Ali Yare Calls for early elections in Hiir-Bandits to rescue it!

im convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, Galmaax infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro.

meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in an area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro

Typical langaab faan iyo buuto.

Langaab xawaadle have literally been twerking in the two same spots in Hiiraan for full 6 months, the same spots that were liberated by Abgaal soliders based in Hiiraan under Guutada 5aad.

Biyo Cadde, which is a town much bigger than Maxas and Mokoqori, was liberated by Abgaal macawiisleey, and it literally received zero media attention. That should tell you us abgaal ain't with that faan iyo buuto.

Just a quick side note: I know this langaab did NOT just make a whole thread based on the words of the deranged Cali Yare, aka Mr. Jeeb Kujire - PATHETIC.

With all their faan iyo buuto, I can wallahi say Middle Shabelle will be 100% liberated before Hiiraan, and that's a fact you can take to the bank.

I would even go as far as to say that what's currently happening in Middle Shabelle is healthy, believe it or not. Because it's all coming out in the open, the isbaaro issues along with the interclan warfare that comes with it.

The first step to dealing with any issue is an acknowledgement of the issue, which Beesha Abgaal has done. All parties within our clan structure, from top to bottom, want to see these issues resolved once and for all.


Xawaadle liberated areas are majority nomadic there is not a single settlement between the tuulooyin, capture one tuulo its a free march to the next one. While we have to go check all the farms and villages surrounding a town. Not to mention East Hiiraan was never Shabaab stronghold. The shabaab strongholds in Hiiraan are still hundred percent under Shabaab. While in Middle Shabelle they have lost 90% of their major strongholds. These delusional online yappers are annoying and just that annoying.
Some of ours start it and then other hawiye + NN else with their own cuqdad go along with it on socials. Abgaal waa dad qalbi wanaagsan walle.

Getting pushed back by Shabaab was a disappointment but theyre back. that happens all the time in war. Saleebaan do need to themselves be honest with each other, QQ is a failure yet they keep supporting him.

However constantly killing each other when the President is there and trying to make peace deals and rally the troops is insane. The whole country is watching. Also defending Guudlawe when everyone knows he’s a major isbaaro is another failure

This needs to be sorted or HSM’s administration has no chance of success in fighting Shabaab. Y’all attack Xawadle everyday lol and they cleaned up without any of this. Yet for months an operation is failing cos of a few drive-by.
President was in Cadale 4 days ago. The guy who killed the driver has been apprehended


Warsheikh will soon come. There hasnt been any clan fighting since HSM Cadale declaration..

Warkaaga cadeeso sxb. You was a strong UPD supporter on here. Now you're not after HSM fucked over cayr lol. Do you now see HSM govt as Abgaal then or what? No more UPD?

You had him as your dp by himself lol now you have him and Roble nin sacad. Qabil kasto dad aan xil loo dhibin ee qabaan cayroow cidan iyo sufinimo ku qanca

As for Guudlaawe who you say has isbaaro. So do you think a xawaadle president in HS will come and tell people what to do and where to go in Middle Shabelle? You should stay out of Hirshabelle affairs besides being cannon fodder for XL. Your sna didn't choose to go to hiraan sxb. Waxa rabtid sheeg dulmanoow
Murusade military trucks have arrived now. all these days were relying on us, No trucks, No Zaad, No mushaar.
MP Jacfar travelled from Xamar by land to bring their tikniko and trucks. HG did the same but Murusade asked for planes to carry them and the govt said to them no.


Some of ours start it and then other hawiye + NN else with their own cuqdad go along with it on socials. Abgaal waa dad qalbi wanaagsan walle.

President was in Cadale 4 days ago. The guy who killed the driver has been apprehended

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Warsheikh will soon come. There hasnt been any clan fighting since HSM Cadale declaration..

Warkaaga cadeeso sxb. You was a strong UPD supporter on here. Now you're not after HSM fucked over cayr lol. Do you now see HSM govt as Abgaal then or what? No more UPD?

You had him as your dp by himself lol now you have him and Roble nin sacad. Qabil kasto dad aan xil loo dhibin ee qabaan cayroow cidan iyo sufinimo ku qanca

As for Guudlaawe who you say has isbaaro. So do you think a xawaadle president in HS will come and tell people what to do and where to go in Middle Shabelle? You should stay out of Hirshabelle affairs besides being cannon fodder for XL. Your sna didn't choose to go to hiraan sxb. Waxa rabtid sheeg dulmanoow
I still support HSM, hopefully he turns things around. Also grabbing some young yute who just follows the men above orders isn’t gonna solve shit. Caqli gaaga isticmaal, no one supports isbaaro and Shabaab.

