A video about Chunkz gets people to talk about how somalis have contributed nothing to the world.

Somalis like to always blame other people for their failure and make excuses. “It’s Alshabab”, “The xabashis are behind this”, “It’s the Americans who secretly want our resources” “Somaliland is funding alshabab” bla bla bla.

Low IQ mofos.

So Alshabab that was born out direct foreign invervention and Ethiopian invasion is Somalis making excuses?

Placing an arms embargo that allows for free arms to flow to Alshabaab while restricting legal Somali state entities and government from defending their land? Is Somalia's failure? No

The failure is Ethiopia invading a country with no army, against a force of a 4-8k volunteers and students fighting on two fronts stretching hundreds of kilometres , all while being backed by US airstrikes and still losing and ended up pushed out.

The failure is US mounting an invasion to install a puppet govt, failing and running back with its head between it's tail .

The failure is Ethiopia's attempt at suprresing Somalis in Ogaden and it resulting in peace agreement in the favor of ONLF.
Reer Galbeed fought for that same economic freedom, as well as fought for the freedom to self-govern. Freedom to self-govern un-interfered resulted in it being the most peaceful region.

Economic freedom in the same vain has been absolutely transformative.

You can see some of the other developments here:

While Ogaden experiencing nothing put peace and progress. Ethiopians are in conflict with eachother and their population are in humanitarian crisis. This is part of their failure.
Around 20.1 million people across Ethiopia need humanitarian food due to drought, conflict and a struggling economy.
Malnutrition rates among children in parts of Ethiopia's Afar, Amhara and Oromia regions range between 15.9% and 47%, according to a presentation by the Ethiopia Nutrition Cluster. Among displaced children in Tigray, the rate is 26.5%.5.

The success of Somalia has been it's steadfast ressilience through out it all and it's starting to pay off.

The Low IQ is the actors who thought they could succesfully keep Somali people down forever and demented people like you who get off on the thought of seeing innocent people suffer because you have some sick twisted grudge against Somalis.
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To be honest your ‘world history’ is basically Europe, which is fair but this is the same Europe that was barely mentioned in, what was historically that continent’s most important book, the Bible, while ancient Sudan is referenced multiple times within. European history looks so much grander today precisely because in the last couple of centuries they surpassed their ancestors. If Sudan today was a multi-trillion dollar economic power, with military bases across Africa and a globally popular soft power industry, the histories of Kerma, Kush, Meroe, the Three Kingdoms of Nubia, the Mahdist State, etc would all be illuminated in cinematic theatres and tv-screens, while millions of tourists would visit their ancient sites.

Another good example of this today would be the two Koreas, one is an advanced modern power, with a global economic and cultural reach, which is why Korean history movies and tv-shows are so popular around the world, and why nobody is making threads about what Koreans contributed to history. The other country (North Korea) is a poor nuclear power state with the same economy as a recovering Somalia. If the South was anything like North Korea, their overall history would be significantly diminished in terms of people’s interest compared to what it is today as a result of South Korea’s status.

Which is why Somalis, especially the leaders, need to focus on pushing Somalia to a new level economically, because everything else would naturally fall into place, be it global perception, reputation, importance or acknowledgement.
I understand why people do it. But this idea that europe has only been relevant for 500 years is a myth. They were basically never irrelevant except for a few centuries between 500-100. Beifre that was the roman empire. After that you had the crusades and everything else. Muslims were importing paper from Italy in the 1300s. Korea on the other hand is a massive country with a long well recorded history and state. People are consuming korean media and that's why created their interest. The reality is that people will always read and write about intresting places that are documented and well recored. Also north korea and somalia can't be put at all in the same category. North Koreas technological capabilities is beyond anything in africa or most of the middle east. They can literally manufacture missiles mostly by themselves with some help from China. North Korea is why gdp can be deceiving when comparing countries.
I understand why people do it. But this idea that europe has only been relevant for 500 years is a myth. They were basically never irrelevant except for a few centuries between 500-100. Beifre that was the roman empire. After that you had the crusades and everything else. Muslims were importing paper from Italy in the 1300s. Korea on the other hand is a massive country with a long well recorded history and state. People are consuming korean media and that's why created their interest. The reality is that people will always read and write about intresting places that are documented and well recored. Also north korea and somalia can't be put at all in the same category. North Koreas technological capabilities is beyond anything in africa or most of the middle east. They can literally manufacture missiles mostly by themselves with some help from China. North Korea is why gdp can be deceiving when comparing countries.

Relevant to whom? How was Scandinavia relevant to ancient or medieval East Asia, from 2500 BC to 1900 AD? How were the Germanics, the Celts and the Latins relevant to the pre-Columbian civilisations of the modern Americas from 500 BC to 1000 AD. Nobody said that Europe wasn’t relevant to Europe or that parts of that continent like Italy and Greece didn’t influence other parts of the Mediterranean.

My original point is that if Europe today had a collective economy of less than one trillion, had multiple countries on its continent in a state of war, or occupied by foreign states (picture six or seven Ukraines happening at the same time), the world’s perception and opinion of Europe would be significantly different and diminished compared to today, and interest in their art, culture and history would be lower.

