Ali Yare Calls for early elections in Hiir-Bandits to rescue it!


As i said before, Middle Shabelle's problem is the bandits who run it and it will not help any professor to fix it before they are removed that's why i said Hassan Sheikh bears the biggest part of the responsibility for this failure because he let the bandit Guudlawe to continue under Hirshabelle in 2016. Waare allocated 10 projects for Balcad at once that was big mistake It should have been distributed to all cities but he believed that it's better to focus on one city every time instead of being qabyo but all the projects failed because of Guudlawe and the mayor of Balcad Who asked the head of the projects to pay them facilitation amounts of money.

Ask Guuled wiliq they don't let him work unless he pays them.

in a place like that you can't remove "an elected bandit"

Ali Osoble removed Balcad mayor and appointed his own who was free from Guudlawe he even organised demonstrations agaist his illegal removal but after Waare was elected the first thing he did was to appoint a a guy picked by Guudlawe for Balcad. Waare who was mucaarad of F&F didn't like them taking advantage of his weak position in Jowhar so he turned a blind eye to Guudlawe corruption. now there is no need for Guudlawe under a friendly federal Govt. let us say if they select Sanbaloolshe or Abdirizaq Omar or someone from UPD he can change things in Middle Shabelle but not when you are at war with the federal Govt. don't blame reer Hiiraan for your failure and banditry and jufo retaliation over killings. Yesterday massacre in Warshiikh was between Galmaax this is your dhaqan job perhaps you want to send to you Ugaas Yuusuf to fix it for you. Hiiraan now lives in it's bet time without Hawadle president is Guudlawe behind this like it's liberation 3 months ago? stupid logic! we placed every thing under Jeyte and Xaaji dhagaxow gudoomiyaha gudiga fatahaada you reap what you saw.
there is no Maamul in Shabeelada dhexe at all for lack of accountability. lastly this madman uses the world laangaab are you even human?😂
im convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, Galmaax infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro.

meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in an area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro
Basically the same post and video twice. This is not healthy sxb :heh:

Btw seeing as you watch everything Abgaal Cismaan related you know the guy who killed the driver in Balcad has been caught and in that Xadoole interview you posted he explains what the situation is in Warsheikh.
im convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, wacbuudhan infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro

meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in a area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro
Basically the same post and video twice. This is not healthy sxb :heh:

Btw seeing as you watch everything Abgaal Cismaan related you know the guy who killed the driver in Balcad has been caught and in that Xadoole interview you posted he explains what the situation is in Warsheikh.
im demanding reforms not bashing Abgaal that is the difference. you want this to stop? fix the system not the boys who work for them! the boy was working for Balcad mayor what is the point of arresting him and leaving the mayor and Guudlawe alone? Hiiraan not allowed for degmos to have 1 checkpoint even Matabaan Cayr are not allowed. Gaaljecel not allowed we have unitary cashuur system in Liiqliiqato bridge and in Kalabayr. Gaaljecel truck only pays in liiqliiqato no other taxes until they reach Galmudug. Same Hawadle from Janta kundisho(east Baladweyne) to Galmudug. those who are arriving from Galmudug or Ethiopia they pay once in Kalabayr. they have boono that is the real taxes we are State. if we let evey clan, jufo, village to collect isbaaro there would be no services in Hiiraan.
"Wiilkaas haddii ay maxkamaddu xukun dil ah ku riddo, oo aysan ragga isbaarada leh ka hadlin waxaa ay noqon doontaa taariikhdii la kobciyay mooryaanimada.

Isbaarada waxaa wali jooga wiilal isaga oo kale ah, rag ayayna u taallaa oo meesha waabta ugu dhisay wiilasha; haddii aysan raggaas dambiyo laheyn waxaa qalad ah in wiilasha kaliya la ciqaabo."
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@Jungle sxb quit the FKD and stop this mess in your ends. Period

@Lurking stop embarrassing our state and make these isbaaro stop. You cannot blame Both Ali Osoble and Waare regarding Isbaaros because it’s your clan that’s is doing this to each other. Guudlaawe has less then 2 years left if you don’t resolve your own backyard then don’t blame us. It’s 2022 and you guys are killing each other for what?

Enough and stop this FKD.


@Jungle sxb quit the FKD and stop this mess in your ends. Period

@Lurking stop embarrassing our state and make these isbaaro stop. You cannot blame Both Ali Osoble and Waare regarding Isbaaros because it’s your clan that’s is doing this to each other. Guudlaawe has less then 2 years left if you don’t resolve your own backyard then don’t blame us. It’s 2022 and you guys are killing each other for what?

