Abdi jhonson come in

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
You're a newbie. How did you come to this conclusion? Unless of course you're not really new except the new nigis you're wearing and your tarnishing my reputation with your hate

Speak English

You can be gay and Muslim. What does my belief in God have to do with my orientation?
I'm very perceptive. Also I lurked for awhile before I made an account. Don't smear me with that "you made an alt" nonsense, I'm like 99% sure you mods can see the IPs of users.
That's because he's a fraud. All the time he has been bashing Islam, can anyone recall this multi-faced snake ever criticizing other religions? Even when he was claiming to be an atheist back on the other forum, his problem was Muslims and Somalis. An atheist treats all religions like the rubbish they're. He's probably a Christian, rightwinger nutcase.

Look at his puppets show up out of nowhere to speak for him.

That's true, once I made thread about pagan roots of Christianity, comso (atheist) got mad and started talking about Islam and when I asked him not to derail my thread and just stick to the topic Christianity or try to defend the Christianity without bringing the Islam. He used his other account and made degrading thread about his dream of prophet Mohamed.


Pepe Trump
That's true, once I made thread about pagan roots of Christianity, comso (atheist) got mad and started talking about Islam and when I asked him not to derail my thread and just stick to the topic Christianity or try to defend the Christianity without bringing the Islam. He used his other account and made degrading thread about his dream of prophet Mohamed.

Other account? I never degraded the prophet!! Horta, lying is a sin remember that.

About the Christian pagan roots, that was just plain cheeky what you were doing. Christianity is bullshit (more so then Islam) but that doesn't mean you can't act hypocritical. How on earth could you address the pagan roots of Christianity when Islam is no different?

@SomaliSpotter All religions are equally false but not all are equally bad. I criticise Islam because it was the one I grew up with and know more about. I leave Christianity to the atheist who were born to it.


Pepe Trump
Do ex-muslims eat doofaar?

I tasted bacon and then I left Islam. I'll let Boromir explain:



You should try it.

I still get the don't-eat-it vibes instilled in me :mjlol: but for the times I've tried bacon (accidentally at first, as turned out). I agree it tasted good. Ham still looks gross to me, but haven't yet tried it.
i did they gave me the wrong order at kfc i took one bite and saw my life flash before my eyes then waa matagay drank 50 litres of water to wash out the taste i almost died
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