AMISOM accused of involvement in lower shabelle clan fighting

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Oh quit your bullshit. HG was already in Lower Stabell, but more peacefully moved there after 1991. You only post stuff then twist it to fit your qabilist agenda.

And fighting has taken place around Merka among other places, which was described by Arab cartographer and traveler Al-Idrisi as the homeland of the Hawiya in the 12th century.

How did Harti end up in Kismayo again? :hmm: Is only one clan allowed to migrate on Somali land?
Difference is we didn't steal farmlands from the Bajuni who largely live on islands off the coast. Merca and it's surroundings has always been dominated by Biimals.
Oh quit your bullshit. HG was already in Lower Stabell, but more peacefully moved there after 1991. You only post stuff then twist it to fit your qabilist agenda.

And fighting has taken place around Merka among other places, which was described by Arab cartographer and traveler Al-Idrisi as the homeland of the Hawiya in the 12th century.
12th century :chrisfreshhah::pachah1::pachah1::mjlol::camby:
Same pattern since 1991 stealing the others tribes ' s properties from Mogadishu houses until today in PL and lower shebelle.

The solution is simple, go door-to-door and grab every HG in Shabile Hoose and put them on buses headed to Galmudug, where they belong. My Bimal cousins in Konfor are too nice. Build the Wall!
Difference is we didn't steal farmlands from the Bajuni who largely live on islands off the coast. Merca and it's surroundings has always been dominated by Biimals.
Really? Then how come the first mentions of any Somali people be that of the Hawiya in Merca, Lower Shabelle and Mogadishu?
The Hawiya still form one of the most important tribes of the Somali, and at the time when al-Idrisi was writing his book they occupied the coastal area between Ras Hafun and Merca, as well as the lower basin of the Webe Shebele. Al-Idrisiโ€™s mention of the Hawiya is the first documentary reference to a specific Somali group in the Horn, and it constitutes a very important testimony to the early Somali occupancy of the whole region. Later Arab writers also make references to the Hawiya in connection with both Merca and the lower valley of the Webe Shebele. Ibn Saโ€™id (1214-74), for instance, considered Merca to be the capital of the Hawiya, who lived in fifty villages on the bank of a river which he called โ€˜the nile of Mogadishuโ€™, a clear reference to the Webe Shebele. Yaqut, another thirteenth century Arab geographer, also mentions Merca, which he says belongs to the โ€œBlack Berbersโ€.

12th century :chrisfreshhah::pachah1::pachah1::mjlol::camby:
The first written reference to the Hawiye dates back to a 13th-century document by the Arab geographer, Ibn Sa'id, who described Merca at the time as the "capital of Hawiye country". The 12th century cartographer Muhammad al-Idrisi may have referred to the Hawiye as well, as he called Merca the region of the "Hadiye", which Herbert S. Lewis believes is a scribal error for "Hawiye", as do Guilliani, Schleicher and Cerulli.[8]
Really? Then how come the first mentions of any Somali people be that of the Hawiya in Merca, Lower Shabelle and Mogadishu?


f*ck Ibn Sai'd and Al-adrisi, they probably asked a Hawiye person who owned Merca, and the Hawiye person replied Unaka leeh. 12th century Merca was probably owned by D&M or Hamari people.
f*ck Ibn Sai'd and Al-adrisi, He probably asked a Hawiye person who owned Merca and the Hawiye person replied Unaka leeh. 12th century Merca was probably owned by D&M or Hamari people.
:draketf:They came in two different centuries.


The Origins of the Galla and Somali
Herbert S. Lewis
The Journal of African History

The solution is simple, go door-to-door and grab every HG in Shabile Hoose and put them on buses headed to Galmudug, where they belong. My Bimal cousins in Konfor are too nice. Build the Wall!

caqliga ha shaqeeyo sxb
Habargidir ama dowlad haku jiro ama shicib ha ahaado waxaa ku waajib ah inuu naftiisa dadkiisa iyo maalkiisa difaacdo.


Your superior
The brotherly tribes of HG and biimaal should make peace and come to a compromise. For their fighting will only empower those who hate them.

The taking of booliqaran properties In xamar is justified since the tax payer paid for those houses. It's like a thief calling the police to report someone else taking what he stole.

Happy holidays all
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