A Moroccan woman responds to Somali men traveling to Morocco to find a wife.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
"Even in highly liberal societies, marriage is favourable to cohabitation. Cohabiting is also more common among those with less education/SES and those from less traditional cultural backgrounds"

We are in North America though. Most gaal couples in the north america live together for awhile before getting married

Somali ex muslims are literally doing the same thing. They move out of their family homes and just find partners the western way. It's not just Somali ex Muslims doing this either. Most ex Muslims in the west operate the same.
College-educated couples are less likely to cohabitate and more likely to marry directly than their less-educated counterparts in the US. Also, providing men with free and consistent sex so they can do and offer less while under one roof is a bad trade for women. Men are more reluctant to marry than women, and they benefit more as this is a cheaper living arrangement where they can leave with greater ease. A legally binding arrangement is more beneficial for women. I assume you are Reer Scandi, as they are more into those trial runs that they call 'consensual unions,' which aren't marriages but act as lesser duplicates without the formalities. Even for them, premarital cohabitation increases rather than decreases the risk of divorce.

