Ali Yare Calls for early elections in Hiir-Bandits to rescue it!

Are you stupid or something? No one would do that for nus dollar, plus that account is Darood owned. As far as I am concerned everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit. There are no clan clashes in Warsheikh, Celi Cumar are all at peace with each other and know they are one. If there were I'd be the first to know, most of my family I talk to is Celi Cumar. Most likely just two families at war with each other.
It seems Daaroods have been reduced to peddling fake news. Responding to her insinuates she is sincere. Let them circle jerk around fake pictures, videos and made up stories.


It seems Daaroods have been reduced to peddling fake news. Responding to her insinuates she is sincere. Let them circle jerk around fake pictures, videos and made up stories.
You may stand around while someone is attacking your clan but I will not.
You may stand around while someone is attacking your clan but I will not.
What is the point its a never ending cycle. They attack, you attack back.....and it starts again. FKD gets boring after a while only deranged ppl can do it for years.
Bored One Punch Man GIF

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ar abgaal caadi maaha waxay qaateen taladii Yasin fareey dacaayada la idinka horeeyaa wax is badalay ma jiraan xadka Hiiraan shabeelada dhexe sidii Farmaajo u tagay kulahaa xadka Hiiraan aan gaarnay aboow aboow anagoo soo jeedna ayna dhacaayaan 🤣🤣🤣🤣

fadeexadii isbaarada iyo xasuuqii warshiikh ay ku qarinayaan markaaseey Jacfar horey u soo raaceen. Al shabaab aa noo dhaxeysa reer Cali Jeyte goal ay ka dhashteen markey isku masawireen

Allahu Akbar💪🏽

Waa labada guddoomiye ee Hiiraan iyo Shabellaha Dhexe oo lix bilood ka hor ku kala go'doonsanaa Beledweyne iyo Jowhar, halgan adag oo 3 bilood ka yar noqday mid guuleysta oo maanta sababay in Cali Jeyte iyo Axmed Faal ay salaan gacaltooyo oo qiimo badan shafka isku geliyaan xuduudka labada gobol ee ku bahoobay Hirshabelle, tani kuma imaanin baalaxoofteyn ama baryo ee waxaa dhaliyay geesiyaal u babac dhigey shabaabkii kibray ee degmo degmo iyo tuulo tuulo u kala awday Hiiraan iyo Shabellaha dhexe.

Dhab ahaantii waxaa u shahiiday geesiyaal badan oo u dhaartey iney xoreeyaan dadkooda iyo deegaankooda, ciidamada qaranka iyo dadka deegaanka (macawiisley) ayaa sameeyay howl galladii ugu qararaa ee lagu baacsanayo kooxda uu gabbalkoodu sii dhacayo ee Shabaab, illaa la isku abaal mariyo madaxyadii hor joogayaashooda oo la bixiyay kumanaan kun dollar.

Beesha Xawaadle ayaa astaan qarameed u ah una sii noqon doona halgankii bilowday, waxey noqdeen shumac iftiin badan iyo magac ay ka argagaxaan argagixisada, waxeyna ciidanka qaranka qeybihiisa kala duwan siiyeen kalsooni iyo garab u fududeeyay iney ka dhiirradaan sidii hore, wax aan aheyn amaan iyo duco uma hayo beeshan is bartey Somali iyo beelaha deriskooda ah, waxeyna gaareen in wiilashooda iyo gabdhahoodu ku laandheereeyaan baraha bulshada iyo in beelaha kale lagu xifaaleeyo haddii sida Xawaadle u halgami karin iska seexda.

Waa kaas maanta Abgaalkii la lahaa waa soo dildiloomooyaa maanta gaarey xuduudka Hiiraan oo gacan qaadaya walaalihiis Xawaadle, waxaa usii dheeraa iney ahaayeen beesha loogu xifaaleyn badan yahay illaa ay qaarkood is weydiiyaan sababta sidaan oo dhan loogu dhagan yahay iyo waxa ay galabsadeen, anigase waan ogaa ineysan aheyn xumaan balse ay aheyd dhiiri gelin, carraadin iyo in awood lagu tabayo laga sugaayay, Alxamdulillah waa kaas maanta is gaareen cirifyadii labada gobol, halgankana hubaal inuu sii socon doono illaa ay is gaaraan cirifyada Shabellaha dhexe iyo Galgaduud, sidoo kale Hiiraan iyo Bakool oo aan rajeynayo in maalmaha iyo bilaha soo socda la gaari doono guusha weyn.

