A member in the Somali Parliament says that children of a Somali mother should obtain Somali citizenship


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
They are still not allowed to obtain citizenship but it looks like it will be allowed this year
Half Somali are Somalis ✊
I support it, We should dismantle some parts of our cultures that are of no use to us or bring negative sideffects more than positives and the half somalis with a somali mother are just as somali as the ones that have a somali father but ajnabi mother only difference between them is some abtirsi names.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
People back home are dying from famines. Who even has time to talk about this?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The citizenship law was made in 1962 when we had honor and love for the country. The honourable men who made that law are now mostly dead, AUN. We had a vision back then.

Our people shitted on their legacy when the civil war started and fleed to other countries, who granted citizenship to them. Today, these western countries dictate our matters and feed our people.

I want to oppose it but I can’t. It would be too hypocritical of me. Si fiican aan iskuciyaarney. Gaalada instituted 30% women quota, not that women should not have a stake, but it was forced upon us by gaals. We did not go through organic uplifting women and we are not even going through it now.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Watched the video and now Im totally opposed to it aslong as she is alive. Nin talyaani kulahaa, nin kale ma helin? Priorities all over the place.

Instead of tackling real issues plaguing somalis, this is what are politicians are doing. Me me me me. May Allah humiliate them.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
This topic shouldnt even be talked about at this moment in time. There are manything that are affecting us
I support it, We should dismantle some parts of our cultures that are of no use to us or bring negative sideffects more than positives and the half somalis with a somali mother are just as somali as the ones that have a somali father but ajnabi mother only difference between them is some abtirsi names.
Okey ;oromos; lafti nagaa😂😂
No thanks. Citizenship should be automatically given to the children of Somali Fathers.

There should be some exceptional cases in which Half-Somali children of Somali mothers could acquire citizenship. Like for instance, if they have lived in Somalia for most of their life [i.e permanent resident] and should be given the option of acquiring Somali citizenship when they become an Adult [17 years old or 18 years old] or stick with citizenship of their Foreign Father.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
What i am saying oromos marying somali woman so their ofsprings can claim somalia u idiot understand !!!
Damn...you are right :kanyehmm: nah nvm I dont support giving passports to half somalis because of genius @galhareeri pointing out how the oromos will use as a tactic to get more entrenched in our lands. warya you are a genius bro.
Awww who would have thought the Somali law are doing baby steps when it comes to progressing. This whole not giving citizenship to children with no Somali father should never have happened, our outdated law is a joke to the world.
Damn...you are right :kanyehmm: nah nvm I dont support giving passports to half somalis because of genius @galhareeri pointing out how the oromos will use as a tactic to get more entrenched in our lands. warya you are a genius bro.
I am not genius i am just very paranoi person.
Remeber this is not europe or even east asia . Where people are civilised we africa is in darke ages we cant have libral laws otherwise oromos 120 milion and ethiopians wil replace us imo.

