After 3 days of heavy fighting Somali Natives defeat Oromo invaders in Qoloji


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
It’s your women that are getting shot look. She got shot in jigjiga by Habashi not that long ago. She is a minister member of Parliament shot & killed by ENDF inside Jigjiga Airport. MP Juweiria died on the spot. Reports indicate 2 other MPs also wounded by ENDF. Your in gumeeysi.

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I can visit Harar because I border it with the Oromo at a place called biyo kulul.
look at the size of those hands caghdheer or gacmodheer?


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Can you pronounce that for me please? I’m having vision issues I can’t see properly. It says Ogaden correct?🤔
You can see on that map historically the territory that is now Doolo zone, and half of Qoraxey zone wasn't included in Ethiopia's Ogaden territory, it was added recently in 1980s by Mengistu and MSB.

MSB invaded Ethiopia in hopes of freeing his enslaved Rer Abti the Ogaden, but ended up losing MX territory to Ethiopia.

The average Ogaden till this day considers Wardheer border with Somalia, they don't realise there is about 100km east of Wardheer that is exclusively MX territory only the Makahil know this, and that territory was never part of the Ogaden.

MX did control parts of Ogaden though, Wardheer, Walwal, Caado, Yucub, Wafdhuug these are Ogaden villages on our border, but we don't control them today no do we have any desire to.


@SPMLegend they don't have 'balls' when fighting foreigner, that's why sultan barqash who ruled them got whooped in 38 minutes a world record. They love amisom in hamar also not Somalis. Their a weird lot of ppl bro, I say let them go extinct like all the other samaale clans oo magac keliya ka hartay, I don't get why Darods care for them. They even backed a tanzanian for world parliament against a Puntite. Dadkina ma aha, these ppl r slave minded and u cant change it.