Enough and stop this FKD.
Ok then. Which region has absolutely no checkpoints then from LS to Hiraan & Mudug? Its absolute rubbish. You, various HG subs and GJ all have checkpoints. No such thing as isbaaro.

The capital is Jowhar everything next guy does will be overseen by us like the previous 2.

Every couple weeks its Abgaal Cismaan this or that. Abgaal cismaan gets alot of people views on fb, tiktok. Most of the people doing such videos are abgaal themselves boss, balwaan etc and XL & HG oo dhexda iskala qabsaday sheekada. Other times Abgaal waa qaran and they full of praise lol When HSM does something for them waceysle waye mise abti aan u ahay ha socoto:reallymaury:


You useless sewer rats keep butting into things you have absolutely no knowledge of.

It's funny that you lot keep talking about Guudlaawe and Qoor Qoor as if they are one and the same. You never see a sewer rat criticise Qoor Qoor alone without randomly mentioning Guudlaawe, and I suspect a lot of it stems from your little HG ego, which doesn't want to hold the L of having the most pathetic federal president, a man who is still bumlicking farmaajo in Turkey.

For us abgaals who know exactly what's happening within Hirshabelle now and prior to Guudlaawe's ascension, we are satisfied with his overall performance.

In fact, there are many clans in Hirshabelle, but the only people or clan talking sh*t about guudlaawe is the langaab Xawaadle. The reason is that they're bitter; they've wrongly convinced themselves that the Hirshabelle presidency somehow belongs to them and them alone, and when Guudlaawe gave them the middle finger and took the presidency, they were shocked. They did the only thing a langaab can do, which is spread fake rumours and propaganda against him day and night. Guudlaawe could literally cure cancer today, and the langaab xawaadle would still hate on him.

I will gladly accept these langaabs criticisms of guudlaawe under two conditions.

1) If there were no isbaaro issues in Hirshabelle under the two recent former langaab xawaadle presidents,

2) if there was also no interclan warfare in Hirshabelle under the two recent former langaab xawaadle presidents.

Anytime the above-mentioned issues occurred under Cosoble or Waare, I don't recall anyone, especially HG or Xawaadle, suggesting their replacement would've fixed everything.

The idea these langaabs are trying to push out there is very juvenile; replace guudlaawe with langaab xawaadle, and somehow these reoccurring issues will magically disappear—get real.

Hirshabelle is only a six-year-old state; it doesn't yet have all the basics or the resources to combat these reoccurring issues.

This does not mean it is Guudlaawe's fault; the man is simply playing the cards he got dealt, and he is doing a pretty bang-up job of it. He is certainly doing a better job than the former langaab victims.
I wish success but everyone is tired across the country. HSM is being let down by y’all constantly infighting. I see there’s even more infighting today which is a major disappointment.

HSM needs to get serious. If he wants succesful operations he needs to clean up this corrupt administration. A bunch of NN puppets are never going to allow him to succeed.

also calm down, you must have high blood pressure. You sure you ain’t got diabetes lol. I criticise QQ for years here. Who even the f*ck are you.
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I wish success but everyone is tired across the country. HSM is being let down by y’all constantly infighting. I see there’s even more infighting today which is a major disappointment.

HSM needs to get serious. If he wants succesful operations he needs to clean up this corrupt administration. A bunch of NN puppets Sea never going to allow him to succeed.

also calm down, you must have high blood pressure. You sure you ain’t got diabetes lol. I criticise QQ for years here. Who even the f*ck are you.
I agreed with some of his points beside the sewer rat bit sxb. You lot love to shine the light on us. Salebaan got pushed out of Qayib yesterday by alkabab and nobody made a thread sxb. Whats going on in Middle Shabelle has nothing to do with fronts in hiraan where XL, Murusade and your cayr sent to liberate others with not a single technical of their own.Odowaa qabso lakin Abgaal Cismaan shaqo iskuma lihidiin. About 8 of your people got sacked by Governor Madaale and replaced by abgaal. Meel kale aa laga haysta sxb. Dowlad kasto waa ku dulmantahay Xaan ku qabta hee
im convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, wacbuudhan infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro

meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in a area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro

im demanding reforms not bashing Abgaal that is the difference. you want this to stop? fix the system not the boys who work for them! the boy was working for Balcad mayor what is the point of arresting him and leaving the mayor and Guudlawe alone?
"Wiilkaas haddii ay maxkamaddu xukun dil ah ku riddo, oo aysan ragga isbaarada leh ka hadlin waxaa ay noqon doontaa taariikhdii la kobciyay mooryaanimada.