To the world it doesn’t matter what you were once upon a time, what matters is where you are today. Only then does the ‘once upon a time’ become interesting to a greater audience.
Korea on the other hand is a massive country with a long well recorded history
I wouldn't call Korea a "massive country" but plenty of Middle Eastern countries have well recorded history.

Even places that have much less recorded history like Arabia still inspired works like Lawrence of Arabia which is an utter masterpiece that completely blows all modern Korean media out of the water.
Somalis like to always blame other people for their failure and make excuses. “It’s Alshabab”, “The xabashis are behind this”, “It’s the Americans who secretly want our resources” “Somaliland is funding alshabab” bla bla bla.

Low IQ mofos.
Saying Al Shabaab is a major problem is neither blame-shifting nor an exaggeration. Granted, it does not mean that if Al Shabaab was out of the picture, things would turn all nice for Somalians either. All in all, improved security and safety measures will improve baseline indices of what gives ground for potential improvement for a whole lot relative to the exact condition that inspires really no diverse foreign investment or long-term partnerships general without extraordinary shady exploitative dynamics.

There is some truth to how external factors are often-times blamed for issues to remove away responsibility. The keyword is responsibility. It seems that outside nations only participate in what Somali corrupt bodies exploit in competitive deadlock relationships, where a good example is the aid packages. Given that ruling politico-tribal factions directly vie for that logistical financial stimulation and/or small-scaled locally managed contractual monopoly, they prefer to not develop beyond that condition, since anything superseding that would limit the future surplus of prospective aid for those closed-circle competitive elites, promotes qualitative systemic diagnostic of regularized self-measuring, tracking where the money goes improving responsible expenditure and would mean those people would lose financial base rather than increase it as the government and institution would enlargen and demand more money for tangible investment in the state quality improvement. The players of today would not want things to change for the greater good since their hold on assets and interests would worsen, and changing the rules of the game disadvantages their current predictive gains.

Relevant to whom? How was Scandinavia relevant to ancient or medieval East Asia, from 2500 BC to 1900 AD? How were the Germanics, the Celts and the Latins relevant to the pre-Columbian civilisations of the modern Americas from 500 BC to 1000 AD. Nobody said that Europe wasn’t relevant to Europe or that parts of that continent like Italy and Greece didn’t influence other parts of the Mediterranean.

My original point is that if Europe today had a collective economy of less than one trillion, had multiple countries on its continent in a state of war, or occupied by foreign states (picture six or seven Ukraines happening at the same time), the world’s perception and opinion of Europe would be significantly different and diminished compared to today, and interest in their art, culture and history would be lower.

To the world it doesn’t matter what you were once upon a time, what matters is where you are today. Only then does the ‘once upon a time’ become interesting to a greater audience.
Scamdavias relevance is more to the fact that they shaped the course of history pf europe which in turned shaped the world. I mean there is a reason that their mentioned in several medieval sources. But to your wider point your correct in that past glories ultimately don't matter. But the past does shape the present even when china or the middle east is poor or war torn people have taken great interest in their culture. Also while perception does shape people's views their is a certain objectivity to art culture and history. Nobody will compare medieval korea to the roman empire and even those anicnet middle eastern cvilizations regardless of the modern states will always have their place in human history.
I wouldn't call Korea a "massive country" but plenty of Middle Eastern countries have well recorded history.

Even places that have much less recorded history like Arabia still inspired works like Lawrence of Arabia which is an utter masterpiece that completely blows all modern Korean media out of the water.
South korea has pouplation 50+ million north korea is 27+ million. Korean easily stands toe to toe with iran or turkey. Plus these guys recored history while not as long as the middle east easily goes back a 1000+ years. Also what is Lawrence of Arabia. There are much better books or movies inspired by Arabia but korea is no slouch.
Saying Al Shabaab is a major problem is neither blame-shifting nor an exaggeration. Granted, it does not mean that if Al Shabaab was out of the picture, things would turn all nice for Somalians either. All in all, improved security and safety measures will improve baseline indices of what gives ground for potential improvement for a whole lot relative to the exact condition that inspires really no diverse foreign investment or long-term partnerships general without extraordinary shady exploitative dynamics.

There is some truth to how external factors are often-times blamed for issues to remove away responsibility. The keyword is responsibility. It seems that outside nations only participate in what Somali corrupt bodies exploit in competitive deadlock relationships, where a good example is the aid packages. Given that ruling politico-tribal factions directly vie for that logistical financial stimulation and/or small-scaled locally managed contractual monopoly, they prefer to not develop beyond that condition, since anything superseding that would limit the future surplus of prospective aid for those closed-circle competitive elites, promotes qualitative systemic diagnostic of regularized self-measuring, tracking where the money goes improving responsible expenditure and would mean those people would lose financial base rather than increase it as the government and institution would enlargen and demand more money for tangible investment in the state quality improvement. The players of today would not want things to change for the greater good since their hold on assets and interests would worsen, and changing the rules of the game disadvantages their current predictive gains.

