A somali family are celebrating Christmas and they also have a dog


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Is it just me but I noticed a lot more muslim families in the west having dogs. Heck I got two muslims friends who own dogs and their parents are perfectly fine with it. Between a cat or a dog I would easily pick a dog they are more caring and loving compared to selfish cats. But hey that’s just me :kanyeshrug:

Its not you. These people live in a bubble.
Is it just me but I noticed a lot more muslim families in the west having dogs. Heck I got two muslims friends who own dogs and their parents are perfectly fine with it. Between a cat or a dog I would easily pick a dog they are more caring and loving compared to selfish cats. But hey that’s just me :kanyeshrug:

lol some cats are affectionate and there are plenty of stories of cats saving their ''hooman's'' life.
they're just different than dogs, less reliable on hoomans and less clingy.

They being beloved in Islam makes it even better:

Pet cats do not make vessels naajis (impure) if they drink from them, or make food naajis if they eat from it. ‘Abd-Allah ibn Abi Qutaadah reported from his father that water was put out for him to make wudoo’, and a cat came and lapped at the water. He took the water and did wudoo’ with it, and they said, "O Abu Qutaadah! The cat drank from it." He said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say:

‘Cats are part of the household, and they are among those who go around in your houses.’ (Reported by Ahmad in al-Musnad, 5/309; Sahih al-Jaami’, 3694)
According to another report he said:

"They [cats] are not naajis; they are among those who go around [al-tawwaafeen wa’l-tawwaafaat – refers to children, servants, etc.] in your houses." (Reported by Ahmad in al-Musnad, 5/309; Sahih al-Jaami’, 2437)

