Af Maay

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I read this and laughed. So because we were 'within touching distance" of the Habeshi it means we ORIGINATED from near them? They could've invaded us, one plausible theory (it's about a song listing who the Habeshi king fought) or perhaps they used to live in Oromo lands (which border us) and this is also plausible because they owned them as slaves and it's well documented that they conquered the Oromo.

White academic are biased, they give to much credit to Abbysinia and place the Xabasha at the center of the history of the horn. in order to discredit Oromo and make legitimate Menelik conquest of oromo, Sidamo and Somali. they painted Amhara conquests of the 19th century as a reconquista: ethiopia return to central lowland and reclaim their lost territory thus the oromo as the largest nation had to be discredit as new comers. so they stated that oromo came from Somalia and Somalis came from the Arabs. if you read I.M lewis( so call expert of somalis) this theory become the central thesis. if you look at medieval Ethiopia from 13-16th century several ethiopian kings died in the war with Ifat, Harar, Zeyla and the Somalis clans. the last was Gelawdewos who was killed by Emir Nuur to avenge the execution of Ahmed Guray. only for the Emir, and Adal to fall to plague and oromo migration.
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