This government is faltering if u can’t see that then I don’t know what to tell u. I ain’t here gonna sell some sob story about how things are getting better. We’re months in with the same useless SNA and police commanders. Shit has to improve, we can’t be waiting around while Shabaab blow up Xamar ninyahow. that zoobe qarax was the last straw for patience as I lost a cousin to it ffs, at this time I cba about the siyaasad. Losing so many ppl to a Shabaab war that has no plan is crazy. We are better of leaving the qabiils who want Shabaab to themselves if we can’t make progress in central Somalia for now. Just focus on blockading them


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Murusade military trucks have arrived now. all these days were relying on us, No trucks, No Zaad, No mushaar.
MP Jacfar travelled from Xamar by land to bring their tikniko and trucks. HG did the same but Murusade asked for planes to carry them and the govt said to them no.
Biggest fake news, how can such a large amount of equipment which is heavy and slow transit through AS held territory. HAG booto badana iyo been


Murusade military trucks have arrived now. all these days were relying on us, No trucks, No Zaad, No mushaar.
MP Jacfar travelled from Xamar by land to bring their tikniko and trucks. HG did the same but Murusade asked for planes to carry them and the govt said to them no.
Dhul Abgaal musan marin miyaa? Meqo boqol oo KM waaye? Mida kale Duduble dowladda technico iyo zuu u ma geynin dhuusamareeb? And HG hub is mostly concentrated in Galgaduud and Mudug anyway so what do you mean HG did the same? Ma sacad hubkiisa xamar ilaa wisil wado ku geeyay?

10% of what you say is true laangaab. Ina waqti badan ku gubaynin mataga aa soo qortid
Dhul Abgaal musan marin miyaa? Meqo boqol oo KM waaye? Mida kale Duduble dowladda technico iyo zuu u ma geynin dhuusamareeb? And HG hub is mostly concentrated in Galgaduud and Mudug anyway so what do you mean HG did the same? Ma sacad hubkiisa xamar ilaa wisil wado ku geeyay?

10% of what you say is true laangaab. Ina waqti badan ku gubaynin mataga aa soo qortid
yes gudoomiye makaraan waa with him from middle Shabelle to Hiiraan they r now with Cali Jeyte in tardo.

I just read this after i told you that inaan murusade ku dhibqabno interms of zaad and trucks. they have 3 big trucks of us that carry their soldiers we need them to move our ciidamo and macawisley. we r real dawlad listen to their gudoomiyaha ceelbuur calling us Qaran

Duduble paid for their planes not the Govt! Murusade didn't want to pay for themselvies. they have great mp like Jacfar, Qataatow, Gaylac but their businessesmen are with Kheyre who want this operation to fail him and Sh sharif so they don't give them penny.
here are the HG ones who used this highway since 2014
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yes gudoomiye makaraan waa with him from middle Shabelle to Hiiraan they r now with Cali Jeyte in tardo.

I just read this after i told you that inaan murusade ku dhibqabno interms of zaad and trucks. they have 3 big trucks of us that carry their soldiers we need them to move our ciidamo and macawisley. we r real dawlad listen to their gudoomiyaha ceelbuur calling us Qaran

Duduble paid for their planes not the Govt! Murusade didn't want to pay for themselvies. they have great mp like Jacfar, Qataatow, Gaylac but their businessesmen are with Kheyre who want this operation to fail him and Sh sharif so they don't give them penny.
here are the HG ones who used this highway since 2014
What evidence you have duduble paid? Murusade got some of theirs flown over to Beledweyne as well, just not the amount they wanted.

HG didn't leave xamar with any hub besides Xasan Jamici flown over and whos guuto was in LS. If they left by road we would of all known and it be reported everywhere.

'Listento Gudomiyaha Ceel Buur who calls us qaran' Gudoomiye aint been to his house and district for 15 years.
Sahal brought his gentlemen agreement sheeko

What evidence you have duduble paid? Murusade got some of theirs flown over to Beledweyne as well, just not the amount they wanted.

HG didn't leave xamar with any hub besides Xasan Jamici flown over and whos guuto was in LS. If they left by road we would of all known and it be reported everywhere.

