AMISOM accused of involvement in lower shabelle clan fighting

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The brotherly tribes of HG and biimaal should make peace and come to a compromise. For their fighting will only empower those who hate them.

The taking of booliqaran properties In xamar is justified since the tax payer paid for those houses. It's like a thief calling the police to report someone else taking what he stole.

Happy holidays all

Imam @waraabe you spoken the truth. Biimaal and HG should sort out their grievance in a orderly manner.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Collaboration Biimaal and AMISOM is only normal. Habar Gidir uses SNA equipment and disguise too which UN report even confirms.

Yes they "believed" the Arabic text that reads Hadiye is supposed to be Hawiye.

Hawiye sections live in Lower Shabelle but these are the Wacdaan, Abgaal, etc no Habar Gidir. Let's not spread Propaganda.

Where was Habar Gidir when the Bimal were defending Merca from the Italians?
@Discontinous HG can live anywhere in Somalia waa dad Somali but you can't go around confiscating lands like it was yours. I'm sure Hawiye has been present in the region for centuries and that's not the issue it's the fact that these Biimal people have been abused and have had their properties usurped by mooryans. I don't think you understand what the grievances of these people are. You're assuming they're objecting to HG presence, that couldn't be father from the truth.

Hopefully they work things out cause this tit for tat is only causing more suffering.


Lower Shabelle is properly the most resource rich region in Somalia in terms of agriculture potential. I can understand
the various competitions for resources in the region.
Collaboration Biimaal and AMISOM is only normal. Habar Gidir uses SNA equipment and disguise too which UN report even confirms.

Yes they "believed" the Arabic text that reads Hadiye is supposed to be Hawiye.

Hawiye sections live in Lower Shabelle but these are the Wacdaan, Abgaal, etc no Habar Gidir. Let's not spread Propaganda.

Where was Habar Gidir when the Bimal were defending Merca from the Italians?

I was going to ask them that. Did the HG from the 12th century leave Shabelle hoose and move to Galgaduud? Where were they in the last 700 years?

Wacbudaan live in the SH, but HG are recent immigrants.
Collaboration Biimaal and AMISOM is only normal. Habar Gidir uses SNA equipment and disguise too which UN report even confirms.

Yes they "believed" the Arabic text that reads Hadiye is supposed to be Hawiye.

Hawiye sections live in Lower Shabelle but these are the Wacdaan, Abgaal, etc no Habar Gidir. Let's not spread Propaganda.

Where was Habar Gidir when the Bimal were defending Merca from the Italians?
Ninyahow wax macquul ah sheeg, Biyomaal can not occupy or burn a HG farm then justify it by claiming they fought Italians.:ohlord:

We fought the italians too, using the pen.
@Discontinous HG can live anywhere in Somalia waa dad Somali but you can't go around confiscating lands like it was yours. I'm sure Hawiye has been present in the region for centuries and that's not the issue it's the fact that these Biimal people have been abused and have had their properities usurped by mooryans. I don't think you understand what the grievances of these people are.

Hopefully they work things out cause this tit for tat is only causing more suffering.
Your hate for HG is blinding you, we have always owned land, farms and businesses in the south, how do you think the thousands of habargidir born in the south like myself survived?
Habargidir and biyomaal have equal right to the land, isku dirka jooji.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
All I did was ask for the reason for the fighting.

I even heard that Habr Gedir own a large portion Hiraan. I wonder fighting will erupt there soon.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Collaboration Biimaal and AMISOM is only normal. Habar Gidir uses SNA equipment and disguise too which UN report even confirms.

Yes they "believed" the Arabic text that reads Hadiye is supposed to be Hawiye.

Hawiye sections live in Lower Shabelle but these are the Wacdaan, Abgaal, etc no Habar Gidir. Let's not spread Propaganda.

Where was Habar Gidir when the Bimal were defending Merca from the Italians?

Mudane Rooble. Is Hadiye a name in the abtirsi of the Biyamaal?
Mudane Rooble. Is Hadiye a name in the abtirsi of the Biyamaal?
No, it's a corruption of Hawiye.

As believed by 4 scholars from 1856 to 1957 and easily evident by using your brain cells :)

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cismaan maxamuud
Fucking hg claiming everybody's land picking fights with every tribe,it's not the biymaals fault Allah blessed you with a wasteland of a territory.The biymaal are one of the most noblest tribes in my eyes they have been resisting occupation since the 19th century and i support their fight with the hg parasites. Merka is the hometown of the biymaal and will be forever :fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
U stole a whole region....

From Boran and Orma (Wardei). We stole that land fair and square from Galla madow. Only after Darood conquered the land were Hawiye minority subclans allowed to live in the Juba valley. Darood wars with the Oromo are what opened up places like Afmadow and Joorey to Somali settlement. Even today Boni hunter gatherers live in the Joorey forests.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
From Boran and Orma (Wardei). We stole that land fair and square from Galla madow. Only after Darood conquered the land were Hawiye minority subclans allowed to live in the Juba valley. Darood wars with the Oromo are what opened up places like Afmadow and Joorey to Somali settlement. Even today Boni hunter gatherers live in the Joorey forests.

Bless the Beesha of tolerance. I saw an entire ummah in PL.



Suldaanka Gobyare
Mudane Rooble. Is Hadiye a name in the abtirsi of the Biyamaal?
I'm not sure about that. First that text says believed and because he calls it the country of the Hawiye that doesn't exclude the fact that Bimaal could have inhabited the city. For example Harti were mentioned as People of Maydh, 5 centuries ago and today we know its inhabited by the Habar Yoonis Isaaq.
Also Hawiye traditional history record the Dir as participating in early history of Mogadishu and Mogadishu is not far from Merca,


So without a doubt Biimaal were also present in the vicinity, especially since they were the ones who defended Lower Shabelle from the Italians.

But we know the Wacdaan Hawiye and Abgaal inhabited Lower Shabelle. Although there is absolutely no evidence to suggest Habar Gidir of living there. They are recent migrants and everyone will tell you so.
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