Isbaarada waxaa wali jooga wiilal isaga oo kale ah, rag ayayna u taallaa oo meesha waabta ugu dhisay wiilasha; haddii aysan raggaas dambiyo laheyn waxaa qalad ah in wiilasha kaliya la ciqaabo."

@Jungle sxb quit the FKD and stop this mess in your ends. Period

@Lurking stop embarrassing our state and make these isbaaro stop. You cannot blame Both Ali Osoble and Waare regarding Isbaaros because it’s your clan that’s is doing this to each other. Guudlaawe has less then 2 years left if you don’t resolve your own backyard then don’t blame us. It’s 2022 and you guys are killing each other for what?

Enough and stop this FKD.
this is a leaked video of Waare meeting with Hawadle. in this video he says "Hirshabelle waxaa asaas u ah Abgaal iyo XL, Guudlaawe waa leaderka Abgaal block wuxuu yiraahdo ayaa ka dhex socda" he adds" Culeyska iga haayay SFGda waxaan goaansadey in aniga iyo asaga aan isku team noqono" macnaha u fududee wuxuu rabo!
Cali Osoble had different approache he was allied with wacbuudhan Abgaal. Middle Shabelle used to be divided it was always Jowhar vs Balcad for example warsangali Abdi Jiinow Guudlaawe predecessor he atracked the wacbuudhan Balcad Mayor to annex it. Cali Cosoble's support of Banaadir had to do with Wacbuudhan support of him but the Harti Backstabbers worked with N&N bc they didn't like him having his own Balcad Mayor and special relationship with wacbuudhan. another thing waare tried to make reconciliation in warshiikh he was there your minister Abdikariim who resigned as reconciliation minister was responsible for this he opened gogol in Baladweyne since the UN are based in Baladweyne so he clashed with the warsangali Caadle who was seen by Galmaax as part of the problem so how can hawadle fix this when harti won't allow reaching out to Wacbuudhan? harti Guudlawe was supporting the harti Cabdulle caroone against Galmaax celi cumar and so the harti wasiirka gudaha caadle and harti taliya ciidanka saneey and harti Taliyaha police Dhicisow so they wanted to keep the reconciliation file under Caadle.
balcad against Cali Cosoble removal. you see then gudoomiyaha balcad col Xaadoole. waare left all Abgaal for Guudlaawe wich is why they had stable relationship in exchange he supported him against the Gaaljecel speaker who was used by the N&N and remained silent about him. Guudlaawe is a big theif he knows who is the best for him to work with; Waare leave alone my corruption in Middle shabelle and i promise you i will not be used by N&N like i did against Ali Osoble because he involved in the isbaaro house!

first thing waare did was to remove Xaadoole on behalf of Guudlaawe they installed the isbaaro one and he blames Hawadle. history has proven that Xaadoole is the best Abgaal leader.
Guudlaawe backing waare against the speaker

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I agreed with some of his points beside the sewer rat bit sxb. You lot love to shine the light on us. Salebaan got pushed out of Qayib yesterday by alkabab and nobody made a thread sxb. Whats going on in Middle Shabelle has nothing to do with fronts in hiraan where XL, Murusade and your cayr sent to liberate others with not a single technical of their own.Odowaa qabso lakin Abgaal Cismaan shaqo iskuma lihidiin. About 8 of your people got sacked by Governor Madaale and replaced by abgaal. Meel kale aa laga haysta sxb. Dowlad kasto waa ku dulmantahay Xaan ku qabta hee
Getting pushed back by Shabaab was a disappointment but theyre back. that happens all the time in war. Saleebaan do need to themselves be honest with each other, QQ is a failure yet they keep supporting him.

However constantly killing each other when the President is there and trying to make peace deals and rally the troops is insane. The whole country is watching. Also defending Guudlawe when everyone knows he’s a major isbaaro is another failure

