A lesson in why Twitter users are idiots

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Somali twitter ain’t that bad as it was back in 2017-2020 where there was incel wars and people getting doxed and also the nina and Tina incident :pachah1:
A somali women was abusing the fk outta me on tiktok last night because I called her out on her cuunsirayd towards a a follow Somali man

We have some ill indivuals walking among us wallah

Somalis are only 20 million people yet i see them on every crevice and crack of the internet. Every discussion there is a somali in the center of it.

I was not seeing them before I started visiting this forum frequently. I think it is an AI algorithm thing. My russian friend told me recently that Russian Catholicism is always trending on social media and I'm like wtf?

your phone is your realityyyy.
We weren’t always like this I was on Twitter from 2012-2017 and nothing like this was happening it’s the new generation that’s extra sensitive they even go as far as pretending to be other communities when they have Twitter beef saqajans waaye 😂😂😂
That’s not true because I had twitter around 2014-2015 and Somalis were low-key embarrassing and too much, however back then Somalis guys and girls were constantly at each other’s throats and were being baited by other races
Somalis are actually so embarrassing acting like they're better than African-Americans while dick sucking their Arab masters. At least African-Americans were slaves, while yall are still mentally enslaved. Nacasnimo behaviour our country is a literal shit-hole, either stfu or fix that place before you talk about others.
Somalis are only 20 million people yet i see them on every crevice and crack of the internet. Every discussion there is a somali in the center of it.

come on guys
there is incels and femcels in every community
we aint even the worst ones on twitter
it's just the small amount in our community speak the most and loud on twitter which catches everyone attention . :comeon:
i bet there isnt more then 100 somali incels and femcels on twitter its just the same ones who is speaking for years
Dang her looks like you’re typical black Brazilian/Suri 😂 I can’t believe it he looks like it
These incels are sick always attacking gabdho somali and cosplaying as white men, this is the same incel who pretended to be indian to attack fellow black people

