Albino somali?

What do you mean by caucasian phenotype ? The somalis i see don't look like caucasian. they look like black people with narrower nose and slightly softer hair. Even chinese kids can tell somali people are black.

This is how average somali looks like. Caucasian where ?

I can see two bantuweyn in the back. Xamar cadey The kinshasa of the horn :lol:
You don't get my point. Find another ethnic group that's not Dominican, Horner or Fulani that has this range of phenotype.

Look at Suldaan Seraar and then look at Sh. Shariif. As Somalis we can quickly point out that they're Somali, I don't know how but we can, even though they have completely different phenotypes.

Compare Barkhad Abdi and Abdullahi Yusuf, both look very Somali but have different phenotypes. We are unique in that sense, we don't have one look.
Anyone who doesn’t understand this fact hasn’t interacted with enough Somalis. End of.


i be lurking sometimes
i've met a somali albino dude on eid a few years ago, he had more dhaqan than me lmao. not surprising though as he is still somali.