This needs to be sorted or HSM’s administration has no chance of success in fighting Shabaab. Y’all attack Xawadle everyday lol and they cleaned up without any of this. Yet for months an operation is failing cos of a few drive-by.
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I agreed with some of his points beside the sewer rat bit sxb. You lot love to shine the light on us. Salebaan got pushed out of Qayib yesterday by alkabab and nobody made a thread sxb. Whats going on in Middle Shabelle has nothing to do with fronts in hiraan where XL, Murusade and your cayr sent to liberate others with not a single technical of their own.Odowaa qabso lakin Abgaal Cismaan shaqo iskuma lihidiin. About 8 of your people got sacked by Governor Madaale and replaced by abgaal. Meel kale aa laga haysta sxb. Dowlad kasto waa ku dulmantahay Xaan ku qabta hee
more lies 😂 Murusade anagaa ku dhib qabna oo zaadkii naga dhameeyeen we gave them safe passage to Ceelbuur and now they r back to maxaas we feed them every day because dhagdheer and Kheyre and their maalqabeeno don't support them for political reasons they want Hassan Sh to fail
. they r not in hiiraan to help us our borders with them are very safe. Cayr troops gone to warxoolo in Ceelbuur they were like moral support because only us we can't fight Al Shabaab. Qaayib is under control your sources are af shabaab.
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more lies 😂 Murusade anagaa ku dhib qabna oo zaadkii naga dhameeyeen we gave them safe passage to Ceelbuur and now they r back to maxaas we feed them every day because dhagdheer and Kheyre and their maalqabeeno don't support them for political reasons they want Hassan Sh to fail
. they never come to help us. Cayr troops gone to warxoolo in Ceelbuur they were like moral support because only us we can't fight Al Shabaab. Qaayib is under control your sources are af shabaab.
You as xawaadle don't give them single thing zaad kulaha . If they were reliant on you or out there on their own two feet they wouldn't of pulled out of Wabxo. They take orders from Villa Somalia and Odowaa as their most accomplished sargaal out there said himself. They get their ammunition and gram from Odowaa and Military of Defense.

You talk of Murusade like they're not ahead of you in the Hawiye totem pole despite living in Xamar and 1 degmo. You and sheikhal are on the same level and thats with you having half a region and all this military, mwiisleey and hub you speak of. That should tell you where you stand. Garta marki la goynaayo yaa wax ku weydiiyo adiga? laangaabyahow laangaabka dhalay. Middle Shabelle is in disarray apparently but when we come Hiraan its a red carpet. Bal kalay 3 nin oo xawaadle aniga aa roog u fidsho, gun ba tahay oo abtirsigiisa la garaneynin meel u galo.

Waa na ku talina. Hawiye dhamaan marke arin Xawaadle soo gasho anaa leyka weydiina istubidyahow hoosteyda ku nool
Getting pushed back by Shabaab is a disappointment but that happens all the time in war. Saleebaan do need to themselves be honest with each other, QQ is a failure yet they keep supporting him.

However constantly killing each other when the President is there and trying to make peace deals and rally the troops is insane. The whole country is watching. Also defending Guudlawe when everyone knows he’s a major isbaaro is another failure

This needs to be sorted or HSM’s administration has no chance of success in fighting Shabaab. Y’all attack Xawadle everyday lol and they cleaned up without any of this. Yet for months an operation is failing cos of a few drive-by.
I thought Ceyr troops joined the war in Hiiraan? What happened why is Ceelbuur still under Shabaab and why are you not getting credit for your efforts in Hiiraan? Horta are Ceyr still blaming Ceelbuur on Duduble and Murusade? The Isbaaro have been dealt with, by the end of this week there won't be single isbaaro but will Ceel Buur be liberated? Will Muqakoori be liberated? When will you guys get off of our nuts, these killings are facilitated by Shabaab, you guys have no business in inter Abgaal affairs. Don't be like the laangaabs who are bragging about dealing with 4th generation Abgaal jufooyin as a clan.

BTW Guudlaawe will finish his two years, only Hirshabelle parliament can get rid off him. HSM hands are tied. Not to mention Harti and specially Warsangeli will see it as an act of aggression.
I agreed with some of his points beside the sewer rat bit sxb. You lot love to shine the light on us. Salebaan got pushed out of Qayib yesterday by alkabab and nobody made a thread sxb. Whats going on in Middle Shabelle has nothing to do with fronts in hiraan where XL, Murusade and your cayr sent to liberate others with not a single technical of their own.Odowaa qabso lakin Abgaal Cismaan shaqo iskuma lihidiin. About 8 of your people got sacked by Governor Madaale and replaced by abgaal. Meel kale aa laga haysta sxb. Dowlad kasto waa ku dulmantahay Xaan ku qabta hee
Xawaadle liberated areas are majority nomadic there is not a single settlement between the tuulooyin, capture one tuulo its a free march to the next one. While we have to go check all the farms and villages surrounding a town. Not to mention East Hiiraan was never Shabaab stronghold. The shabaab strongholds in Hiiraan are still hundred percent under Shabaab. While in Middle Shabelle they have lost 90% of their major strongholds. These delusional online yappers are annoying and just that annoying.
You as xawaadle don't give them single thing zaad kulaha . If they were reliant on you or out there on their own two feet they wouldn't of pulled out of Wabxo. They take orders from Villa Somalia and Odowaa as their most accomplished sargaal out there said himself. They get their ammunition and gram from Odowaa and Military of Defense.

