A SOMALI guy in the show "The Sopranos"

What do you expect there's no somalis in nyc or new jersey where the Sopranos where filmed. People don't know of our unique features and how we look in general overthere, people will just assume we look like any other African countries.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

Shimbir, there's a lot more.​

Obviously trolling, walaal. My own maternal awoowe was a translator whose main languages for translations were Italian and Somali whilst my own hooyo was once fluent in Taliyaani as a result. My point was that they're being complete imbeciles if they think there are as many Italian speaking Somalis as there are French speaking Jabuutians or Portuguese speaking Mozambicans or English speaking South Africans. 99% of Somalis in the former Italian Somaliland can't speak Italian. Ciao is as far as their knowledge goes.

She’s from the UK sxb leave her be, if she wants to be homeless in the sidewalks of central park then leave her be

I would take shot at my fellow mali americans if my house had this
But I'm telling the truth the sopranos was filmed in places where there's no somalis. Why be mad at that lool

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Obviously trolling, walaal. My own maternal awoowe was a translator whose main languages for translations were Italian and Somali whilst my own hooyo was once fluent in Taliyaani as a result. My point was that they're being complete imbeciles if they think there are as many Italian speaking Somalis as there are French speaking Jabuutians or Portuguese speaking Mozambicans or English speaking South Africans. 99% of Somalis in the former Italian Somaliland can't speak Italian. Ciao is as far as their knowledge goes.

Lol my great grandpa’s hooyo was a mehri migrant and his aabo was barawi

Though I’m a descendant of an yemeni migrant and a somalized sanjeet :russ:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
They're Somalis
They're Somali nationals or "Somalian" and no one has the right to take that away from them after what our ancestors did to them. But they're not ethnic Somalis, she's not wrong there. So calling them "Somalis" (an ethnic name) is inaccurate.
So? They are still somali by nationality, if you wanna be a racist then go ahead be one but allah will deal with you on judgement day
"allah will deal with you" yet i havent said anything racist. You are only seen as a ethnic somali if your indigenous to somalia e.g Majerteen, Isaaq, ogaden etc. Bantu somalis are Somali nationality wise just like how a Swedish somali is Swede nationality wise, but are they Swedish ethnicitiy wise? no.
They're Somali nationals or "Somalian" and no one has the right to take that away from them after what our ancestors did to them. But they're not ethnic Somalis, she's not wrong there. So calling them "Somalis" (an ethnic name) is inaccurate.

No one knows who the first Somalis were, so no group has exclusive ownership of the Somali name.