'Listento Gudomiyaha Ceel Buur who calls us qaran' Gudoomiye aint been to his house and district for 15 years.

im talking about big trucks read the link i posted. Govt paid for ciidanka and some cars and light weapons.
this is the HG big trucks in the last link i posted
Muqdisho ilaa gobollada dhexe.

8-sano sano kaddib ayeey markale maanta suurta gashay in Gaadiid ciidan oo Muqdisho ka baxay ay gaaraan gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya.

Gaadiidkan oo ah kuwa culus ee ciidamada xoogga dalka ayaa loogu talo galay ciidamada qeybta 21-aad oo aan horay u heli jirin gaadiidka culus iyo kuwa gaashaaman ee ciidanka marka laga reebo Gaadiidka Cabdi Bile-yaasha oo diyaarado looga dajin jiray maadaama ay Shabaab haysteen wadada xiriirisa Muqdisho iyo gobolada dhexe.

Gaadiidkan iyo ciidanka Soomaaliyeed ee galbinaya ayaa wax ka yar 7-maalin u tagay Guriceel waxa ayna durba u gudbeen deegaanada Beriga Galguduud si ay uga qeyb qaataan baacsiga Al-shabaab.

Sanadkii 2014-kii ayaa u dambeysay in Gaadiid ciidan oo Muqdisho ka baxay ay tagaan gobolada dhexe ee dalka taasi oo muujineysa sida Al-shabaab u lumiyeen deegaanadii ay kaga dhuumaaleysan jireen wadada dheer ee Muqdisho iyo Galmudug.


im talking about big trucks read the link i posted. Govt paid for ciidanka and some cars and light weapons.
this is the HG big trucks in the last link i posted
Muqdisho ilaa gobollada dhexe.

8-sano sano kaddib ayeey markale maanta suurta gashay in Gaadiid ciidan oo Muqdisho ka baxay ay gaaraan gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya.

Gaadiidkan oo ah kuwa culus ee ciidamada xoogga dalka ayaa loogu talo galay ciidamada qeybta 21-aad oo aan horay u heli jirin gaadiidka culus iyo kuwa gaashaaman ee ciidanka marka laga reebo Gaadiidka Cabdi Bile-yaasha oo diyaarado looga dajin jiray maadaama ay Shabaab haysteen wadada xiriirisa Muqdisho iyo gobolada dhexe.

Gaadiidkan iyo ciidanka Soomaaliyeed ee galbinaya ayaa wax ka yar 7-maalin u tagay Guriceel waxa ayna durba u gudbeen deegaanada Beriga Galguduud si ay uga qeyb qaataan baacsiga Al-shabaab.

Sanadkii 2014-kii ayaa u dambeysay in Gaadiid ciidan oo Muqdisho ka baxay ay tagaan gobolada dhexe ee dalka taasi oo muujineysa sida Al-shabaab u lumiyeen deegaanadii ay kaga dhuumaaleysan jireen wadada dheer ee Muqdisho iyo Galmudug.
Radio Muqdisho reports that they went through east galgaduud. Who lives there? So your telling me they went past Cadale and coastal Adan Yabaal past Galcad?

You yourself were complaining about fiqi and al cadaala running sonna, radio muqdisho and I agree but you use their bs reports when you want to lol. SNTV is shared and SNTV Daljir unuka iska leh.
Radio Muqdisho reports that they went through east galgaduud. Who lives there? So your telling me they went past Cadale and coastal Adan Yabaal past Galcad?

You yourself were complaining about fiqi and al cadaala running sonna, radio muqdisho and I agree but you use their bs reports when you want to lol. SNTV is shared and SNTV Daljir unuka iska leh.
af Somali ma taqaanid miyaa or you just trolling? "waxay tageen guriceel waxayna durbo u gudbeen bariga galgaduud" they gone through Jowhar, Jalaqasi, Buuloburde, Baladweyne, matabaan guriceel in 7 days.

another link stating buuloburde and Baladweyne
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Just a few days ago, they were chopping each other up and now this?

And they have the nerve to say bullshit like: “Darisnimmo Abgaal baa leh”--- haaheeyo.

Acuudhu bilaahi minashaytaani rajeem, even a corpse isn't safe from them and can't rest in peace. Killing entire families including the 'lama taabtaan', and that's just how they treat their fellow Abgaal. I can't imagine what they did and do to others.

I can't wait when they start advertising about tourism and investment in this 5th circle of hell whilst this is going on.
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Facebook post?