Kuwa raba iney hoos u dhigaan guulaha la gaaray ee meelaha la wareega in Xamar ka dhaco qarax ha ogaadaan in dalku ku jira xaalad dagaal isla markaana cadowgu raadinayo aarsi iyo in laga mashquulo, kuwa sidaa ku doodaya waxey ogyihiin in Shabaab oo shan sano lala dirireyn ay geysan jireen qaraxyo is xigxigay oo ay shacab badan inooga xasuuqeen sanadihii lasoo dhaafay, waaba kuwii oo dagaal iyo guul darrooyin lagu ekeeyay hadda, laga xayirey malaayiin dollar, lagana qabsaday dhul ballaaran oo ay toban sano ka badan haysteen kuna ciqaabayeen shacabkeena.

Ileyskii halganka iyo mirihii guusha ayaa muuqda.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ayeeyo isku xishood Abdi Aziiz aa lugugu soo dhaweeyay qaasatan jufadada

You make shit up as you go walle
All that smoke she gave you and all you could say was ayeeyo isdaji, it shows how Abgaal worship Majeerteen Kingdom. Just like Geedi :pachah1:
ok i know now the road that makaran and Jacafar followed to reach the borders of Hiiraan it's not through mahaday and the highway. as i said before Abgaals reached a village between miirtaqwo and Ceelbaraf its called something like Qurac xaraare so from that village they gone stright to our bufferzone in Xalfooley between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere here they met Jeyte who took them to Tardo. that is new development i take back my words but Al Shabaab controls ceelbaraf. one Abgaal explains why they can't keep it.

"Ustaadow maadaama uu Ceelbaraf ku yaallo meel istiraatiiji ah, isla markaana uu isku xiro jihooyin kala duwan waa marka xaaladda Millatari la joogee; wuxuu 'u qaabeysan yahay si cajiib ah dhanka Hiiraan waxaa jihooyin kala duwan loo aadi karaa Jalalaqsi iyo buulabarde. Dhinacna Cali fooldheere Caadleey Miirtaqwe iyo Biyacadde ayaa loo soo aadi karaa, Ceeldheere iyo Aadan Yabaalna waa loo aadi karaa

Maxaa caqabad ah marka, Khawaarijtu waxaa ay si seddex xagal ah ugu hareereysan yihiin Ceelbaraf maadaama uu istiraatiiji yahay; meel Ganaweyne la yiraa oo galbeedka Ceelbaraf ah Khawaarijtu saldhig ayay ku leedahay, sidoo kale Cali fooldheerana saldhig kale ayay ku leeyihiin, halkaasi waa howd aan la iska arki karin oo aadan u jeedin qofka xataa laba tallaab kuu jira,
Ustaad si dhib yar ayaa labada meel ee aan sheegay lagu heli doonaa ee noo dulqaata, seddex roobsuge howl ayay wadaane"

Wadada Ceelbaraf xalfooley where they met heading to tardo. these guys were with Cali Jayte from Hiiraan.
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ok i know now the road that makaran and Jacafar followed to reach the borders of Hiiraan it's not through mahaday and the highway. as i said before Abgaals reached a village between miirtaqwo and Ceelbaraf its called something like Qurac xaraare so from that village they gone stright to our bufferzone in Xalfooley between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere here they met Jeyte who took them to Tardo. that is new development i take back my words but Al Shabaab controls ceelbaraf. one Abgaal explains why they can't keep it.

"Ustaadow maadaama uu Ceelbaraf ku yaallo meel istiraatiiji ah, isla markaana uu isku xiro jihooyin kala duwan waa marka xaaladda Millatari la joogee; wuxuu 'u qaabeysan yahay si cajiib ah dhanka Hiiraan waxaa jihooyin kala duwan loo aadi karaa Jalalaqsi iyo buulabarde. Dhinacna Cali fooldheere Caadleey Miirtaqwe iyo Biyacadde ayaa loo soo aadi karaa, Ceeldheere iyo Aadan Yabaalna waa loo aadi karaa

