As i said before, Middle Shabelle's problem is the bandits who run it and it will not help any professor to fix it before they are removed that's why i said Hassan Sheikh bears the biggest part of the responsibility for this failure because he let the bandit Guudlawe to continue under Hirshabelle in 2016. Waare allocated 10 projects for Balcad at once that was big mistake It should have been distributed to all cities but he believed that it's better to focus on one city every time instead of being qabyo but all the projects failed because of Guudlawe and the mayor of Balcad Who asked the head of the projects to pay them facilitation amounts of money.
Ask Guuled wiliq they don't let him work unless he pays them.
in a place like that you can't remove "an elected bandit"
Ali Osoble removed Balcad mayor and appointed his own who was free from Guudlawe he even organised demonstrations agaist his illegal removal but after Waare was elected the first thing he did was to appoint a a guy picked by Guudlawe for Balcad. Waare who was mucaarad of F&F didn't like them taking advantage of his weak position in Jowhar so he turned a blind eye to Guudlawe corruption. now there is no need for Guudlawe under a friendly federal Govt. let us say if they select Sanbaloolshe or Abdirizaq Omar or someone from UPD he can change things in Middle Shabelle but not when you are at war with the federal Govt. don't blame reer Hiiraan for your failure and banditry and jufo retaliation over killings. Yesterday massacre in Warshiikh was between Galmaax this is your dhaqan job perhaps you want to send to you Ugaas Yuusuf to fix it for you. Hiiraan now lives in it's bet time without Hawadle president is Guudlawe behind this like it's liberation 3 months ago? stupid logic! we placed every thing under Jeyte and Xaaji dhagaxow gudoomiyaha gudiga fatahaada you reap what you saw.
there is no Maamul in Shabeelada dhexe at all for lack of accountability. lastly this madman uses the world laangaab are you even human?
Basically the same post and video twice. This is not healthy sxbim convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, Galmaax infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro.
meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in an area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro

Btw seeing as you watch everything Abgaal Cismaan related you know the guy who killed the driver in Balcad has been caught and in that Xadoole interview you posted he explains what the situation is in Warsheikh.