Big fake news, caqli gal mahan.
Even ATMIS cant do that without helicopter support.
for middle shabelle nothing new there is Amisom in Mahaday 30km from Hiiraan since Farmaajo so you can reach to hiiraan from there after our Hiiraan forces reached Fiidow in the border and open gobolada highway. i posting HG army using it few months ago since 2014 for Hiiraan. the Abgaal side nothing new. our macawisley have a buffer zone inside middle Shabelle after Ceel qoryaale in the map so Makaraan the Governor of middle shabelle and mp Jacfar reached Hiiraan border first at fiidow through the highway and after that they turned towards our middle shabelle buffer zone behind Ceelbaraf wich makaraan can't go through. here inside middle Shabelle is where they met with jeyte who took them to Tardo. there is too much fake news on Abgaal social media that the two Governor met stright from their war fronts that why im not covering 🤣
this the map. here is our buffer zone between xalfooley and ceeldheere. al shabaab is in Ceelbaraf so makaraan entered from the highway that goes to jalalaqsi and then Xalfooley jidcad to tardo behind ceeldheer wich our macawisley controls. Abgaal are sooo desperate to claim our victory its too early please go and liberate your ceelbaraf, tawakal, Kawthar and adan yabaal first iskuma dhawin. jacfar im between ceelbaraf and ceeldheere(our bufferzone)

this wariye is with them. Shabeelada dhexe ay ka shidantahay
Al Shabaab controls Ceelbaraf exposing makaraan fake move! he gone through the highway and then qoryaale, Xalfooley, Tardo.


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Just a few days ago, they were chopping each other up and now this?

And they have the nerve to say bullshit like: “Darisnimmo Abgaal baa leh”--- haaheeyo.

Acuudhu bilaahi minashaytaani rajeem, even a corpse isn't safe from them and can't rest in peace. Killing entire families including the 'lama taabtaan', and that's just how they treat their fellow Abgaal. I can't imagine what they did and do to others.

I can't wait when they start advertising about tourism and investment in this 5th circle of hell whilst this is going on.
Ayeeyo isku xishood Abdi Aziiz aa lugugu soo dhaweeyay qaasatan jufadada

for middle shabelle nothing new there is Amisom in Mahaday 30km from Hiiraan since Farmaajo so you can reach to hiiraan from there after our Hiiraan forces reached Fiidow in the border and open gobolada highway. i posting HG army using it few months ago since 2014 for Hiiraan. the Abgaal side nothing new. our macawisley have a buffer zone inside middle Shabelle after Ceel qoryaale in the map so Makaraan the Governor of middle shabelle and mp Jacfar reached Hiiraan border first at fiidow through the highway and after that they turned towards our middle shabelle buffer zone behind Ceelbaraf wich makaraan can't go through. here inside middle Shabelle is where they met with jeyte who took them to Tardo. there is too much fake news on Abgaal social media that the two Governor met stright from their war fronts that why im not covering 🤣
this the map. here is our buffer zone between xalfooley and ceeldheere. al shabaab is in Ceelbaraf so makaraan entered from the highway that goes to jalalaqsi and then Xalfooley jidcad to tardo behind ceeldheer wich our macawisley controls. Abgaal are sooo desperate to claim our victory its too early please go and liberate your ceelbaraf, tawakal, Kawthar and adan yabaal first iskuma dhawin. jacfar im between ceelbaraf and ceeldheere(our bufferzone)

this wariye is with them. Shabeelada dhexe ay ka shidantahay
Al Shabaab controls Ceelbaraf exposing makaraan fake move! he gone through the highway and then qoryaale, Xalfooley, Tardo.
You make shit up as you go walle


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Just a few days ago, they were chopping each other up and now this?

And they have the nerve to say bullshit like: “Darisnimmo Abgaal baa leh”--- haaheeyo.

Acuudhu bilaahi minashaytaani rajeem, even a corpse isn't safe from them and can't rest in peace. Killing entire families including the 'lama taabtaan', and that's just how they treat their fellow Abgaal. I can't imagine what they did and do to others.

I can't wait when they start advertising about tourism and investment in this 5th circle of hell whilst this is going on.
Are you stupid or something? No one would do that for nus dollar, plus that account is Darood owned. As far as I am concerned everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit. There are no clan clashes in Warsheikh, Celi Cumar are all at peace with each other and know they are one. If there were I'd be the first to know, most of my family I talk to is Celi Cumar. Most likely just two families at war with each other.


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