A video about Chunkz gets people to talk about how somalis have contributed nothing to the world.

Its honestly a
very cringe to think about comments of faceless people who like people here said are mad that he's proud of being somali. But if we're talking contributions or achievements. I would say the major one would have to be our poetry. An oral society that developed poetry as complex and sophisticated as somali poetry that can stand up to the major writtencivilizations like the chinese arabs and persian is probably unique in history.
If they went to Mogadishu they would have an even better time , visiting the beach resorts, big amusement parks, animal zoos/safaris, scuba diving and desert rides.

Shared a few them of them in a different thread before.
Even next to the Mogadishu airport there is a bowling park with cool looking caffee's. You can look through her account she lives in Xamar and has a good time.

So Somalia can be very lit, if yall open your eyes to it and not obsess about what some random comments have to say about it. But go and experience it for yourself.

Here is a collage of different activities from landing
The problem is that nowadays history is viewed in terms of technological progress, when it comes to that, yeah I'm going to be honest Somalis don't have much to offer. But our history is rich and interesting in spite of it.
The problem is that nowadays history is viewed in terms of technological progress, when it comes to that, yeah I'm going to be honest Somalis don't have much to offer. But our history is rich and interesting in spite of it.

A decade or two of conflict, doesn't erase a peoples past and current progress.

Doesn't matter what tiktok comment say about Somalia, as much as yall try to push it.

We progress Somalia for us and not for others. Somalia exist for the Somali people. Thats the truth.
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A decade or two of conflict, doesn't erase a peoples past and current progress.

Doesn't matter what tiktok comment say about Somalia, as much as yall try to push it.

We progress Somalia for us and not for others. Somalia exist for the Somali people. Thats the truth.
I agree, Somalia for Somalis, but what exactly was your disagreement with my post? We have a rich history but not much technological progress if we're going to be honest here, that's just the truth.
The modern world values technological progress above all which is why our history is mocked.


Djiboutian ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ | ๐’–๐’†๐’„A๐’—๐’ƒ ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด
I'm proud of you at least you contributed to the somali legacy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
Happy Black Girl GIF
Somalis invented coffee
I agree, Somalia for Somalis, but what exactly was your disagreement with my post? We have a rich history but not much technological progress if we're going to be honest here, that's just the truth.
The modern world values technological progress above all which is why our history is mocked.
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Somalia is making current progress and if you look through what i shared bit by bit. It's for people to educate themselves on it. In the past few years its rebuilt its military, airforce, navy in the works , made security gains, it has cancelled its debt, the private sector is booming, passed laws to protect our maritime waters.

The past tells you what we are capable off and its geographical potential of the country for strategic hub of economic activity and trade.

You don't have to mention the so called ''rich history'' medieval /early modern history you can look at the progress and the gains that was made in the 30 years before the collapse by both the Aden admin and more specifically the Kacaan government.
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Its honestly a
very cringe to think about comments of faceless people who like people here said are mad that he's proud of being somali. But if we're talking contributions or achievements. I would say the major one would have to be our poetry. An oral society that developed poetry as complex and sophisticated as somali poetry that can stand up to the major writtencivilizations like the chinese arabs and persian is probably unique in history.

Can you share some well-known Somali poems? I'm not too familiar with our poetry and would love to look into it.
Donโ€™t take it seriously itโ€™s just white people crying looool. They hate us because weโ€™re madow and Muslim thatโ€™s all
Somalia is making current progress and if you look through what i shared bit by bit. It's for people to educate themselves on it. In the past few years its rebuilt its military, airforce, navy in the works , security gains, it has cancelled its debt, the private sector is booming, past laws to protect our maritime waters.

The past tells you what we are capable off it and it geographical potential of the country for strategic hub of activity.

You don't have to mention medieval /early modern history you can look at the progress and the gains that was made in the 30 years before the collapse by both the Aden admin and more specifically the Kacaan government.
Walaal, that progress seems so impressive because we are intimately aware of the past 30 years of death, destruction and displacement that have plagued Somalis. In reality none of that progress is especially notable as it has been replicated and outdone by many many other countries across 5 continents.

In reality, the current Somali government is still one of the most corrupt in the world according to many metrics.
The government does not control a majority of Somalia's territory.
Al Shabab has been consistently recapturing towns and driving out government forces.

Look at the Rwandan genocide and how many evil acts were committed, yet they are now far ahead of Somalia. Their leadership is actually competent.
Man we're constantly going viral and getting bashed on the anglophone side of the internet yet we're barely mentioned let alone discussed on the Arabophone side

Internet Nomad

โ˜†๐๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฆ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ โ˜†
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Our downfall happened during the media age where information is just pilling up spreading everywhere and we are powerless to stop it.

Had the civil war happened even 70 years earlier the only way people would know is some old news papers that would be lost to time.

However we got 4k footage every other week being shown to international audiences.

For example during the colonial era just imagine how much fkd material was either lost media or wasnโ€™t recorded. The lack of technology saved our faces.
Donโ€™t take it seriously itโ€™s just white people crying looool. They hate us because weโ€™re madow and Muslim thatโ€™s all

You can't boil it down to that simplicity ,. If you had mentioned Chad which is also Muslim and black, would they say the same? loool Perhaps part of it could be immigration our presence in their countries.

Most of their perceptions is obviously due to the past decades of media coverage surrounding Somalia's instability. We don't have pretend it's anything else
the downfall came when somalis started to dislike each other. In a country where its own population dispises each other, you wont get anywhere


Chief of Madow Rights Movement, E-Y18629 Cushite
People still think 2024 Somalia is the same Somalia in Black Hawk Down. When FGS is done dealing with the AS problem they should spend some money on marketing the country's new improved state like paying YouTubers to make vlogs in Xamar.
You can't boil it down to that simplicity ,. If you had mentioned Chad which is also Muslim and black, would they say the same? loool Perhaps part of it could be immigration our presence in their countries.

Most of their perceptions is obviously due to the past decades of media coverage surrounding Somalia's instability. We don't have pretend it's anything else
Itโ€™s mostly immigration. Look how a lot of the comments are from brits. You donโ€™t see French people or Spaniards complaining about us.

The craziest thing is that we arenโ€™t even that big in number in the west. Weโ€™re probably at around 700k in total. Weโ€™re just hyper visible thatโ€™s all
as long as they donโ€™t say this stuff to your face donโ€™t care about it everybody talks shit online theyโ€™ve been fed horrible images of Somalia for decades the media has blood on their hands


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