You talk of Murusade like they're not ahead of you in the Hawiye totem pole despite living in Xamar and 1 degmo. You and sheikhal are on the same level and thats with you having half a region and all this military, mwiisleey and hub you speak of. That should tell you where you stand. Garta marki la goynaayo yaa wax ku weydiiyo adiga? laangaabyahow laangaabka dhalay. Middle Shabelle is in disarray apparently but when we come Hiraan its a red carpet. Bal kalay 3 nin oo xawaadle aniga aa roog u fidsho, gun ba tahay oo abtirsigiisa la garaneynin meel u galo.

Waa na ku talina. Hawiye dhamaan marke arin Xawaadle soo gasho anaa leyka weydiina istubidyahow hoosteyda ku nool
kkkkk Murusade iskadaa oo isxambaar ku keenay maxaas oo ilaa hada dulsaar nagu ah we liberated Abgaal villages.

i don't care about Xamar but regionally we are second to HG and ahead of Abgaal. lastly Hawadle have 10 mps when Murusade got 8 mps despite being proper hawiye and use curadka hawiye name. this war has exposed that Abgaals are not close to Hawadle let alone kuwa aan isxambaarka ku keenay. yes we feed them they use out trucks as they left theirs in Xamar. they asked the Govt to paid for the planes to carry their trucks and they told them use the highyway like HG. they didn't paid their army for technical errors wasaarada gaashaandhiga still operates under Farmaajo system they only pay them if they stay in their barracks and they gone ceelbuur so they use our Zaad besides our livestock that are allocated for our macawisley. Hawiye are a mess except HG they don't want dawlad both Abgaal and Murusade.


I thought Ceyr troops joined the war in Hiiraan? What happened why is Ceelbuur still under Shabaab and why are you not getting credit for your efforts in Hiiraan? Horta are Ceyr still blaming Ceelbuur on Duduble and Murusade? The Isbaaro have been dealt with, by the end of this week there won't be single isbaaro but will Ceel Buur be liberated? Will Muqakoori be liberated? When will you guys get off of our nuts, these killings are facilitated by Shabaab, you guys have no business in inter Abgaal affairs. Don't be like the laangaabs who are bragging about dealing with 4th generation Abgaal jufooyin as a clan.

BTW Guudlaawe will finish his two years, only Hirshabelle parliament can get rid off him. HSM hands are tied. Not to mention Harti and specially Warsangeli will see it as an act of aggression.
murusade political issues are getting in the way. Cayr can’t fight Murusade and Duduble’s war if they don’t want to. We’ll support them when they want to.
murusade political issues are getting in the way. Cayr can’t fight Murusade and Duduble’s war if they don’t want to. We’ll support them when they want to.
SNA should go in no matter the clan like the fifth battalion wich is majority Abgaal fighting in Hiiraan, Macawiisley should operate in their own clan lands though. I see no reason to wait for Murusade and Duduble. They should be assisted if they are facing strong Shabaab resistance.
@Jungle sxb quit the FKD and stop this mess in your ends. Period

@Lurking stop embarrassing our state and make these isbaaro stop. You cannot blame Both Ali Osoble and Waare regarding Isbaaros because it’s your clan that’s is doing this to each other. Guudlaawe has less then 2 years left if you don’t resolve your own backyard then don’t blame us. It’s 2022 and you guys are killing each other for what?

Enough and stop this FKD.
Eebow you started this fkd, I'm still disappointed on OP for a grown ass man he was very petty. But I talked to @Prince of HS and demanded no fkd. He has refrained ever since, you should do the same with your cousin. I have no idea who @Lurking is, might be another sheegato.

It's a peace from my side.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Bro are you serious
Oh My God Reaction GIF
General Biixi here in Adale to stop Abgaal killin each other and assess the situation. They are lost without Sade wisdom

Hawiye qayaal ay ku noolyihiin anagaa dawlad u ah murusade iyo Abgaal markaasey umoodaan inay amisom wax ku yihiin🤣🤣

these are our boys in wabxo yet Murusade who can't fight own their own is head of us in hawiye who gives a f*ck about Hawiye we are ahead of Hawiye itself except HG 🤣🤣
They didn't paid them


General Biixi here in Adale to stop Abgaal killin each other and assess the situation. They are lost without Sade wisdom

:heh: speak to abgaal cismaan to remain safe in Xamar you mean. He never went to Middle Shabelle once since his close escape recently Orodo hiraan ku laabo dheh beledkaan yaa lugugu dilin.


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