I dont know if I have mentioned it on here before. But this is why the oil money is such a big game changer in my opiniom. It breaks this balance because the payout is large enough to make a significant portion of elites to tale the risk and break the Status quote. It's also the only potenial source of state revenue that can change somalia quickly without us going the slow route of building up an economy which would take decades and might not even fully pan out.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Man we did bring contributions to the world but them saying somalia is a shit country is true and its a fact we cannot deny.
I dont know if I have mentioned it on here before. But this is why the oil money is such a big game changer in my opiniom. It breaks this balance because the payout is large enough to make a significant portion of elites to tale the risk and break the Status quote. It's also the only potenial source of state revenue that can change somalia quickly without us going the slow route of building up an economy which would take decades and might not even fully pan out.
Oil is the biggest source of financial support for a larger state, and the government increases in size through that.

Getting oil would not necessarily have people act accordingly, I'd expect lots of foul play to take place but there is no doubt that the financial support of oil improves the condition even if things were corrupt.
So Alshabab that was born out direct foreign invervention and Ethiopian invasion is Somalis making excuses?

Placing an arms embargo that allows for free arms to flow to Alshabaab while restricting legal Somali state entities and government from defending their land? Is Somalia's failure? No

The failure is Ethiopia invading a country with no army, against a force of a 4-8k volunteers and students fighting on two fronts stretching hundreds of kilometres , all while being backed by US airstrikes and still losing and ended up pushed out.

The failure is US mounting an invasion to install a puppet govt, failing and running back with its head between it's tail .

The failure is Ethiopia's attempt at suprresing Somalis in Ogaden and it resulting in peace agreement in the favor of ONLF.

While Ogaden experiencing nothing put peace and progress. Ethiopians are in conflict with eachother and their population are in humanitarian crisis. This is part of their failure.

The success of Somalia has been it's steadfast ressilience through out it all and it's starting to pay off.

The Low IQ is the actors who thought they could succesfully keep Somali people down forever and demented people like you who get off on the thought of seeing innocent people suffer because you have some sick twisted grudge against Somalis.
Is alshabab also the reason why Somali clans are killing each other over wells? Did Alshabab make the FGS corrupt and incompetent? How come the so-called Somali government hasn’t been able to deal with them in almost 2 decades? How come Alshabab isn’t occupying territories in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somaliland?

there’s a reason why minority clans and the disenfranchised like rahanweyn, Bantus etc flock to alshabab. It’s because you southerners have been brutalising and oppressing them for centuries. Don’t blame me for your failed state, I didn’t make Somalia a laughing stock of the world.

You Walaweyn are a naturally corrupt, brutal and uncivilised people. Keep making excuses until the Day of Judgment.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
sorry to burst your bubble but we have had poetry insulting each other and narrating wars for 100+ years.
true, however its very low iq that its still happening today. It wasnt as bad during the early 50's to 80's. Then it went worse. Now with the introduction of the internet, its a whole lot wrose
Is alshabab also the reason why Somali clans are killing each other over wells? Did Alshabab make the FGS corrupt and incompetent? How come the so-called Somali government hasn’t been able to deal with them in almost 2 decades? How come Alshabab isn’t occupying territories in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somaliland?

there’s a reason why minority clans and the disenfranchised like rahanweyn, Bantus etc flock to alshabab. It’s because you southerners have been brutalising and oppressing them for centuries. Don’t blame me for your failed state, I didn’t make Somalia a laughing stock of the world.

You Walaweyn are a naturally corrupt, brutal and uncivilised people. Keep making excuses until the Day of Judgment.
Why stop there , ask further how come Alshabab hasn't occupied Puntland? 1st it's not the region with direct foreign invervention that birthed it nor is it the region where you dismantled the govt that kept things stable in ICU and it's not the region where you undermine local army with arms embargos made them rely on foreign troops instead of local ones.

Yes alshabab is the reason why some parts remain ungoverned/unreachable, and the government can't move around freely to amicably handle disputes and distribute resources. as explained here
“Somalia had a large ungoverned territory for a long time. And this is why we are trying to squeeze and eliminate al-Shabaab. If there are no strong state institutions that control Somalia, there will not be peace and stability,” he says.
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“The government doesn’t have enough revenue. Why? Because of al-Shabaab it cannot move around the country. By liberating the country there will be a space open for the government to collect revenue,”

Most Alshabaab members are hawiye from the local area, and raxanweyn are not disenfranchised minorities. They are powerful numerous clan.
The leadership of Alshabab are mixed as well, with some even being Isaaq from Somaliland. Even young men & orphans flock to them for a group belonging and lack of opportunities, it's not minority Bantu thing.

Also you cannot chat to me about minority disenfranchisement because without being aware of the fact that it's because you removed the government and destabilized the area,

When there was a local government in the south in the form of ICU ,the situation improved drastically for minorities and they had ability to step in.

You cannot remove a government, intervene in an area and destabilize then label it a failed state. Absolutely bogus.
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