Maxaa caqabad ah marka, Khawaarijtu waxaa ay si seddex xagal ah ugu hareereysan yihiin Ceelbaraf maadaama uu istiraatiiji yahay; meel Ganaweyne la yiraa oo galbeedka Ceelbaraf ah Khawaarijtu saldhig ayay ku leedahay, sidoo kale Cali fooldheerana saldhig kale ayay ku leeyihiin, halkaasi waa howd aan la iska arki karin oo aadan u jeedin qofka xataa laba tallaab kuu jira,
Ustaad si dhib yar ayaa labada meel ee aan sheegay lagu heli doonaa ee noo dulqaata, seddex roobsuge howl ayay wadaane"

Wadada Ceelbaraf xalfooley where they met heading to tardo. these guys were with Cali Jayte from Hiiraan.

Wallahi You write a shitload of nonsense and claim everything under the sun, which is truly the most pathetic shit I've ever seen. The levels of delusions you're exhibiting tell me that you're clearly off your medications. May Allah cure you of what ails you - looool.

I was actually going to give a meaningful response with evidence from legitimate sources, but that's wasted on langaab claiming he took the most powerful hawiye clan from Shabelle Dhexe to Hiiraan laa hawl wa la quwwata illa Billah.

There are levels to this, and since you forget your place,

A: Abgaal/mudulood
C: Mursade
D: xawaadle/gaaljecl/gugundhabe
E: other

You have at best a D-class worm trying to compete with Beesha Abgaal; heck, even Hg, with all their faan iyo buuto and credit to them because they actually have some shit to faan about, have realised it is not in their best interest to challenge Beesha Abgaal.

You can do this "faan iyo buuto" on social media, which is oddly mixed in with some mega calaacal, but we both know that shit is different on the ground, and that should be a sobering reality check for you. You hate Guudlaawe but roll out the red carpet in Beledweyne; heck, even from the way you type and talk, I can tell you're a langaab within a langaab. I can bet any amount of money you ain't Cali madaxweyne, the ruling subclan of xawaadle.

F.Y.I guutada 4aad was the army that crossed from Shabelle Dhexe to Hiiraan, I trust you know who the below people are.

Col. Saneey,
Col. Bashir Sitey
Col. Shaah macabe
Col. Cali xuubeey etc.

Wallahi You write a shitload of nonsense and claim everything under the sun, which is truly the most pathetic shit I've ever seen. The levels of delusions you're exhibiting tell me that you're clearly off your medications. May Allah cure you of what ails you - looool.

I was actually going to give a meaningful response with evidence from legitimate sources, but that's wasted on langaab claiming he took the most powerful hawiye clan from Shabelle Dhexe to Hiiraan laa hawl wa la quwwata illa Billah.

There are levels to this, and since you forget your place,

A: Abgaal/mudulood
C: Mursade
D: xawaadle/gaaljecl/gugundhabe
E: other

You have at best a D-class worm trying to compete with Beesha Abgaal; heck, even Hg, with all their faan iyo buuto and credit to them because they actually have some shit to faan about, have realised it is not in their best interest to challenge Beesha Abgaal.

You can do this "faan iyo buuto" on social media, which is oddly mixed in with some mega calaacal, but we both know that shit is different on the ground, and that should be a sobering reality check for you. You hate Guudlaawe but roll out the red carpet in Beledweyne; heck, even from the way you type and talk, I can tell you're a langaab within a langaab. I can bet any amount of money you ain't Cali madaxweyne, the ruling subclan of xawaadle.

F.Y.I guutada 4aad was the army that crossed from Shabelle Dhexe to Hiiraan, I trust you know who the below people are.

Col. Saneey,
Col. Bashir Sitey
Col. Shaah macabe
Col. Cali xuubeey etc.

View attachment 244554
if im laangaab then why you obsessed with me when i placed you in my ignored list you still following me around like a bi 😂
Your makaraan was received in jidka Ceelbaraf by Jeyte bc he can't reach Hiiraan since Al Shabaab controls Ceelbaraf we had to reachout to him the proof id Jacfar himself stating him being between between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere aka the Xawaadle buffer zone then we took him to tardo and maxaas. Dabageed also stated tye same in his interview today that Cali Jeyte met them the same place. Leave alone these Murusade Yaryars who are now dulsaar on us and don't have a governor let alone State leader and lesser mps than us and remember even in Xamar we were ahead of them in the mid 90s when we had the airport. you are not a head of HG wich is number in Xamar economically and when amisom leavs you will go back to your North Mogadish slums behind Xamarweyne with no port or airport like it was before 2007 you should thank Abdullahi Yuusuf and Ethiopia for the current situation 😂

they r using Murusade against Hawadle so they can say you are not on equal footing with Abgaal stupid and brainless tactics 🤣🤣

