see what i mean
Read Book Club GIF

Mb wish we could exchange


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
think on it sxb

clan provides a safety net for people to come towards in place of government but why do they need a safety net?

why are we one single race yet so utterly divided we need a safety net from each other why?

clan.... there are 3 roads for the somali people , 1 is guaranteed failure, 2 is so so chance of successful nation and 3 will lift our race to the stars if it succeeds.

1 - clan confederations (weak pathetic corrupt states). Literally i dont see how this wuill bring propsertiy to somaliweyn all a country like burundi or lets say fiji even lol .. all they have to do is pay one clan off the other. It may succedd with high levels of education but high levels of education tends to lead to option 3 as people will start abandoning clan.

2 - islamic emirate type country which is 70% chance of just perpertual war , sectarian conflicts , invasions and sanctions and only 30% chance of success. It is however far better than option 1

3 - savy educated young men and women that know how to sweet talk these axmaq elders and their moryaan militias and uneducated somalis (even in diaspora) to slowly set in place the inevitable war of clannists vs non clannists by pretending to side with them, yet belong to a secret cult think (freemason or the zionist order) they slowly setup the steps needed to achieve atleast 20 - 30% somalis abandoning their clan affiliations for the organisations they found. European clans (there were millions) were broken by feudal lords and roman larping kings vying for papal and church favor. As i said time and time again it is very easy to subdue all somalis once you have just 30% of them thinking more than clan.

it doesnt make sense but if u spend some time to think about it youll see what i mean
Over time if we estabalish a strong police force,we can demolish that clan safety net people will rely on police instead of clans
Mogadishu looked a lot like Miami when the Italians were there, that Catholic Church was the biggest in size in Africa at the time


Mogadishu looked a lot like Miami when the Italians were there, that Catholic Church was the biggest in size in Africa at the time
I assure you it did not. Looking at colonialism through rose tinted glasses like a typical coon. No one except the cadaan gaalos and those handful of Christianised traitors cares about the church built by Italy in an effort to take us away from the fold of Islam and be indoctrinated by white ideology like much of the continent.

Mogadishu was always a great city, thousands of years old in a good location and unique and beautiful architecture. Nothing to do with a couple of whites who came and occupied it with their army for some 50 years.


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