A Somaliland girl flies 2 Mogadishu and insults SL and now is banned from returning to Hargeisa

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
It makes sense to why she has done this. This is a personal vendetta over the fact that her dad is in prison. It's clear now! It's abt ku xumey SL but she's so nieve to realize that she has locked herself in a dangerous place where she can be sitting at a cafe shop where unsuspecting she can be blown into smithereens. Waa neef daaqeysa
There you go again with the Kacaan bullshit.:bell:

If there is one thing Hargeisa and Mogadishu are united on, papa Afwayne isn't coming back :chrisfreshhah:

The girl in the video is just a young person with a big heart. Of course she can't understand the political process and it will fall on deaf ears. In any case, actions speak louder than words. Coming to Mogadishu and speaking about unity will not get you anywhere seeing as anyone can do that.

@Canuck we all know you probably dislike the girl the most out of everyone, purely out of clan hatred. So take your shit elsewhere.

Very weird person why will I hate someone I never meet before in my life? She is beautiful person from inside and outside. Look at those 3 SL here who are calling to kill her !!!!! End of day may Allah clean your hearts from hate
It makes sense to why she has done this. This is a personal vendetta over the fact that her dad is in prison. It's clear now! It's abt ku xumey SL but she's so nieve to realize that she has locked herself in a dangerous place where she can be sitting at a cafe shop where unsuspecting she can be blown into smithereens. Waa neef daaqeysa

It is rumor and character Assassination
You are the biggest tribalist here
Small note

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

@Duke of Harshaw told half truth!

An informant of mine has given her exact identity.

She's Ciidagale, a daughter of tailor in Hargeisa of meager means.

She was very upset that her book didn't receive the attention she was hoping for and this was her lady hail marry to bring a financial bliss and when that wasn't happening in Mogadishu book fair ( it also terribly flopped in Hargeisa $ she brought out a trick under her barkin (pillow ). She basically threw SL under the bus to draw attention to her for future financial gains.


Your superior

@Duke of Harshaw told half truth!

An informant of mine has given her exact identity.

She's Ciidagale, a daughter of tailor in Hargeisa of meager means.

She was very upset that her book didn't receive the attention she was hoping for and this was her lady hail marry to bring a financial bliss and when that wasn't happening in Mogadishu book fair ( it also terribly flopped in Hargeisa $ she brought out a trick under her barkin (pillow ). She basically threw SL under the bus to draw attention to her for future financial gains.

That is also what I heard. Funny thing is apparently their family home was bombed by faqash in the war too kkkkkkkk

@Duke of Harshaw told half truth!

An informant of mine has given her exact identity.

She's Ciidagale, a daughter of tailor in Hargeisa of meager means.

She was very upset that her book didn't receive the attention she was hoping for and this was her lady hail marry to bring a financial bliss and when that wasn't happening in Mogadishu book fair ( it also terribly flopped in Hargeisa $ she brought out a trick under her barkin (pillow ). She basically threw SL under the bus to draw attention to her for future financial gains.
:snoop: Your first story claimed that her dad was "terrorist" in jail older than her by 5 years and she is seeking revenage for him. now the new story "just poor tailor man' s daughter who wants some fast money.


Your superior
:snoop: Your first story claimed that her dad was "terrorist" in jail older than her by 5 years and she is seeking revenage for him. now the new story "just poor tailor man' s daughter who wants some fast money.
Stop looking for an argument.
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