AMISOM accused of involvement in lower shabelle clan fighting

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Bal eeg beenta, Habargidir have always been pro-government under Gen Yusuf Siyaad Indhacadde and Gen Goobaale (AUN)
Here are HG (mainly habar eji ceyr) troops in lower shabeele, they stand on their own two feet without crying to amisom or al shabaab.

The only people being armed by foreigners are ex al-shabaab biyomaal militia oo rajo been ah loo sheegay.

Here is Amisom training them in their largest base, ceeljaale(biyomaal deegaan).

Its clear they want to loot HG farms but we will not allow it.
Beeraha waaweyn ee gobolka ku yaalo anagaa badankood leh waana difaacaneyna.

All I did was ask for the reason for the fighting.

I even heard that Habr Gedir own a large portion Hiraan. I wonder fighting will erupt there soon.

You are one sick person :pacspit:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Bal eeg beenta, Habargidir have always been pro-government under Gen Yusuf Siyaad Indhacadde and Gen Goobaale (AUN)
Here are HG (mainly habar eji ceyr) troops in lower shabeele, they stand on their own two feet without crying to amisom or al shabaab.

The only people being armed by foreigners are ex al-shabaab biyomaal militia oo rajo been ah loo sheegay.

Here are Amisom training them in their largest base, ceeljaale

Its clear they want to loot HG farms but we will not allow it.
Beeraha waaweyn ee gobolka ku yaalo anagaa badankood leh waana difaacaneyna.

You are one sick person :pacspit:

I was wondering not hoping you neef. If you look at the history you see trends. I know HG militias have already attacked Beled Weyne before, I am wondering how long it takes until we see a repeat.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I see this neef has already swapped up his clan propaganda :mjlol:.
I also love the unuka leh madness in action.

The only people being armed by foreigners are ex al-shabaab biyomaal militia oo rajo been ah loo sheegay.

Here is Amisom training them in their largest base, ceeljaale(biyomaal deegaan).

Its clear they want to loot HG farms but we will not allow it.
Beeraha waaweyn ee gobolka ku yaalo anagaa badankood leh waana difaacaneyna.


You are one sick person :pacspit:
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