Hawadle is ahead of you in Hirshabelle and right now occupies your land

Jacfar im between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere dhul Abgaal this is my last response to your thick moxog infested mentality

with Jeyt in Ceelbaraf road
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All that smoke she gave you and all you could say was ayeeyo isdaji, it shows how Abgaal worship Majeerteen Kingdom. Just like Geedi :pachah1:
What you expect me to say waa xalimo. Lets keep it real she can't say none of this shit irl where men can fkd n crack jokes about qabil. Extreme qabilist xalimos look weird among other xalimos as well so let her vent.

Nothing to do with her being mj sxb
if im laangaab then why you obsessed with me when i placed you in my ignored list you still following me around like a bi 😂
Your makaraan was received in jidka Ceelbaraf by Jeyte bc he can't reach Hiiraan since Al Shabaab controls Ceelbaraf we had to reachput to him proof Jacfar himself stating between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere aka the Xawaadle buffer zone. Dabageed also stated it in his interview today. Leave alone these Murusade Yaryars who don't have governor let alone State and lesser mps than us and remember even in Xamar we were ahead of them in the mid 90s when we had the airport. HG is number in Xamar economically and when amisom leavs you will go back to your North Mogadish slums behind Xamarweyne. f*ck your Hawiye BS man.

Get a job, naaya, mans out here writing long fake essays hating on Beesha Abgaal, I've dealt with you scums in the past and know exactly how you operate. You peddle fake news from other langaab xawaadle who blow smoke up their own arses. I thought the abgaals on this forum were doing a good job until you started peddling your fake shenanigans.

The best way to deal with you scum is to ask for legitimate sources to back up your claims. Because all you seem to post from is Xawaadle TV and other similar fake nonsense, and come on here and brag like you langaabs are some mega power. , behave, and understand that you're not on our level.

Our abgaal forces Guuta 4aad are in Tardo; where the meeting yesterday took place. If you langaabs are claiming you somehow made it into inside of Shabelle Dhexe, then post a single legitimate source to back up your claims, naaya.

Same old Kamal, the langaab tactics: writing long and meaningless essays full of your personal delusions
if im laangaab then why you obsessed with me when i placed you in my ignored list you still following me around like a bi 😂
Your makaraan was received in jidka Ceelbaraf by Jeyte bc he can't reach Hiiraan since Al Shabaab controls Ceelbaraf we had to reachout to him the proof id Jacfar himself stating him being between between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere aka the Xawaadle buffer zone then we took him to tardo and maxaas. Dabageed also stated tye same in his interview today that Cali Jeyte met them the same place. Leave alone these Murusade Yaryars who are now dulsaar on us and don't have a governor let alone State leader and lesser mps than us and remember even in Xamar we were ahead of them in the mid 90s when we had the airport. you are not a head of HG wich is number in Xamar economically and when amisom leavs you will go back to your North Mogadish slums behind Xamarweyne with no port or airport like it was before 2007 you should thank Abdullahi Yuusuf and Ethiopia for the current situation 😂

they r using Murusade against Hawadle so they can say you are not on equal footing with Abgaal stupid and brainless tactics 🤣🤣

Hawadle is ahead of you in Hirshabelle and right now occupies your land

Jacfar im between Ceelbaraf and Ceeldheere dhul Abgaal this is my last response to your thick moxog infested mentality

with Jeyt in Ceelbaraf road
Don’t turn Hiirshebelle into another Jubaland. At least all those people Abgal or not are Somalis who were born in Somalia, we’re dealing with an influx of refugees coming in from Kenya and Ethiopia in search of better opportunities. I suggest working with beesha Abgal, fight side by side, and enjoy the shebelle.


Don’t turn Hiirshebelle into another Jubaland. At least all those people Abgal or not are Somalis who were born in Somalia, we’re dealing with an influx of refugees coming in from Kenya and Ethiopia in search of better opportunities. I suggest working with beesha Abgal, fight side by side, and enjoy the shebelle.
Dont beg it from Hawiyes :ohlord:


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